The counterattack of the side character

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Chapter 1 - The Day

All are hurried for, going to the maternal uncle's house. There they are planning to celebrate the occasion of Rakshabandhan.

(About Rakshabandhan)

(Raksha Bandhan is a Hindu festival that embodies the family value of filial responsibility. It is an ancient tradition of honouring the relationship between brother and sister and signifies his vow to protect her. It means "bond of protection." It comes from the Sanskrit word rakhi, a type of bracelet or amulet made out of thread that sisters tie around their brother's wrists in gratitude for protecting them.)

Shina's brother lives in the village. He is unable to come this time. Shina is a fussy mom. Shina had a charming daughter(Shibu) of 5 years and a son( Tarun) of 2 years old. Apart from this. Shina's husband is a businessman. He didn't get the time to come with them but, he loves his family very much. With them, there is someone who also lived with them, the maid ranu. She is a very loyal lady. Shina knows her very well.

All are lodging their bags in the car. Shina's husband is getting irritated with ranu. He didn't want that ranu to live with them. But because of shina, he didn't speak anything. Shina to her husband while sitting in the car.

Hey dear, we will miss you.

Me too, shina.

Daddy, we will miss you. Please, come with us.

No, dear, I will try to come, but my workload is very much. Have a lot of fun with your mommy, dear.

Bye, dad.

Bye, my sweet angels.

They all started their journey by having fun and happiness. Suddenly shina stopped the car. Ranu asked what happened memsahib? I forget the tarun water bottle. The driver moved the to the house.

Ok, madam.

They moved towards the house,shina asked ranu to take the bottle from the kitchen. Ranu entered the hall, and she found some noise that coming from the kitchen gallery. Ranjit is talking on the phone loudly and saying the work completed. You know the further activity that we discussed early. Ranu heard all the conversation. She became afraid of that. Why did she listen to it?

Ranu, getting back her step with complete silence. Before she reaches the door ranjit called her, ranu?

She is entirely sweating. Yes! Sahib...!

She stammered.

Are you here? What happened?

Sir...Sahib...Actually ...I am ...


Water bottle. I forget the tarun's water bottle.

Useless! You have no sense without a water bottle. How can the baby drink the water?

Sorry! Sahib... I will take it.

Oh! Now take it and go.

Shina saw the ranjit that he is at home, not going to the office. Hey, are you still here?

Yes! I forgot my files which is necessary. So, I am here only. Ok bye.

Ranu! did you get the bottle? Ranu?Ranu? Are you there?


Come on, get into the car. We are getting late.

Ranu seems stressed.

Ranu, are you ok?

Yes, memsahib. I am fine.

They started the journey. Kids and shina are happy and doing lots of fun and having snacks and all. But ranu is intense. She is feeling very down and nervous.

Ranu, is there everything is ok?

Yes! Yes! Don't worry.

The car stopped in the middle of the highway. From there the village is one kilometre away. They used to take a rest.

Ranu fell asleep in the car. When she is awake, she saw there is no one near the shibu. As she is well as is in sleep mode. Ranu finds shina memsahib is also busy with tarun. She took the daughter and ran away from the car. Shibu awake and asked her where we are going? Ranu tells, shibu, we will going to surprise your maternal uncle. Before your mother reaches, we reach first and amaze him. Ok! let's go. But we have to inform my mother. She will be worried.

No, dear, we will give a shock to your mom, ok.

But why?

No question, dear. Come on.

Ranu takes shibu with her without informing shina.

She takes the rough road into the village. The driver comes to call ranu to take shibu to the restroom area. But the driver didn't found both. He calls her but ranu switched off her phone. The driver gets baffled around, searching them. Later he called shina.

Shina maam! Shibu baby and ranu are not here.

What? They were here only.

Shibu! Shibu!...

Ranu! Ranu!..

Where are you both? Hello?

Ranu..? Answer me.


Shina calls her husband. Ranjit phone is down in a network.

Oh, God! Shina seems helpless. Help me, God, please.

