~Switching off phone in process....~ It said then the phone went off.
"Ooh let me sleep tomorrow is a long day," I told myself.
I feel light strike my eyes
"Damnn, " I screamed closely opening my eyes.
"Hey yo, its morning already, time to wakeup and breakfast is ready...So go and bathe," He said after opening the second curtain.
"Oooh...Your already in uniform, why??," I asked.
" Cause am a quick doer," He answered.
"Huh? Ok cool," I said waiting for him to get out.
"Cool," He said getting out.
"Ooh...he is just exactly like Tess
but just missing the morning
tease," I thought.
"My pathetic life once again," I said lazily moving from my bed.
I bathed and dressed up quickly....then headed directly to the kitchen.
"So what are we eating?," I asked Jacob already seated in the dining.
"Your favorite food," He said slightly grinning.
"Great then," I replied.
"Indeed he is exactly like Tess," I thought.
"Yooo....Hey bro what are you thinking of?," He asked curiously.
"Huh? How did you know I was thinking of something? ," I asked.
"I know that face properly...How can you ask your best friend such a question?," He also asked teasingly.
"Hahaha, you and Tess are completely the same...you over tease," I said mockingly.
"Haha, I bet that's what you were thinking' of," He said.
"Damn youuu.....anyways we better go to school," I said standing from the table.
He also stood and we washed our hands and went through the lift to the last floor.... Peterson was there waitin' for us.
"Good morning Mr. Acker and Mr. Jacob," He greeted.
"Good morning Peterson," I replied.
"Good morning Peterson," Jacob also replied.
"Mr. Acker here are the posts you asked me to make," He said making a soft bow while giving them to me.
"Thank you so much, " I said.
"Its a pleasure sir," He said.
He then opened the door for us and waited us to enter to close.
The car started.....
"We have reached ," I said when he parked the car at school.
"Yh...Now let me get out and save you from those witches," Jacob said getting out of the car.
"Ahhhhh hey! JUSTINNN get ouuuuttt hhheeeyyyy..aaaah heyyyyyyyy Justin we loveee youuuu….heyyy youuuuu jussssttinnnnn gettttt out," They said screaming all running from the main building to the parking.
"Hey pave way...Get out the way heyyy," Jacob said passing in between them.
When i saw that, i got out of the car and quickly followed him from behind.
"Justinnnn...I love youuuuu," A girl just next to me screamed.
"Me i don't ," I said to her and she started crying instantly.
"Justin walk quickly," Jacob said after seeing the girl who was crying.
When we reached Jacob served the posts and people started putting allover the school walls.
When we were going to class we met Alicia and her bestie Rachel coming from the direction we were going.
"Hey Justin, hi Jacob," Alicia greeted.
"Hey Alicia how are you?," I asked.
"Am good but I have a question ," She said.
"Ask," I said to her.
"There are posts allover the school, inviting the all school on a night party...On the posts its written the richest boy in the all school and they draw on it a huge house which is like a palace written on Mr. Robert Acker..OMG its so exciting....I know it's Mr. Acker's house cause I follow him everywhere and am obsessed with his fantom life, he doesn't expose himself so much that's why I don't know his child...I know his wife passed away but who is the child ? People are saying its a boy and he is in this school…Do you guys know who the child is?" She asked excitedly.
"Hahaha...Yes the child is in this school but wait, wait you sincerely don't know the richest boy in the all school, Mr. Robert Acker's son?," I asked teasingly
"Ow...but am just from telling you I have no idea," She said.
"You will soon find out," I said mockingly and continued walking.
"Wait...JUSTINNN," She said running after me and left Rachel behind.
"Nooo, no nooo...Find out," I said turning to her....Then I continued.
"Oooh ok...Rachel tell me," She turned to her best friend.
"Wait seriously...I thought u were joking.
"No I aint," Jessica said.
"Haha…it's very weird that you don't know him, yet he is your friend," Rachel said teasingly.
"Huh? My friend, I have no idea…Ok we do this, I mention names randomly and when I say the right one you nod to show that you agree, ok?" Jessica asked.
"Ow OMG! Jessica," She said rolling her eyes.
"Is it Liam or Jacob, maybe Jus-….
"Nooo, Just attend the party and you'll know," Rachel said interrupting.
"Common Rachel don't do this to me,"
"Haha, just give-up baby girl I won't tell you," She said mockingly
~Jacob pov~
"So…Justin why didn't you just tell her, huh?," He asked teasingly.
"I just wanted to be more like….let's say more funny," I answered slightly grinning. Honestly I had no answer for that question, I even don't know why I did that…but it's Jacob I have to answer to prevent him from teasing me more, which he does every time.
"Oooh and since when did you start being "funny" and with a girl moreover? remind me," He asked teasingly.
"She is just a friend," I said honestly.
"Oh! now you befriend girls? That's DOPE yes that's G you ...You should also think about allowing other girls who die for you to be your friend, right?," He asked teasingly.
"No no no! I don't need no other body," I answered.
"Why not?," He asked teasingly again.
"Haaaha...Jacob stop teasing' stop it," I said mockingly.
"Whatever....but you should really be friendly to other girls, if one is good then others can also be, don't you think so?,"
"Well...I don't know, she is just different from oth- anyways we drop that topic and think of the party instead," I said changing topic.
"No dude! Check out...Jessica has eyes and knows that your very anti-social with girls, seeing you with Alicia will definitely make her mad...U know she is psycho she might do something to her, that's a sure deal...Get other female friends to confuse her," He emphasized.
