Chereads / The shape of voice / Chapter 1 - Ren Suzakamori Meet Annabeth

The shape of voice

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Chapter 1 - Ren Suzakamori Meet Annabeth

As you know when someone is deaf, the person cant hear their own voice either. don't make fun of them or you will regret it!

I am ren suzakamori!!!!!! Elementary school, age 9. It was the 1st day of school, nobody was absent, as the teachers will kill you if you don't come. Every student ran to the homeroom. The students were super not behaved when the teacher is not there but when the teacher is there, there wont be a pencil sound! The class was about to get started when I saw a girl running, she came inside and she was late, the teacher, Mr. urese didn't even scold her! here is what the teacher said, "fellow idiot students, this girl will be joining us to the class, now young lady introduce yourself" stupid urese san said. the girl had blue sea eyes, her hair was sea blues too, her lips were reddish, her nose at the pointy place was pink, her ears had something on it. the girl said nothing and we were dying to know her name! the teacher looked at her and the head master came in. we all stood up and greeted her. the head master did something with her hand and the girl took out a book. She had written something in it. she opened it and showed us the first page,

My name is AnnaBeth, nice to meet you

I hope we get friends with each other

She opened the second page and we looked at it

I'm sorry I am doing this but I am deaf and mute, I can speak but not properly

my eyes grew wide and I shouted. the class stared at me. the girl smiled at me and she had a good smile. The teacher put her 1 seat ahead of me. I didn't like her! I troubled her a lot! She turned around and handed me her book. She opened the 3rd page and I looked at it.

May I take your time?

I wrote 'yes' here is what she wrote.

Can we be my friend? I'm annabeth.

