-The Next Day-
The sounds of a car engine being turned off could be heard as we came to a stop infront of the entrance of Seidou spirit dorms which seems to look like an ordinary apartment
As we came to a stop at the parking lot Rei san got off the car then proceeded to open the door for me
Which I thanked her for it. not really thinking too much about why she opened the car door for me even though I can do it myself. I'm not complaining though but It really creeps me out getting pampered by someone I'm not close . then we proceed to walk through the gates and procceed to the tour
As we walked through the whole campu and to every building of the school Rei-san seems to keep an eye on my behavior and reaction to see if I'm enjoying the tour or not. And I gotta say I'm pretty sure I'm not doing a great job on getting impressed by the tour
It's not because the tour is boring nor that I don't like the school.The place is amazing but It's just that I'm not really comfortable right now and I'm not sure why my stomach is aching and I feel like I might need to go to the bathroom sooner or later. So I told Rei san that I need to go to use the Comfort room right now
As of now we are currently walking through the baseball fields and If you ask me the air is pretty awkward as the people we pass by would have a questioning look that says who's the guy beside Rei san and why is he wearing a black hoodie a mask and shades on his eyes in summer on a hot day
Luckily for me they all just went with their day
and would focus on their training. As we are now nearing the end of the tour a loud voice could be heard echoing through the field
"OY! NORI IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL A PITCH?! EVEN MY GRANDMA COULD THROW BETTER THAN YOU" yelled by the guy who appeared to look like a middle aged man bullying a kid
"This is our 3rd year Azuma clean up batter and has a record of over 20 homerun through out his debut in Seidou and he would go pro next year" Rei said as she lifted her eyeglasses with a proud look and a smirk on her face
"Hmm is that so? " I muttered as I continue to observe the over sized batter mock the weak pitcher
'Hmm should I provoke him or not? hmm..' I thought as I put my hand on my pockets while on the other hand
'Let's see what would be your response pitcher kun' Rei thought as she patiently wait for Eijun to take the bait
as Eijun keeps on thinking on what he should do and Azuma keeps on yelling. Rei on the other hand is slowly loosing patience this waiting has been going for half an hour already and so far she thinks that she haven't even impressed the kid and to add salt to the wound Azuma's constant yelling to Norifumi isn't helping either.