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FIRST & LAST by Rajeev Prabhu.

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Call it mere ‘childhood crush’ or the ‘first love’. But, don’t take it lightly, for it can make or break one’s life. This is the story of two innocent souls. Both, from different backgrounds. One urban and the other from a rural region. However, when they meet, their short association makes them realize that they have lived a complete life in each other’s company. Rather, that they both are perfectly made for each other. This must be true love. The question is after they depart, will they ever meet? To what length can a person go to secure his true love? Read to the end to know. Thanks. Author Rajeev Prabhu.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1. A Bundle of Joy

Novel: First & Last By: Rajeev Prabhu. Chapter 1. A Bundle of Joy

Vetora was a compact small town, rather can be called as a big village. It stood out in the region as it had a prominent railway station. Ron, our fresh teen lad, finished his morning school. He should have gone home to have his lunch, but instead, he hurriedly cycled to the railway station. Catching the arrival timing of the 12.30 pm train seemed to be his life mission. With his chubby cheeks, red with heat, which made him look extra cute, he anxiously rushed to the railway platform.

"The train is ten minutes late, today." Uncle Sam spoke from behind the bookstall counter. Uncle Sam was Ron's paternal uncle, who owned this bookstall on the railway platform. "What's the hurry, you have ample time, to go home, have your lunch. Or come in the evening." Uncle Sam continued. "….or are you waiting for someone….special!" He said with a sly wink. He knew how to tease his innocent nephew.

Ron instantly reacted. "No…No..! Karan told me that today he is going to get the new set of books and magazines, from the city."

Just as he spoke, the shrill hoot of the arriving train resounded in the distance. Soon the railway puffed to make its halt at the station. As the passengers jumped in and out of the bogies, Ron rushed to meet Karan. They hurriedly pulled out two packages on the platform and carried them to the bookstall near the platform gate, where Uncle Sam was waiting.

"This fellow is so selfish. He never ever comes to receive me…!" Ron was accustomed to his cousin Karan's taunts, so this time he did not react in his usual impulsive manner.

"Let us open the packs and arrange the books and magazines. I have come to help you." Ron came to his point directly.

As the train moved out of the platform with another ear-shattering warning trumpet, the two started opening the packed boxes. Storybooks, novels, magazines, and newspapers started pouring out. Before all of the printed material was out, Ron started complaining, as usual. "What! Only three magazines and two books in English?"

"No!" replied Karan. "There are two comic books also."

Uncle Sam explained to Ron. "Sir Ronni, we do not have many English readers like you in this part of the country. The majority of our customers prefer the local language. We have to look after our business first." The father and son knew that Ron had started taking extra classes in the evening in the English language and also in fine arts. They secretly admired his jest and dedication, in developing his personal skill set.

Uncle Sam decided to put his nephew on the back foot. "And why do you want those English magazines? Just to see some pictures of pretty girls, ah!" Ron instantly responded with a loud "No!'. "Okay, then you start reading these comic books."

As Ron became silent his cousin, Karan, put his hand over his shoulder. "Don't' get upset little boy. I will get more for you. You can start reading this for now."

Though Karan was around eight years older than Ron, the two shared a very warm and cordial relationship. Ron was not really an introvert and had some good friends in the town, but Karan was his best. In a way, he was Ron's three-in-one - friend, guide, and philosopher. From learning to ride the bicycle to shooting down fruits with a catapult, Karan had taught Ron all the important life skills. At least, that is what Ron thought of Karan. The elder cousin knew that Ron was a very innocent and shy boy. So he always kept on pushing him to pursue his passion. He wanted him to become more independent.


Not far off, Dr. Parker was moving from the big city to the rural area. His mission was to give free dental check-ups to the villagers. This was his service to those citizens, who were not fortunate enough to get such medical facilities in their locality. It had become sort of his routine annual charity work. However, this time he had decided to take his family with him. His wife, Pradnya, and his two young children, son Monty and daughter Jo.

