Talon remained calm despite what Oddryl said. It was not that he didn't care about his sister, but he knew freaking out now would have no meaning. As for the other children, they could all die and he wouldn't mind.
Talon wished to ask about his sister, but thought it would make his intentions too obvious. Instead, he decided to express interest in the subject, so he could ease into it.
"Oh, why are children selected? Are adults unable to take on the transplant?"
Oddryl waved his hand dismissively.
"It's not so much the adults themselves, but the fact it's so much easier to mold children into what you want them to be."
Talon tilted his head to the side.
"Ah, how does this help with the transplant?"
Oddryl smirked.
"Children are... easier to convince. By the time they realize something is wrong, it would already be too late. On top of that, there are certain qualities that greatly improve success."
He sighed.