I looked at her and she was lonely and I said 'yes' I completely forgot she was deaf! She was disbelieved and she turned around front. I tapped on her shoulder and she turned back. I took her book and wrote 'yes' she smiled at me and I saw something in her ears. The teacher yelled at me bad!! It became lunch and my friends kept on troubling annabeth. My friend Lisa grabbed the thing in her ear and threw it out the window. I found out she can hear with that thing. It broke and they started it every time she get a new one. I searched in internet how much they cost. I saw they were sooo expensive! My dad and mom are billionaires and so am I. I'm a model and an actress. I searched one which never breaks, and they cost 100,000,000 dollars! I mean omg! I buyed one and I buyed her a beautiful sky blue color one. It reached in 3 hours and I packed it in a gift box, I tied a ribbon on it and I knew she would like it. my mom came in and she looked at the gift. She said it cost a lot!!! I said its okay. I packed my books for tomorrow and I slept in calmness. I got up and I went early. I got my cycle and I went slowly. I forgot the gift and rode back. I saw my first class is going to start in 10min! I rode fast and I reached 5min early. I saw annabeth in her seat crying. I saw Lisa taking her ear listeners away from her. I pushed Lisa and took the ear listeners. I handed to annabeth and she smiled at me. she looked at the gift and nodded. I wanted to keep it for later on. I sat in my seat and annabeth bunked the class. it became lunch time and I saw annabeth standing in front of her locker. I looked at the number and kept in my mind. Annabeth left to the class and I bunked my class. everyone were giving me dirty looks. I ignored them and I opened annabeth's locker. I took the gift and put it in her 1st place. I felt a tap on my shoulders and I turned back. I saw lisa and I locked annabeth's locker and lisa was getting suspicious. "what are you doing?" lisa asked. "nothing… wait a minute, who are you that I should answer? My sister?" I said and irritated her. "I saw you kept a gift in her locker, and I'm going to take that gift away from annabeth" lisa said and sashayed away. annabeth saw me and she ran to me. she asked me what happened and I said I had a gift for her. she nodded and I forgot again she was deaf. I took her book and wrote it. she smiled at me and laughed. i said it was in her locker. I went and it was lunch time. I went to the cafeteria, I ordered some French fries. I saw annabeth coming with my gift and her lunch. She sat next to me and she said thank you but instead she said 'tankmoo' I understood what she said. we ate our lunch and I kept on talking with her. we had 3 hours lunch so we can do anything! annabeth opened the gift and she got surprised. I looked at her ear and the machine which she buyed wasn't there. so lisa had broken it again. she took out her book and she smiled at me. she wrote something and she put it in front of my face, she had written 'thank you very much, but everyone will pluck it out my ear and break it, I'm sorry if It broke your heart' I took her book and wrote 'its okay, lets go to the doctor after school, I know a doctor maybe he can put it in your ear and never comes out' I wrote it and she said okay. She put the ear thingy which I buyed for her in the box. I saw lisa coming to her and I knew what she was going to do. I got up, held annabeth's hand and grabbed the gift and started running. Annabeth was super confused and when she looked back she took her hand away from me and she started running on her own. We are allowed to go out and do anything outside the school, I pointed at the gate and we ran outside the school. Lisa and her gang were following us fast! We kept on running and we reached a road path. I saw a truck coming and annabeth didn't see and I pulled her up and I fell down. The truck it me and annabeth screamed. the driver stopped and ran out of his truck.. I could still breath but not properly. Blood was all over the ground. The truck's driver called a police and an ambulance. "hello, please fast come with and ambulance! We got an accident here, and its just an elementary school kid! Fast please, I don't think he can breath properly!" the man said fast. Lisa and her gang came to me and I only saw annabeth's face. I got up super slowly and I handed her the gift. I fell on the ground and I thought I died. I heard ambulance sound, police sound. They took me to the hospital and I was having oxygen problem. They fixed it, but if I shout it may hurt my throat so they gave me a tablet, I called my parents and they said they were at other country. I was alone… I started getting lonely so I started to go to school again. I saw annabeth and she ran away. I tried to talk to her but every time she did she would either ignore me or run away. lisa kept on troubling me and I kept on shutting my mouth. I was getting annoyed and I shouted at her on top of my lungs. She stopped and I held my throat and I couldn't breathe. I ran to my locker coughing. I kept on searching my tablet and I had a last piece. I ate it and after 5min I could breathe normally I sat in front of my locker that I could have a rest. The head master saw me coughing and she came to me. I didn't see her and she scared me to death! I got up and greeted her. " ren you are alone? Why? Annabeth is your friend right?" the head master said. "she isn't anymore" I said sadly. She felt bad for me and the principal called her. I was feeling like throwing up and I ran to washroom. I threw up 3 times and came out. I saw annabeth standing next to the door and she said hi to me. I thought she might be like lisa. So I walked away. she followed me everywhere! The school became half day and I went to grab my bag. I opened my locker and the principal announced as we ate lunch we had to stay. I went to the cafeteria. I was walking and annabeth bumped into me with her food. she froze and looked at me. "YOUR AWESOME ANNA! NICE ONE!" lisa and her gang shouted. I smiled and shook my head in disbelief. Great! The girl who I buyed a gift for is now my enemy! Great! Just what I wanted. "great! You have real friends now annabeth" I said. I saw her ears and she was wearing my gift, so she heard every word I said. "I know you can hear me" I said and turned back. I walked away and lisa and her gang held her hand and congratulated her, she just stared at me. I wiped all the food off my dress in the bathroom. I saw my friend Eliza, it a girl! She saw me and she said hi to me. I smiled at her like I always do. We walked with each other to our lockers as her locker is right next to mine. I saw annabeth coming and she saw me too. She put her head down and didn't look at my face anymore. eliza said she was changing her school and I said I will change too. i am serious! I really want to! We went to the head master and we said everything. She said she will change it and we had to remove all the junk from our lockers. We took some cardboards and went to our lockers. We put everything inside it and eliza said she forgot her book, when she saw annabeth coming. I said okay and she went. Annabeth tapped on my back. I turned back and I put my hand in my pockets. She took out her book and she wrote;

May I ask you something ren?

I said no and kept on doing my work. She tapped again and I tripped and I fell. I got up and annabeth started to cry loud. I saw her leg hurt and I tied a bandage to it. she looked at me and I continued my work. I don't know where I got all this junk from! There was one apple and it was only one bite bitten. I got the sign of transfer and annabeth kept on pulling my bag. I yelled at her and my throat hurted. I kept on coughing and I saw my tablets over! When did they get over. "hey ren! looking for this?" lisa said holding my tablet. I said to give it back. I couldn't breathe and annabeth hit Lisa's head and eliza bought the tablet for me. they put it in my mouth and put some water. I started to breathe again normally. Eliza calmed down and I was having a head pain. lisa came and pulled Eliza's hair from the back and kept on pulling her. she kept on screaming and annabeth slapped lisa. Everyone looked at annabeth. Annabeth was angry and she hit her again. lisa left eliza and I went to help eliza. Lisa got out from here and the head master yelled at her like anything. annabeth pushed me and she got out too. what did I do?????????????????????????? Dude????? We went back to class and annabeth was standing in front of the class. "students mrs annabeth has been getting bullied and ignored from someone, please annabeth will you tell me who it is?" the teacher said. annabeth pointed at me and I got up from my seat. "me?" I said.