As you look through other sites to check, your system freezes, and a command-line-like text window opens.
DETER>> What are you doing?>> Searching for information on the Zeta virus—
The command window disappears, and a new icon appears on your desktop named DeterChat. Without clicking it, you see the program run, and a small window appears with the face of a young man with a crew cut and polo shirt. His face nods and twitches like he has a nervous disorder, but he smiles.
"I see you have some cracking skills. So do I, and I'm looking for others like me. Have you ever heard of LEGIT?"
"Can't say that I have."
Deter smirks and slurps from a can of Red Bull. "We're an anonymous group of activists, so it isn't surprising you're unaware of our presence online. We've been investigating this virus for months, well before the governments or media exposed it."
A small file-transfer progress bar appears on your screen. The names of dozens of files scroll across the bar.
"I am now uploading files to your system, gathered by my group. While I refrain from unsubstantiated claims, some of our group are conspiracy theorists and believe there's a hidden truth to the virus's origin. These files were procured from government servers. Among them are clues to the truth we seek. We're looking to uncover intel and need help. The fact that you're snooping on protected servers gives me reason to think you should be one of us."
"Well, I—"
"You likely have questions. Feel free to ask—about LEGIT or anything else."