Pornography addiction is a compulsive need to view pornography despite negative consequences. While many health and psychiatric professionals do not consider porn use a true "addiction," the signs and symptoms are often strikingly similar to those of alcohol or drug addiction.

What separates a porn addiction from a keen interest in porn is the negative consequences of your behavior. With porn addiction, you spend an inordinate amount of time watching porn instead of interacting with others or completing important tasks. The behavior persists even if it harms your career, relationships, or state of well-being.

Verywell / Emily Roberts

As the American Psychological Association notes, experts do not agree about the effects of pornography.1 Proponents suggest that it can help people improve their sex lives and provide a safe outlet for desires. Opponents believe it damage relationships, contributes to sexual aggression, and creates unhealthy or destructive behaviors.

This article discusses the symptoms and causes of porn addiction. It also covers some of the treatment options that may be helpful.


These arguments do not detract from the serious harm porn addiction can cause, both to the person dealing with the addiction and those around them.

If you are concerned about your porn viewing, there are some warning signs of porn addiction to consider. You might have a porn addiction if:

You are consumed with thoughts of porn even when you are not actively watching it.

You view porn on your cell phone at work or in social situations where you might be seen.

You feel ashamed, guilty, or depressed about your porn viewing.

You continue to watch porn despite the harm it has had, is having, or may have on your relationships, work, or home life.

You experience reduced sexual satisfaction with partners when pornography is not involved.

You hide your porn and porn viewing from your spouse, domestic partner, and family members.

You get upset when asked to cut back on or stop looking at porn.

You lose track of time when viewing porn.

You have tried to quit watching porn but have not been successful.

A 2020 study found that 56.6% of participants reported watching pornography at some point during their life. The study also found that compulsive pornography use was associated with higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.2

Sex Addiction and Hypersexual Disorder

Identifying Pornography Addiction

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) made some effort to categorize porn addiction in the fifth edition of the "Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-5). They proposed that it be a subcategory of hypersexual disorder. However, the scientific board eventually concluded that there was not enough evidence to support the diagnosis.

So while porn addiction is not recognized as a distinct diagnosis in the manual that mental health professionals use to diagnose mental health conditions, it does share some symptoms associated with addiction.

Someone who compulsively views porn may meet at least two of the four clinical conditions associated with addiction, namely:

Cravings to partake in an activity as well as failed attempts to cut down or control the activity (impaired control).

Failure to complete major tasks at work, school, or home and/or have given up trying (social problems).

However, porn addiction fails to meet the definition of addiction in that:

It is not inherently associated with risk-taking and,

It does not involve tolerance (a need for larger amounts to get the same effect) or withdrawal (an adverse reaction when stopping).

Although some argue that these behaviors or associations can occur with porn addiction, the relationship is generally inconsistent or vague.

Are Addictive Behaviors Real Addictions?

What Research Says

Some psychiatrists have questioned whether porn addiction should be classified as a compulsive disorder along the lines of a drug or alcohol addiction. They suggest that there are changes in brain activity that are strikingly similar to what habitual drug users experience.

According to a 2015 study published in the journal Behavioral Science, an electroencephalogram (EEG) can detect changes in brain activity (specifically, a reactive event called P300) when porn is viewed. The response can occur within 300 milliseconds of viewing pornography.3

The researchers argued that the same response occurs when a person who uses drugs views drug-related images. While the association on its own is hardly conclusive, it does suggest that porn addiction has a physiological as well as a psychiatric component.

A 2017 study that looked at people seeking treatment for problematic pornography use found similarities to substance abuse and gambling addictions.4 Participants in the study demonstrated increased activation in an area of the brain called the ventral striatum, which predicted an increased desire to view erotic material.


Porn addiction has been shown to cause changes in the brain that are similar to those experienced by people who use drugs. This suggests that both psychological and physiological factors may play a part in compulsive pornography use.

Addiction as a Brain Disease


Because researchers do not agree on the existence or definition of pornography addiction, there is no consensus on causes. Those who do believe that problematic pornography use represents a real addiction believe there are a number of factors that might play a role. These include:

Biological factors: Differences in brain structure or chemistry may make some people more likely to develop addictions.

Cultural influences: Unhealthy or unrealistic societal and cultural attitudes about sex may contribute to pornography use.

Other mental health conditions: People who have other addictions or who are struggling with another mental health condition might be more likely to engage in problematic pornography use.

Relationship issues: Some people may view pornography when they are struggling with sexual problems or dissatisfaction within their relationships.

The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) suggests that there is not enough evidence to support classifying porn or sex addiction as a mental health disorder. Instead, they suggest that characterizing porn as problematic is linked to harmful views about sexuality.5

In fact, some evidence suggests that attitudes toward pornography play the greatest role in determining the distress that it causes.6


If your porn viewing has become compulsive, is interfering with how you feel about yourself, and has impacted your ability to function in your relationships, at work, and other aspects of your day-to-day life, know that you can get help.

Even though the psychiatric community does not consider porn addiction to be a true addiction, it's important that you treat your compulsive consumption of porn as though it were an addiction.

Dismissing compulsive porn viewing as "less of a problem" compared to other kinds of addiction can impede your recovery.

You don't have to confront your porn addiction alone or quit "cold turkey." A mental health professional who is experienced in treating sexual dysfunction can help you address how your behavior has impacted your life and the lives of those around you.

The website of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) offers an online locator tool that can help you find qualified therapists where you live. Psychology Today operates a similar locator that lets you search for a therapist by city, zip code, or name.

Working with a psychologist who can provide the most effective treatment methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), will be essential to helping you develop effective relapse prevention skills as you address porn addiction.7

The 5 Best Online Sex Therapy Programs of 2021


Whether pornography addiction qualifies as a real addiction in the traditional sense, there are things that you can do to help cope if this behavior is causing problems in your life. In addition to talking to a doctor or therapist, you can also:

Set goals: Just like any other behavior change, making goals and then working toward reaching them can help you get a handle on the behavior.

Change your environment: Avoid triggers that might motivate you to view pornography. Make changes to the settings on your computer, phone, or internet services to make it more difficult to view pornography.

Enlist help: Talk to a trusted friend or a partner about what you are experiencing and ask them for support, encouragement, and help.

Find distractions: If you find yourself tempted to engage in the behavior when you are bored, look for other things you can do to stay busy.

Exercise: Staying physically active may help you find a way to focus your energy in a healthier and more productive way.

While it may be uncomfortable exposing truths about your behaviors and thoughts, you need to confront these realities to ensure you get the treatment you need. With the right treatment, you can achieve lasting recovery from porn addiction.

By bringing your compulsive behavior into the light, you can begin to answer some important questions about yourself. These answers will guide you to resolutions that will make you happier and your life more stable and productive.