Now that your group has combined its inventory, you have access to more gear and clothing options. Rachel even offered some of her special weapons to members of the group she feels can use them effectively.
As you prepare to leave camp, you consider your gear.
When you head over to the group's inventory, Parker informs you that Rachel gave word to let you use her gear.
In the late afternoon, your group takes the narrow, natural path through the woods towards the lake. Within minutes of the trek's start, you hear the buzz of insects and spot the quick movement of a fox from a burrow. The fresh smell of pine makes the air crisp and new, waking you up and reminding you that parts of the world have been left untouched by the outbreak.
Knowing how precarious your situation is, you find yourself keeping an eye out for any edible plants you can return to camp with. Immediately, you notice cattails growing near the edge of the lake. While far from the most appetizing of plants, you know cattail roots can be a great source of starch. However, you also know there are some lookalike plants which are poisonous. You move closer and pull a small one from the mud. To your delight, there's no odor other than mud, so you know it's safe.
Then you notice a fine golden dust on your hand from the upper portion of the cattail. You recall this is the time of year when some cattails produce pollen. You smile, as you know that if enough cattail pollen is collected, it can be used in place of flour to make biscuits or other baked goods.
Additionally, you notice some footprints by the edge of the lake. You see what looks like the outline of a heart shape made of two pointed toes. You recognize these as the hoofprints a deer would make, probably when it came down to drink water from the lake.
Finally, further away from the lake, you spot green bushes with small white flowers, which you recognize to be yarrow. Some people believe that yarrow can be made into a medicinal tea which fights colds and improves circulation. While the health benefits of yarrow could be debated, you know that it can also be used to make an insect repellent, especially useful this close to the lake and possible mosquitoes.
"I can't wait to rinse off in the lake. I can't stand how badly my clothes smell," Madison says, pulling out the end of her shirt and wrinkling her nose.
"I haven't swum in a lake for years. I hope the water isn't freezing," Brody says.
"Oh my gosh, Brody, remember when you were ten and the heat pump in the jacuzzi busted and you jumped in the freezing cold water? I swear the water actually turned yellow from all the pee. It was like Jaws bit someone's bladder underwater." Madison laughs so hard, she holds her stomach and cries while trying to catch her breath.
Brody glares at her. "I just drank a sixteen-ounce Mountain Dew. What did you expect?