Monty, the elder one, was a sixteen years old bright boy, who was always eager to discover the world. However, his younger sister Jo, was of the kind who preferred to live in her own world. Her nature made her reluctant to travel to the rural areas, which she thought were the most uninteresting region. She had preferred to stay home, in the city. That way, she could have spent her valuable time watching the TV, going to the movies, and of course chatting with her group of friends. It was only after getting some stern scolding that she had agreed to join her family, on the tour.


The 12.30 PM train moved into the Vetora railway station, this time only five minutes late. Karan was managing the bookstall, as his father had gone home for lunch. As the usual lot of passengers started jumping out from the railway bogies, Karan observed that one family was struggling to get their luggage out of the train. He quickly jumped over the sales counter and rushed to help the urbanites to pull out their baggage.

As the job was done, Dr. Parker thanked Karan for his help and inquired, "Do we have any porters over here?"

Before Karan could speak someone else answered his question. "Yes we have one, officially, but you never know when he will take his break!" This was Mr. Situn, who had come to receive Dr. Parker. "…but fortunately we have a very friendly neighborhood over here." He continued, acknowledging Karan's courteous helping hand.

Mr. Situn was Dr. Parker's associate and the family was temporarily going to stay at his place in Vetora. As Mr. Situn greeted the Parker family, they started strolling towards the Station's main gate. Karan also picked up one of their bags and accompanied the group.

When they approached the gate their attention was seized by a 'bundle of joy', sitting on top of the sales counter of the book-stall, enjoying a comic book. Mrs. Parker gave a passing smile to Ron, half polite and half with amusement. Ron too behaved very sweetly and gave a return smile.

After dropping the guests to the car outside the station yard, Karan rushed back to Ron. "What was the hurry, why did you rush to help them?" Ron asked Karan.

"Well, that is called courtesy. And we must welcome guests to our town in a friendly manner. That is the image we all must build." Karan answered.

"And why did you smile so sweetly at them?" Karan countered.

"Why? Same as you. I was trying to show how friendly and good we are."

"Oh! Really! You know, I could see she was impressed by you. Saw the way she looked at you, wow!" Obviously, Karan had got a new topic to pull his leg.

"What wow? She smiled at me so I smiled back...." Ron was firm.

"Ha! I am not speaking about the mom. I am speaking about their daughter!" This was a googly for Ron. He immediately gave his famous innocent expressions with, "What daughter, I did not see anyone, was too busy reading..!"

Karan gave Ron a naughty nudge. "Come on boy; don't tell me you missed that pretty girl. I saw you two looking into each other's eyes…just for a split second!"

This was too much for Ron. The innocent lad was confused. He was now not sure whether he had actually looked at the girl, Jo.

"There was only one problem." Karan continued. "You should not have been reading a comic book." He sounded very serious. "If I would have been in your place I would have picked up something more intelligent. Say a dictionary, encyclopedia, or the Constitution of the Nation. Now they know your English is very poor and you are not as intelligent as you look….just a picture book reader!"

As Ron started pondering on Karan's remark, his uncle returned from his lunch break. He released Karan for the day. The two boys walked over to their bicycles, parked in the station's yard.

Ron, who had swallowed the bait, asked Karan, with sincere curiosity in a very modest voice, "Do you really think I must have made a bad impression reading the comic book?"

Now, Karan was wondering if he should continue to pull on Ron's leg or release his mental burden. "…well", he spoke in a very simple voice, "thinking more deeply about this, I feel they must have understood that you are not that type who prefers projecting a false image of himself. You like to be what you are. They must have observed you are very honest, truthful, and.. faithful." This statement from Karan was very soothing for the innocent Ron.

But the next line from Karan was very difficult for the little gentleman to digest. "Suppose if they are so impressed and think you are the suitable boy for their lovely daughter,…should I take them directly to your parents….?"

The effect was, Ron landed on Karan with a scream, and they both got engaged in a wrestling bout!
