[yadara turns off his tv]
Yadara: So I guess I'll have to use it sooner than expected.
[yadara laughs]
Yadara: oh, itami tameyori you made the wrong move.
[yadara walks outside the abandoned warehouse]
Yadara: So 24 hours huh.
[yadara looks up at the sky]
Yadara: itami, i accept your challenge.
[yadara uses his executioners strand to jump building to building to get to the city hall]
[itami and hikimi walk outside the city hall]
Itami: hikimi, once yadara gets here i want you to know you're the only one who can stop him.
[hikimi looks at itami surprised]
Hikimi: But how?.
[itami smiles]
Itami: you have a will to fight, you won't let anyone take you down unless it's yourself.
Hikimi: But that won't stop yadara.
Itami: it will, you just don't know it yet.
[mitsu runs towards hikimi and hugs her]
Mitsu: You did so well.
[hikimi smiles]
Hikimi: thanks.
Mitsu: So now what?.
Hikimi: we wait for yadara to arrive.
Mitsu: and if he doesn't?.
Hikimi: I'm not sure.
[mitsu tears up]
Mitsu: I don't want you to go, you're the only family I have.
[hikimi smiles then tears up]
Hikimi: don't you worry if I do get executed, just know I will alway be in your heart.
[mitsu crying]
Mitsu: I don't want you in my heart. I want you to be able to hug me when I need you and make me happy when I'm sad.
[hikimi smiles]
Hikimi: I won't let anything bad happen to me then.
Mitsu: good.
Hikimi: Why don't we go to the mobile headquarters and talk to Porthos and Toby about the situation.
Mitsu: ok.
[hikimi and mitsu walk towards the mobile headquarters]
Hikimi: Hey, after everything is done do you want to go on a date?.
[mitsu looks at hikimi surprised]
Mitsu: Sure, why not.
[hikimi smiles]
Hikimi: Look, I know you're worried about me but I won't let anyone do anything to me as long as you're with me.
[mitsu tears up]
Mitsu: really?.
[hikimi smiles]
Hikimi: really.
[yadara jumps on to the roof of the city hall]
Yadara: wheres narimo!!!!!.
[itami smiles]
Itami: all divisions prepare your weapons and on my word fire!!.
[divisions 1 through 9 point their guns at yadara]
[yadara smiles]
Yadara: itami!, you know guns don't work on strand users!.
[itami smiles]
Itami: I know, but if it distracts you I'm willing to do anything.
[yadara laughs]
Yadara: Also, it's really cute how you used the plan you used to stop Inaba with to try and stop me.
[itami smiles]
Itami: I'm glad you think so.
[itami points at yadara]
Itami: fire!!!!!.
[divisions 1 through 9 open fire on yadara]
[yadara smiles]
Yadara: Now the fun begins.
[yadara dodges all the bullets]
[itami smiles]
Itami: You did good blocking those bullets.
[yadara smiles]
Yadara: thanks.
[mitsu puts her hand on itami's shoulder]
Mitsu: So now what?.
Itami: send hikimi up to the roof and get Toby and porthos into position.
[mitsu looks at itami surprised]
Mitsu: You can't.
[mitsu tears up]
Mitsu: You can't do this to her.
[itami glares at mitsu]
Itami: go send hikimi up to the roof and get porthos and Toby into position, i'm not asking you that's an order.
[mitsu crying]
Mitsu: I can't, I can't do this to her.
Itami: Fine, I'll do it myself.
[itami slaps mitsu out of the way]
Itami: hikimi go to the roof, now!.
[hikimi looks at itami surprised]
Hikimi: ok.
[hikimi walks towards the city hall and stops to see mitsu]
Hikimi: Are you ok?.
[mitsu crying]
Mitsu: don't go!.
[hikimi smiles]
Hikimi: everything will be ok.
Mitsu: no it won't, nothing will change if you go on that roof!.
[hikimi kisses mitsu]
Hikimi: There, I'll be back as soon as I can.
Mitsu: don't go!.
Hikimi: I have too.
[hikimi smiles]
Hikimi: If anything happens just remember I will always be with you.
[hikimi walks towards the city hall]
[mitsu crying]
Mitsu: no!!!!.
Mitsu: please don't do this!!!.
[hikimi turns around and smiles while tearing up]
chapter 47 February 25th