Ranu! Please, where are you?

Shibu! Shibu!

Shina calls her brother.

Please! Please! Pick up the call, brother.

What should I do now? Shina becomes faint.

Madam...Memsahib...Wake up, Please!

Tarun is crying loudly but, she didn't awake.

The driver brings water and sprinkles it on shina's face, ma'am wake up.

Shibu!Shibu! Shine awake slowly and asked for the shibu from the driver.

Shina tells the driver to take her at brother's house.

Yes, ma'am.

Ranu runs like somebody is following her.

Ranu, when will we reach my uncle's house? Wait for dear, will contact soon there. Ranu, I am feeling empty.

Shibu, right now, I don't have money, and food is in the car.

So,ranu we go to there know.

No, dear, if we go there then they will catch us. So, come with me. I will show you the exciting reality of the village people.

Ok,ranu, but first of all, we eat something.

Ok, my baby. Come.

Now ranu feels relax because shibu gets convinced with her.

Ranu enters the village. There she finds the temple. Shibu sees the house of God. We first go there and after that, I will manage some food for you, ok.


Shina is getting panic what to do because she doesn't find them. She is in the car and thinks of that, where are they? Ranu and Shibu are safe or not?

Shina asked the driver, did you find them everywhere?

Yes ma'am.

Where do they go? Shin thinks of lots of questions related to their disappearances.

Here, ranu and shibu are in the temple. Ranu tells shibu to sit here. She will come in a minute.

Ranu, where are you going?

Dear, you are hungry so, I am managing the food for you.

Ranu down from the temple. She covers her face with her scarf.

Shina reaches her brother's house. The condition is very much speechless. Driver, wait here, I will check it out is anyone is at home or not?

Is anyone is at home?

Someone is inside but not showing the presence. Shina ma'am is waiting outside. Please, reply if anyone is at home. When the driver moves, he heard some strange noise from inside.

Hello! Do you hear me, sir?

From the backside shina's brother is coming.

Shina gets down from the car and fell on her knees and tell her brother the whole story about ranu. Shina hugs him and tells him that she doesn't find ranu and shibu.

Shina's brother getting worried about where they go? He asked shina on which road do you stopped the car. Shina answered near one kilometre there is a rest area we stopped there. But why you are asking this?

No,! Hold on are you serious before the village you rest over there?

What happened? Anit, please tell me why you getting senseless.

Shina! Don't you get any place? Why would you go there? Oh, God! Please save my child.

Anit, what happens to you?

Shina that place is haunted. One month before there were some children gone there but no one comes back.

No! No! You must be mistaken. We stayed there for half an hour and we are ok our Tarun is also with us. We are safe and sound here

Probably, dear, you have mistaken. why you leave your daughter with that ranu?

Ranjit was right about that. Ranu is not a trustworthy woman. Ranjit knows all about her and he also warned you that time to don't give any place to her. Now, see the consequences. She kidnaps our shibu for the money.

No, you are wrong she doesn't.

Yes! she is. Your husband warns you but you didn't hear.

Can't and shibu eating food in the temple. Shibu, ranu from where did you bring the food?

Oh! Do you like it?

Yes! but from where?

God gives us this. As I told you that story about God.

Ohh! Yes, I remember that.

Say thank you to God.

God thank you for this delicious food that you had offered us.

Ranu, when we reach my uncle home?

Amm...Wait, dear, we will soon reach there. ok.

Shina getting back to that place where they lost them. Brother, here we stay and the car was here. We were having lunch and they slept in the car. Before anit say something the phone call came.


Is everything going on?

No, Call me later. Something that is not on away.


I talk to you later.

Shina asks anit we should call the police they will handle the situation.

Anit getting confused. Why should we call them?

What? Here's my daughter lost and you are saying, why there is a need? Do you know any police station here?

Hmm. Of course, I know.

So, come with us.

Anit text someone before going there.

While sitting in the car anit saw something. He saw a small way that was taking into the village.

Hey, shina I am thinking that ranu and shibu were gone from this place.

