Every life in its path was erased from Oceania, every structure on its path was destroyed tyrannically, and every heart that witnessed it shuddered as this energy ball that was made both mechanically and magically traveled forth.
Blue chaotic magnetic fields that distorted the water atmosphere followed the energy ball as it moved, while the dense origin magic that was condensed inside its frame made the surrounding water vibrate madly.
This was a call that was made hastily which meant that not all the Atlantians soldiers were able to leave its path completely, they also suffered.
Though none of them was on its direct path, the shockwave that followed this energy ball disintegrated both the soldiers and their battle gears on impact.
Even those that were faraway suffered the impact of the shockwave as the force pushed the soldiers backward, even causing some to cough blood.
This was a horrifying force! And its speed was even more horrifying!