Chloe says. Well I have to tell you. I love the beautiful comment. as she twirls her hair looking flirtatiously. But, we must move on. Next will be the steps to the throne. As they make their way up the mountain. A stair case starts to show itself. Many souls are lined up and waiting. The line must have been atleast a 100 yards long. With all different sorts and types of spirits.
Jeremy politely asked. What is this about?
These are the steps to Gods throne. My dad manages this. Under my Grandpa's tutelage. Once you take the the first step you will start to re live your life. Everything you have ever done you will be aware of. By the time you reach the top. You will have experienced your life as a third person. The perspective is awe inspiring. There is alot of wishing you could do it over, but this is not the case. After you reach the top. My father will be there setting under a rainbow. With clouds and angels in such. Looking all magestic. It's the way he likes it. lol. Makes for a dramatic introduction, and rightly so. Because you are about to be judged. All the good things you have done. All the bad things you have done. Will be added up. And my father. Our father. Will advise you on what you should do next. Assuming your path is to achieve God hood.
Jeremy asks. Well what if you have sinned alot?
Well that my friend is only what God knows. I can tell you that some go and live a life opposite of the sin they have created. As to see how it feels. Some are sentenced to this sort of life.
A soul can learn alot from this. And that way no one gets hurt that doesn't deserve it. Some get demoted back to creatures.
The worse you are. the further back you go. There is something to be learned in every step of life. I've heard of some. Going back to be micro organisms. living at the bottom of a lake, covered in ice. In the cold. Living in perpetual darkness. Some are so evil. their better off that way. She says kind of matter of factlly.
When do I have to walk the steps?
Whenever you want Jeremy. You can even put it off for awhile. Hang around here on earth for awhile. Watch your family grow old and hopefully prosper. Take a good look at things and learn.
Can my family see me? Can I talk to them?
No. you cannot. The only thing that can happen is that they could feel your presence. On some rare occasions. Someone's soul being so bright that a glimpse of that brightness breaks the Vail. temporarily. Looking like an orb.
Wow! He says. This is all so different. Taking the time to think about it all.
Well... I quit fearing death along time ago. I lived my life to the utmost. Doing the best I could in every situation. Still yet. Something's I'm not proud of. but what can you do? you can't go back. You can't live in regret. It's not productive. You have to move forward with love in mind. If done right. It will encompasses all. This way of thinking will keep you on your path. The older I got. The more I became infatuated with my path. Looking for signs from god. Numbers and such. These signs started to add up. I became so good at it. I started to predict things. Alot of it was knowing the natural order of things. Paired with love and understanding. I knew Two weeks b4 down to the minute when I was going to cross over. Just by studying life force.