Chapter 22 - Note

Kudos to those who figured out why MC never used his stat points before he finally did at Winterfell.

Those who didn't, this is for them. Allan can only improve his fighting skills when he uses them. So, HEMA, silat, sword, spear, axe, dagger, archery... all those can only be developed with repeated use. If MC was too strong, he would end fight in one strike. That's detrimental for his skill. MC also learns that he can recieve rewards by not using stat points. So, there's that as well. For MC, skill is as important as strength and dexterity.

Anyway, it didn't matter much in the end as MC reached the world limit i.e. the limit of how strong a human can possibly get in Planetos. Yes, it was planned even before I started this fanfic. Yes, the numbers and the other things in the system are also planned. I made the system to be confusing and low tier. It's a multiverse fanfic and there's supposed to be growth, both for MC and the system.

For context, Gregor's strength is around 54 in terms of stats. Superhuman, but, definitely not the highest possible. Only MC in the entire Planetos has 70 strength and dexterity. MC can crush human skulls like they are eggs. He is like Captain America, but, even better in terms of evasion and reflexes. Added to that is the stat bonuses from the weapons and you have the MC with 100+ strength and dexterity.