Shina stopped for a while, she thinks something and afterwards, she told anit that we have to move to the police station.

Ranu is tensed for shibu, where to live? Shibu is worried about when we will reach uncle home.

Shina is tensed about what is going on? She goes to the flashback and thinks that today ranu was very upset and uneasy. I adopted her because she has no one behind her. Ranjit was right that I had kept her with our family.

Shina was thinking about shibu.

Ranu is not a maid. She belonged to a poor family and luckily she was a college friend of shina. After college, all get busy, in their own life. Some of them get married and some had struggled. Shina was an average student and her marriage was done early after graduation. One morning when shina going to market she saw ranu. Ranu was cleaning the utensils of the restaurant. The condition of ranu is very low. Shina saw her, but she didn't talk to ranu. Shina feels if I met with her in this situation might be she will get upset. Shina every day saw her but she didn't get closer to her. One day when Shina goes to market and she didn't saw her, she asked the owner about ranu. The owner told her that from today she will not come. Because she robbed some food from the counter and I fired her.

Shina asked the owner where did she live?

Well, I don't know about her but my servant knows her.

Raju, come here. Help madam for the address of ranu. The servant told the address.

Shina reached there and she found an unpleasant atmosphere. Ranu lives in a very thin tent.

The car stopped. Shina is now awake from the past. Anit getting down from the car and told shina to stay here until he comes. Shina asked anit I don't want to stay here. I am coming with you.

Ok, fine come.

They entered the police station. Shina asked Constable about the head of the police station. He told that the inspector going for the round. Ok, we will wait here.

No, Why should you get worried sister. I am here so I will manage things. You go to my home and take a rest.

I told you that I will wait here.No no more discussion now.

Ok! relax.

Ranu had a question, am I doing right? Shibu is sleeping in her lap. Ranu thinking what should I do now? Shibu is missing her mom ranu knows this.

Shina is sitting outside the door of the police station. She again goes back to the flashback. When she saw ranu in the unpleasant tent she getting upset. Shina called her. Ranu was doing studies and she was alone in that tent.


Ranu...Sorry I don't know you

Hey, I am shina. Remember we were in college.

Yes! Ranu was surprised to see her.

Come, please come. But I can't you offer to sit here. Ranu glance at the dress. She thought about why she came here and how she remembered me?

Ranu, don't do any formality for me. I am ok.

Tell me, what can I do for you dear?

I saw you at the restaurant.

Yes, but now I am not a part of that.

I know.

Did you ask the owner about me?

Well, I know I do wrong. But I need food for my dad. He was paralysed for 2 years. I worked for him because we don't have any options.

Shina, now where he is?

Oh! Sorry, he is no more. I live here alone.

Shina was thinking if I offered her the service how she reacts? Ok, sorry ranu.

No, it's ok. I don't take a load for this. If this is my reality so, I accept it.

Shina goes from there and thinks about how to convince her. But first I have to convince ranjit. He hates this type of people who belongs to poor I have to talk with ranjit.

The next morning shina discuss with her husband for ranu. Ranjit completely opposes ranu. Shina told all the situation but rabbit didn't convince. Shina also told him that we are a working couple if someone trustworthy person cares for our daughter then why not we take a step.

Shina, I told you no means no.

Ranjit is not giving any response to argue. He left the room and gone away.

Shina was pregnant that with the second one. She used to drop the discussion.

But when she delivered the second baby, shina used to need someone to help her. When she again visits the ranu tent she found there is no tent now there is a supermarket area.

Shina! Shina! ...Anit called her.


The police officer is coming let's go in.

Ok. You wait here only anit. I will go in and register the report.

But, I also want to come.

I am going to you stay outside.

Shina entered, hello sir.

Police officers, yes tell me what can I do for you, young lady.

Shina told everything.

the police officer asked for the photographs of the daughter and ranu.

Shina handover the photographs.

Ok, whatever the clue or any hint we get, we will convey the message to you.

Shina, thank you, sir.

Hey, Do you register a complaint?
