(This chapter might be triggering. Continue with caution)
I meant it. He was a walking angel if any such thing existed. My stalker had almost broken me. He would have succeeded if they hadn't come knocking on my door. My head was a storm of varying emotions. I had a knife on my throat when they had called. I could not even begin to imagine the things that ran through my mind before they knocked.
"Hello, ma'am," A female officer approached me with a polite smile. "I am Officer Estella Lozano. The desk sergeant informed me of your situation. A statement about some car accident. Do you care to elaborate?" She requested politely. I dared say more politely than any officer who had been involved in my case. At least she did not write me off at first sight.
I stood up, wiping my sweaty hands of my sweatshirt while taking quick glances at every turn before I answered.
"Yes, I was attacked by a car a few hours ago. He got out once he had successfully hit me and told me to stop resisting him." I revealed to her, wondering if I was saying too much. My voice wobbled as I dared to continue. "I have reason to believe my attacker is the madman who has been stalking me for months now." I tried expatiating.
"I see," The officer scribbled in her pad before shutting it abruptly. Even that simple act sent shivers down my spine. "Follow me please." She said before turning and walking away through a set of double doors, leading to what I believed was the squad room. I got on my feet to follow her. As I followed her diligently, I felt something odd. It made me peek behind my shoulder and I realized that Rhys and Christian were not tagging along. It almost made me take the words I had said to Rhys back. Walking into that squad room without two human shields sent hysteria madly through my veins. I noticed Christian's hands gripped Rhys'. He was holding him back and speaking in hushed tones. I had a feeling Christian had it out for me. There was just something about his relationship with Rhys that made it seem like I was a third wheel trying to ruin whatever it was they shared.
As disappointing as it was, I pushed the hurt aside and continued behind the officer as we disappeared even deeper within the station. We came to a stop at the squad room and Officer Lozano pointed at a chair implying that I sit. I did as she had instructed and waited for her to sit as well.
She shut the squad doors and returned to sit opposite me. "Alright, sweety, I will be the officer handling your car for now. May I know your full name?" She asked in a precise cold professional voice.
"Sienna Reid," I replied her.
"Your birthday and age, please."
"June 29, 1999. I'm 23."
"Your home address, and could you repeat your ordeal. I know it is a painful memory to keep trying to remember but you have to try Sienna. Every bit of information will be crucial to us. Can you do that Sienna?" she asked me kindly. Kinder than any smug bastard that handled my case.
I gave her an affirmative nod and proceeded to tell her my current address. Then I tried my very best to remember every single detail of what took place before, during, and after the attack.
"Someone is stalking me," I began, taking a long pause to observe the officer's reaction. The nightmare officer who had been tied to my case three times in a row had always had a jolly good laugh each time the word stalker left my mouth. It was only natural for me to expect the same reaction from her. Right? The officer's gaze was on me but her right hand was madly scribbling my story in her notepad. "My stalker plays this cruel game of hide and seek and despite how hard I tried to hide from him here, he found me again, sending vulnerable pictures of me and threats. When I was certain I could not take it anymore, I decided to hire protection or maybe have someone who was not in the force to look into it, so I went to Safe haven, a private bodyguard agency. After I met with them, I tried to get a bus. That was when I suspected I was being watched. I tried to get it off my mind but my gut feeling was not at peace. That was when I noticed the car."
"Did you see the plates?" Officer Lozano interrupted.
"No." I was quick to say. "He was smart enough to tape his plates and cover his face. When I realized it might be him, his engine revved up and he began to chase me. I... wanted to run into an alley to hide but I was afraid...I was afraid he had accomplices. Then out of nowhere, his car came a little too close and sent me flying to a neighbor's fence. He warned me to stop resisting and left just when a concerned neighbor came out. She was the one who called the cops and the paramedics." I took a long breath before proceeding to tell her about my injuries.
"I am sorry to ask Miss Sienna but it seems your stalker case is not a recent happening based on your report. Have you reported it in the past?"
I held my breath. Answering that question was a hell hole of its own kind. I struggled to even mutter a word. The officer seemed to notice my struggle as she held on to my hands and told me, "It is alright dear. First off, I am sorry your situation was treated with levity by shitty cops that do not deserve the badge they carry. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. But I assure you of this, Sienna, I will be of help to you in any way that I can."
"Thank you." I sniffled.
" It's nothing," She reassured me, tapping her pen on her notepad lightly as she waited for me to recover. If she was waiting, I could only imagine that the question she was to ask me next would not be easy.
"Ok," She finally said, covering her notepad and putting it by the side. Her gaze met mine. "Now let's move on to your stalker. What can you tell me about him? From the time you found out about him until the events of this morning?"
I stared at her blankly. The topic we were moving into was one I would rather avoid. I had told the story one too many times and it did not make it easier. I dared say it had only worsened it. The last time I told someone, a cop for that matter, the pot-bellied man laughed in my face, spewing that it was the most ridiculous thing he had heard. The things that gave me nightmares and messed with my psyche made a grown man who should have known better laugh till he cried. It was why I had not mentioned the intricate details when I went to Safe haven securities. This officer was kind but I was not sure I was ready to put myself in that vulnerable state again. Every time I thought about it, I felt sick to the stomach. It had taken so much to put that memory at the back of her mind and digging into my stalker would only uncover the skeletons.
"Sienna?" Officer Lozano called, drifting me back from the nightmare that threatened to swallow me whole.
I truly did not want to relive the many nights I could not sleep. The horrible photos he kept mailing me and the even scarier scented notes proclaiming his twisted love for me but I knew if I kept them to myself, there was no way they would find him. I comforted myself with the fact that the woman listening to my story understood all of my fears. It did not make it feel any better but I had never felt good for months now, So I began to tell her everything. From the very first night, I discovered him to the worst night of all.
My eyes flicked open when the cold air from the window I was sure I left closed hit me. I could not move. I tried. But it was almost like my body was not my own. It felt like I was in a car without the keys. There was no way to drive out or open the damn doors. How was I naked? Why wasn't my duvet covering me? My eyes scanned the room for an answer and I found it. I was looking for it and I found it. He was there dropping an empty syringe on my dressing table and smearing my lotion on his member. He had a Mario mask on so I could not see his face but there was a tattoo or perhaps a scar by his hip. When he had gotten enough lotion, his figure strode over.
I begged my body to move but it wouldn't listen. I couldn't even do as little as cry. All I could do was watch what he intended to do next.
"One day," He said. "Your hands will be the one on this cock."