Chereads / Carnival of Misery / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7 Contagious smile

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7 Contagious smile

We sat together on the couch as Mark and Vivian were narrating their love story. We were sitting near the fireplace in a circle, enjoying each other's presence.

"Thank me guys. If I weren't there to help, you both would have still be one sided lovers of each other. " Jake proudly claimed as he thumped his chest a few times.

" Of course Jake, we are thankful to you. Afterall you're the cupid of our group" Vivian exclaimed.

" Yup! Cute+Stupid = cupid" Mark added. Jake had a sour expression as he death glared to both of them.

"C'mon Jake, at least he accepted you're cute." Jennifer consoled him to which he smirked. Mark eventually face-palmed as me and vivi giggled.

"Um..hey guys...would you like to join tomorrow for grocery shopping? I have just shifted here, so I haven't done it yet." I fiddled with fingers as I asked. There was a moment of silence. I think they'll reject. Why would they suffer this winter just for my groceries!!.

"Sure, I have to buy some bakery ingredients too." Jennifer volunteered.

"Yep me too. I am out of cereals." Vivian joined in.

"And I am out of girls." Jake bluntly threw a statement as we all glanced at him with disgusted glare.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Ohh, my one friend just got broke up so I was looking for an ideal girl for his blind date. As a cupid, it's my job to help him not turn into a depressed or sadist person. Don't take my words in wrong way guys!!" He explained as we sighed in relief. For a moment I though he is womanizer. Well, I should trust my friends more.

"Are you joining mark?" Jake asked.

"Of course. Wherever she goes!" He winked at Vivian and she winked back.

"Sometimes they disgust me!" He retorted, earning a slap on the back of his head from Mark. He rubbed the spot as he winced.

We laughed as he continued squeaking like a mouse and chasing Mark as they ran through the halls. I just hope they don't break anything.

Suddenly we heard a thud and we dashed towards where the sound came from. We reached the place near stairs. They both have fallen over each other. What it looked like was really far from what it actually was. Mark was lying down and above him was hovered Jake, pinning both of their hands to both sides of Mark's head.

"Hey!! Get off my man!" Vivian shouted at the short man.

"Ohh ..well I am not interested in wrinkled raisins too...if you know what I mean." Jake states as he stood up. Vivian blushed at his open statement.

" Well, I am not interested in tiny sausages either. I would rather be single to have things with you." Mark was grumpy again.

" At least you accept that I have plump and juicy things unlike your wrinkled ones." He snapped with a smirk.

" Don't get too high about yourself." He groaned dusting himself and going to stand beside Vivian.

" Well, how can't I baby boy? I can make every man question their sexuality." Jake flipped his hair backward as if posing for a shot.

" And what if that man is gay?" Vivian replied this time.

" Mark ain't gay..or is he?" He too got ready for the fight."

"So you want a fight huh? Alright then ..let's fight." Vivian challenged him as she and Mark got ready in a weird kungfu position. It looked like some dancing mantis.

"It's two against one...don't you think it's unfair?" He whined.

" Well...lovers are considered two bodies one souls. So according to this theory, we are one." Vivian skillfully reasoned.

They both continued bickering for what felt like ages. Me and Jennifer were silently watching the drama going on in front of us. I gently slipped by her side and whispered in her ears.

" If I had popcorn at home, I would have cooked for us."

She flinched and retracted a little, didn't expecting a presence behind her. I tried to calm her down but I slipped as my body lunged forward pushing her against wall and me getting a support with my both hands on either side of her. When I inhaled the situation, that's when I noticed our position and her flustered face.

A tint of red must be evitable on my cheeks by now and she would have noticed. We were a blushing mess but we still don't know why we didn't retract.

"Would you like to spend Christmas tonight here, with me?" I asked in a whisper holding on to the wall.

She smiled. Then pushed me aside as she continued to stand there but increasing a little space between us. I didn't object. I retracted my hands from the wall and respected her decision by shoving them in my pockets and standing at a few metres of distance from her. I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

"I would love to but my mom must be waiting for me." She replied with a smile.

"How about your dad?" I asked.

"Well, I have single mother after my father divorced her three years back." I didn't knew about it. I thought her father is on some international business or something. I shouldn't have asked.

"Ohh...I am sorry." I apologised.

"'s fine. We are over it a long ago. Actually we are doing better than before." She didn't sounded much sad. I wanted to know the reason but considering we just met few hours ago, I should remind myself of my limit.

"So what do you do for a living?" I hope I don't upset her.

