Rachel's eyes widen, and she fidgets, mouth twitching before she speaks. She looks nervous, and you haven't seen her unraveled like this since she joined you. Is it stress, fatigue, or both causing these anxious tics? "We need to split the group evenly, with a mix of adept shooters and some to engage in close combat. Our most capable survivors with firearms are me, Reilly, and Jaime. I don't know about the others too well. I handed an AR-15 over to Brody, and he gave it to his sister. I'm under the impression they have hunting experience. Bailey is athletic and will do well in close with the infected. I've had no time to train Nathan and Benji, and sadly neither will fare well. Lopez has military training, so it's safe to assume he has experience with his weapons. I wish I could offer more information."
Having spoken with Rachel, next you…