[Wakes up]
Huh? What's that noise?
[Stands up]
Are they back?
[Opens the door]
The second Tomodachi opens the door. He gets shrouded in fog but see's a silhouette of a woman floating.
[?] Ah- It seems your awake
What the- Who are you?
[?] Wow! You're calmer than I thought.
I'll ask this again. Who are you?
''I don't recognize the voice.''
''I need to distract her so I can get a Weapon In my room.''
''I got it!''
[Quietly gets phone]
[Makes a call]
''Well- hope this works.''
[Telephone rings]
[?] What was that!
As the telephone starts ringing, the silhouette turns around.
[Runs toward the room]
[?] *Smirks*, Of course, that's what you expected for me to say didn't you?
As Tomodachi hears those words, he suddenly feels a chill.
''Doesn't matter now!''
[Tomodachi continues running]
[?] Sigh-
[?] Mount Spakium!
A barrier made of light suddenly appears and closes the entrance to the room.
Ow! What was that?
What the- What is this?
[?] I told you to be calm.
You expect me to be calm. I don't even know you. And what even is this?
[?] I guess I have no choice to explain then.
The silhouette slowly stops floating and starts to walk toward Tomodachi.
[?] The thing you see right now is.....
The silhouette slowly disappears as the face of the person becomes clearer.
[?] Magic..
[To Be Continued]