"I can understand that. But where do I or whoever fit in as a personal assistant?" Heather. She could understand Eirwin's desire to figure out a way to break the curse and why he would want revenge after his only family were behind him being rejected and having no choice but to join the human world, but where a personal assistant fit in with his plans didn't quite make sense to her.
"As I explained to you before I need someone to help keep my real identity hidden and manage my public image in order to avoid any scandals or my true identity getting out." Eirwin replied he stood up from the table.
"I will continue to explain everything to you while we walk, but there's some place else that would be better suited for this conversation." He explained to her as he indicated for her to follow after him. Heather reluctantly did so. She was rather enjoying sitting in the comfortably warm room and wasn't looking forward to having to deal with the cold of the rest of the house again.
"As I was explaining before though, image management is only one aspect of what I need you to do. I have enough employees and sense to manage the business myself. Dragons have more then enough time to figure such things out and become successful." He continued as they left the dinning room and headed in the opposite direction of where Eirwin's collection was located.
"What I need is someone to help me to do the back research on finding a way to break the cure. I don't have the expendable time to do both and can't afford to take a break from work to do it since money is a necessary part of the process I have found. Plus people would wonder why I suddenly disappeared."
"So you would be expecting me to do the research for you?" Heather asked hesitantly as they stopped outside of the door. This one looked different from the rest as it seemed more heavily closed off from the rest of the house. There was even a scanner outside of the door that required Eirwin to use his hand print to verify that it was him before he entered. What could be inside that room that he would guard more heavily than his collection? Heather wondered as she tried to peek around him to see once the door was open. She couldn't see however because the room was pitch black as there was no light shining inside.
"That's exactly what I am expecting from you." Eirwin replied as he turned on the light which caused the room to brighten up so quickly that it ended up hurting Heather's eyes.
"You'll be well compensated for the work, of course. I'm not asking you to do without having already collected a number of resources either over the years that I think might hold clues." What Heather saw in this room caught he off guard once again.
All the walls in the room were filled with book cases with various books, notebooks, scrolls and other items. Things she wasn't sure that she had ever seen before. She was certain that there was more than just that in the room, those were just the first things that she laid her eyes on.
"You mean to say that this is all the research that you've been collecting?" Heather asked as they walked further into the room.
"Yes. I have been searching for decades after all. Alfred has helped since his schedule has been more flexible. Black market merchants and traders have also been willing to sell me certain things over time for the right price.
"They aren't even all in English!" She exclaimed as she looked at one of the scrolls that had been left unfurled on the rather large table that had been positioned in the room.
"You can read it? I'm impressed, there aren't many people that can read Kambish." He said as he came to stand over her shoulder. Heather didn't reply to what he said right away as she as too absorbed in reading the scroll.
"I have been doing a lot of personal research over the years myself. Picked up quite a few languages along the way at least enough to be able to read things that I found interesting." Heather replied as she looked up the dragon.
"What are you doing with something like this though? It has nothing to do with dragons."
"On first appearance, no. However, I have found that there are a number of different things that inter-connected with what I am looking for. Which is why I need help weeding through everything because tracking when and where at what point in time is proving to be difficult." Eirwin replied.
"According to Alfred, he had picked up because it seems that you've been spent a lot of time after college learning about different mythical creatures and being a bit of an adventurer." The dragon didn't miss the change of surprise on her face when he brought this up.
"How did he find that out? That isn't something that a lot of people around here know about?" How much had the wendigo looked into her and how did she not know about this. Eirwin shrugged his shoulders in response.
"He doesn't often reveal his sources to me unless there is a reason to. I personally don't see it being much of something to worry about and want to hide. Especially when it could be useful in situations like this."
"Where I come from there are plenty of reasons to want to hide that kind of thing. Not everyone approves of it." She grumbled under her breath.
"You think that there is some reason I should not know about this?" He then asked with a raised eyebrow trying to understand what problem the woman in front of him was having.
"No. I don't think that there's any reason for you to not know. I just prefer to be able to tell people things without worrying about who is spying on me and why without letting me know or just asking directly." She retorted. She knew that it wasn't that huge of the deal considering the reason behind why it was done, but that didn't mean that she liked it any more.