Mesmerized by the plums of penmanships being honored as the old soldier hung beneath the act of humans blood that bondage fruitful flavors of trivial stability
Literal collision of starts was the ward of assumption
Crusades on the night but demise by the Earl grey of fiction morning
Endings of one stroke of story and beginning of another
Was the alter bliss wishes against the widget of Bible
Panel of fords
Cologne of Colorado empathy of one's province of the wealth of welsh
Hold on to your divine blush, your innate rosy magic, or end up brown.
Once you're brown, you'll find out you're blue. As blue as indigo. And you know what that means. Indigo.
Where the shadows fell on the canvas upholstery,
stripes of deep but glowing indigo alternated with stripes of an incandescence so intensely bright that it was hard to believe that they could be made of anything but blue fire.
For what seemed an immensely long time I gazed without knowing, even without wishing to know,
what it was that confronted me.
At any other time, I would have seen a chair barred with alternate light and shade.
Today the percept had swallowed up the concept. I was so completely absorbed in looking, so thunderstruck by what you saw, that I could not be aware of anything else.
these were no more than names and notions, mere verbalizations, for utilitarian or scientific purposes, after the event.
The event was this succession of azure furnace doors separated by gulfs of unfathomable Venetian
It was inexpressibly extraordinary
Giving beyond the oath of praises sen the longitude of heirs
Was the pressure that one could handle from the heirs of bygone
Keeping the air clean from all its the dust of dies
Was the true story that was hidden from the
Shadow of elongate the magnitude of frontier
Was the beseeching end
Reach me down my Tycho Brahe, I would know him when we convene
When I share my deceased science, reclining abjectly at his paws
He may know the law of all things, yet be ignorant of how
We are working to completion, working on from then to now
Pray remember that I leave you all my theory complete,
Lacking only certain data for your adding, as is meet,
And remember men will scorn it, 'tis original and true,
And the obloquy of newness may fall bitterly on you.