"Well your right that witch is really dangerous but she is not the case right now we will plan about her later...right now the party is more important," I said.
"Well...ok, What do u suggest for the party?" He asked, making me go deep in thoughts.
"Well let it be a costumed party…How do you see that?," I asked him curiously waiting for a clear positive or negative response so I could spill out my other suggestions.
"That's perfect I think it will do it," He agreed.
I nodded, satisfied of my idea but still disappointed with his snappy and boring response…not even starting up a small debate, but of course he has no word when I have spoken.
"Well let's rest today, and tomorrow Peterson will bring some mask designs so that we can pick our choices," I said then he nodded in agreement.
"Alexa you know what to do?" I asked my phone curiously, to see if my adjusted settings were processed successfully.
~Yes Justin, sending Mr. Peterson a message, in process…~ It said.
"I think Peterson will look for the designs the all day and then tomorrow, he will bring them," I said confidently.
"For the all day, Are you sure he will?," He asked confused of my confidence when speaking of my personal driver, I was speaking confidently meaning nothing can go wrong with Peterson. And indeed I do trust him because my mum trusted Peterson so much, and the period when she had an accident that led to her death…Peterson wasn't around, he was just from recovering from his sickness so he was told not to come for a week…The disastrous week, the week when the world decided to take one of my angels, lucky enough it can't take everything…It left me with two other angels, I don't even need to say there names cause everyone knows them including themselves.
"Yes I trust him," I said with no doubt.
"Ok then, I ought for no disappointment," He said already heading to class, I followed him.
The lesson was quite boring, obviously because I already knew everything the teacher was saying…I make sure to be ever ahead the teacher in all subjects, so I can relax when others are busy reading, I just wanted the lesson to end in a snap cause it was peculiar and rowdy on my side.
Checking on the watch was my new job in class, as if I never came to study. Finally I heard the saving sound, the sound of the bell. "Finally," I sighed in relief internally. In just a second the room became empty, everyone scattered and dispersed…Me who thought I was the only one who was embossed of the lesson, I was literally wrong.
"Justin," I heard someone call me in the crowd, my first thought was Jacob obviously, so I looked behind curious of what he wanted to tell me but in my surprise, it was Alicia. "Wait what? Did my ears stop functioning or a girl called me and I heard the voice as Jacob's," I thought.
"Justin, hi ," She said snapping me out of my thought.
"Yes, sap ," I said thinking of what she could want from me.
"Nothing really, I was asking if you are going for the party that the fabulous and mysterious son of Mr. Acker is organizing," She said day dreaming, as if she was talking about a bright star which turns dreams into reality.
I chuckled after seeing how just saying that word 'Mr. Acker's son' makes her daydream…At that right moment I wondered which face she would make after knowing that it's me her prince charming. Well, I still wanted to enjoy her excitement.
"No, partying isn't really my thing…You get it?," I asked.
"Yes I get it…but you can't miss that, it will be the biggest party in the all school…Check the house, it's as big as a palace…No one would miss that!" She said showing me the pictures of the house on her phone. I chuckled even more knowing that am looking at the house attentively like if I don't see it everyday.
"Woow! It's so big and beautiful," I said acting ignorant.
"Yep, now are you coming?," She asked with excitement full in her voice.
"I'll think of it," I replied.
"Just please come," She pleaded.
"Your obsessed with Mr. Acker's son, not so?," I asked teasingly.
When she heard what I said she instantly turned red like a tomato. "He is my prince charming, his life just amazes me…I would like to just be his friend,"
" Only your friend, you say?," I asked teasingly.
"Well, I would like us to be more than friends but I know he can't like somebody like me, am low class compared to him," She sadly admitted.
"The future is grim but it can surprise you, never give up," I said touching her shoulder for comfort.
"Thank you Justin, hope to see you at the party," She said.
"Don't be so sure, I might not attend," I said mockingly.
"Well, I hope not," She said.
"Bye Alicia," I said heading to Peterson.
"Good afternoon sir," Peterson bowed before opening the door for me.
"Good afternoon Peterson," I responded then entered the car, Jacob was already inside.
Peterson entered and started driving instantly.
"Sir am working on the designs but by tomorrow morning I'll have them," Peterson said still driving to home.
"Ok cool, I trust you," I said and continued with my phone until we reached.
We went through the lifts and reached the dining.
The maids organized a table full of different foods for our supper. We were both too exhausted so we sat in the dining before even heading to our rooms to change.
"So it seems sir delayed cause he was with someone," Jacob said teasingly.
"Who is that?," I asked mockingly.
"Who else, of course the one and only…. Mrs. Alicia,"
"Common it was just a friendly talk," I explained.
"Ok, that's G, that's great but in the friendly talk process as you are saying… did you tell her that the anonym prince charming she has a secret crush on, is you?," He curiously asked.
"Huh, not exactly," I said.
"Not exactly so you told her nothing, huh?,"
"Yeah, seeing her excited like that just made me hesitate to tell her," I explained.
"But bro No! You have to tell her and quickly," He suggested.
"Well yeah I know but I will leave it a surprise and see her reaction," I said.
"But just don't spoil everything,"
"Don't worry about that and eat your food," I said changing topic.
"Yeah I had totally forgot about food," He said serving himself food.
After eating food, we both headed to our rooms, bathed and slept.