"We run a flower business. My mom and I both love flowers way too much." So she is florist.

" It's calming and soft business I guess. I loved the simplicity. No offense." I cheered her up.

" None taken. It indeed is a peaceful job. The best thing about it, even though your work for hours, the place could never stink of sweat. It will always be bloomy and fragmented. much I love the language of flowers." She singed her thoughts and I smiled at her.

" What do you think is the most beautiful thing about Christmas?" I asked.

" Everything is beautiful about Christmas. You gather around with your loved ones and celebrate. The atmosphere is cheery. We get feasts and candies. The lighted houses and decorated Christmas trees, laid with gifts we open next morning. Everything is perfect about the day. As perfect as the word perfect itself."

She must enjoy a lot this day. The way she describes her love for this event shows how much she cherishes every little happiness in life.

" How about you? What do you like about Christmas? " She asked raising a brow. Her back support still leaning on the wall.

" I used to love Christmas earlier. But since I die-.. I mean since Lucas died, I think Christmas is another death day. I can't help but remember him only. The horrified events that happened. I feel nostalgic about the word itself. "

She hummed in response. There was a short silence. However in just few metre range, three grown up kids were running and shouting like headless chicken, I didn't consider it much. It felt like only we two exist and none else matter for now.

" Bad things do have a bad imprint on the brain. But in the end, it's always in the head. " She replied. I grew confused. What did she mean by that? Is my death nothing for her?

" Mind if you explain? I didn't catch up with that nicely. " I tried not to sound rude.

" My parents got divorced on Christmas. I lost my unborn brother on Christmas. Mom fell of stairs and had a miscarriage. Dad felt it was her fault. They weren't in good terms before, but after the accident, he blamed mom for every misfortune. They were always living a loveless life. So they divorced that instant. I lost two important people three years ago on Christmas.

Not just that, Lucas was a great friend of ours. I have seen him dead and that memory still haunts me. I wasn't able to take the news well and caught fever for several days. But I won't blame it on Christmas. I won't blame it on anyone in fact.

Whatever happened, I felt bad for it. It still hurts and here and there I get a hold of those memories too, but it doesn't mean you blame to others and run away from reality. Rooting for positivity is good but virtuality is just imagination. We should hope but we should stick to reality too."

I silently heard her speak and didn't disturb her. I didn't wanted to interrupt because deep down I knew whatever she said is truth. I just nodded and sat on the stairs. She followed my suit.

We talked for some time until our three bickering friends were done for today and decided to leave for their homes. They greeted and went to take their coats and hats and whatever they left while entering.

Jennifer was putting her coat on but she struggled a little, so I decided to help her with it. I was holding her coat for her as she slipped her hands through them. Our fingers brushed for a milli second and sparks of electricity ran down my spine. I wonder if she felt that too.

She smiled at me warmly as I returned one back. They all were standing at the door now waving at me.

"Today was fun Lilac. Thankyou for inviting." Vivian chimed.

"I had fun too. Come again whenever you feel like." I replied.

"You are pretty cool buddy. Once again welcome to the group." Jake also waved.

"Thanks for considering me. I cherish you all." I returned the energy.

" We'll meet soon boy. Merry Christmas." Mark spoke in his deep bold voice.

" Ohh of course. We are going grocery shopping tomorrow anyways. If you forgot..." I reminded him as he gasped in realisation. Then nodded and went out with Vivian.

" So ... tomorrow...9 am?" Jennifer asked.

" Sure." I replied simply.

She began to walk away when I gently held her wrist. Everyone was already out of the door, leaving me and her in this house alone. I looked at her as I got lost in her eyes. That's when she fake coughed and brought me back from my imagination. She signalled at the part of her wrist where I was holding gently.

"I have a question Jennifer."

"And what is it?"

"What if Lucas came back in your life?..what would you do?"

Her eyes twitched as she looked at me with confusion. But then her expressions returned to her usual bubbly self as she replied.

"Stop saying stupid things. Dead people can't come alive again."

"It's just a hypothetical situation. What would you do if Lucas came back from death?"

"Well, I'll do whatever I feel right thing to do, on the spot, when he comes which is impossible. But if he did come, it would be a miracle."

She giggled as she broke my grip on her wrist and headed towards the door. She was halfway ajar when I whispered.

" Remember Jen, miracles happen every day, if you believe in them."

I am not sure if she heard me or not, but she did paused for a second, turned her face to look at me from over her shoulders and smiled. I got my Christmas lights gleamed brighter that the stars itself. She is my light.