Chereads / Dark Knight Legacies / Chapter 2 - Beginning 1

Chapter 2 - Beginning 1

If you are enjoying this thinking that this is all just fictions or some bullshits, go on. I really don't mind. Heck, I even envy you for reading this leisurely. As they say, Ignorance is a bliss. Not knowing about those nasty creatures lurking in the shadow is very good for you.

But once you realize that you found yourself in one of these stories, drop whatever you doing_ get out of the house, get out of the state even. Once you realize the dangers around you, there is less gurantee that you would get out alive.

I hope you are not from our world.

In our world it is all real. The vampires, wendigo, the demons, Hyms, shapeshifters, all of these creatures are real. Some of them might actually be your neighbor, your friends, may be your girlfriend even.

My name is Klaus Wilson. I am a knight andThis is my story.

"Klaus, dude we gotta go man. The main man is calling. We got new assignment" said Frank. Frank is my friend. He is this chinese guy with long hair and thin looking figure. I stopped my writing. I asked , "what do we get? ." Frank scratching his head and look down to the note he's holding , " Dunno, the assignment said it is in New Orleans, group of students went dissappear during the camping or something. Local police said pobably some bear, but seem like Main man got a different idea. We got requests from the vitcims parents too, thinking if it was bunch of werewolves or vampires." "Possible, but we don't know until we go there and investigate, may be it would be nice pay rate" I got out of my chair. Put on my coat and leave the dorm. I walked to the armory, pack my things. Frank was waiting on me from the basement parking lots. "Department really generous with us this time" I said sacarsticly, looking at the big junk of old Vitz car. "Yeah, guess so" Frank chuckled. Before I get onto the car, I heard. "Hey, Niklaus" . I turned around and saw Scoland twin, Nick scoland and Bruno Scoland, two top tier officer from our department. "Hey hey, I see you all going on a hunt. Way to go pals. May be one day, you'll catch on to us" said Bruno. From his voice, I know they are mocking us. They looked at each other "Just kidding, I know it will be more than hunts for two loser to get on to us haha" Nick mocked. He sounded like pig. He looked like pig with muscles too. They got onto the new BMW and "see you pals, if you are alive after this " laughed and drive off. "God, I hate those guys, they think they better than us because they hunted a demon before" Frank angered. "Don't let them get into your head, let's just go and finish the assignment, we got a lot to do too" I told him. "Yeah you are right" Frank sighed.

We got to the place and went to the local police station. "May I help you?" the young lady officer asked.

"Yeah, we're here to investigate about the missing people case , that is having on the news yesterday."

"I'm sorry, you are ?" police checking both of us doubtfully. We flashed our badge, "Knights, from Gawain Division, Branch 16."

"Huh, I didn't know knights are on this" she said.

"Yeah, you know us. We got to go wherever the boss told us to haha"

"We would appreciate it if you can provide me with information about the incident" I intervened and said.

The lady looked at us and "right this way please" She went to her desk, open her laptop, "Vitcims are group of five 16years old kid that went on camping to the forest. Their parents contact the police the day before yesterday telling us that they got cut off from their sons who update them once in awhile and they have passed the return dates" she continued Police are looking everywhere in the forest, find nothing except torn camps and stuffs with blood. We think it is bear attack. Nobody know what is in the wood."

"Yeah, we don't. Guess parents have the other ideas about bear so they contacted the knights but I guess it is fine. Thank you Ms.?" "My name is Emily." "Thanks, Emily. Can you email the file of the vitcims so we can check on them here is my email." "Sure Sure. Whatever you need"

We got out the station. "What do you think ? Vamps?"asked Frank "Nah, I don't think this is their territory, beside we got nobody. And the picture says there were blood too. Vamps dont leave blood. They know how not to waste food" I explained. "May be very misleading vamps you know,buried the body and stuff" Frank laughed. I chuckled , "What is with you and vamps." "Come on. Nothing bring me more joy than cutting of those bloodsucking head. It's so satisfying. Should have make it to one of those the most satisfying things videoed on youtube." I can't help but laughed. "Alright, lets go to the last trail."

We went to the wood. We got to the entrance and bunch of people are there. We got of the car, there's two guy and one girl. A guy look old and wearing texas boots talking ".. find them there" and he noticed us. "Who are you people" he asked. "Who are we? Who are you guys? The entrance is closed, isn't it?" I told him. "Yes, the police shut down. I am the texas ranger trying to help my client to find their brother. Who are you people?

"Look, it is too dangerous for ordinary people. Stay out of the woods. Go back home and relax we would find your brother and return him to you" I reassured them.

"This is my job, my client offered me. A bunch of kids trying to tell me to not do my job? Piss off" the ranger shouted.

"Hey, we are knights from 16th branch. We are trying to do our jobs too but we can't do it if we got more protecting to do" Frank intervened.

The ranger looked suprised, "Knights? I mean why knights are here?" He looked back to the girl and boy "You said this is just a search party. You didn't mention monsters would into this"

The girl said, "Urgh, We didnt know."

The ranger said, "Shit, dammit. Take your money back. I don't want to be get dragged into this monster stuffs" He ran to his car and drove away.

"Ha, he may be rude but he's got a point. Nobody would want to get dragged into this mess. I suggest you all go to home. We will find your brother."

"Please, police said that. They never found the bodies. They think he is dead. " she said. "It has been a week. Please, let me find myself. He's the only family aside me and my brother" she hugged her other brother.

"A week? I thought they all missing the day beofre yesterday. What are you talking about"

"No, my brother is... missing for a week. He is this blogger on youtube that camp in the wood. It is like his hobby. He came to the wood a couple of time before nothing happened until. Last week, he didn't update his news to us or call us. I first thought it was just connection problem. But it had been days. I am really worried" she sobbed.

"Did you contact the police?"

"We did but they thought we are joking a bunch of teenagers pulling prank" her younger brother said.

Well, bad hobby I thought. "Okay, calm down and stay out of the wood, we will find your brother. We.."

"Wouldn't better if you contact knights ?" Frank cut in.


"What I'm just asking."

"Seriously the knights? The pay rate is way higher than we could afford. "

It all becomes awkward.

Frank just said "I see."

I continued what I was saying "Just go back to your home"

"No, I've heard the knights only pay attention and care about the clients they requested. Obviously, I could not just leave my brother to you. We are going you like it or not"

At this point, I am tired of arguing. "Alright suit yourself" I replied.

Frank dragged me away from them. "Duddee, you can't do that. We don't even know what we are dealing with. We can't babysit and hunt same time" he whispered.

"I heard that. Look, you don't need to protect us. We got knife if any thing goes wrong it on us. We just want to find our brother."

I looked at them and looked at Frank "There's no way to tell them out of it. Is it?" I shrugged.

We climbed up the gate, went into the wood.

After some time, "what time is it? we still do t find the camp" Frank said.

"I thought we were looking for my brother" girl said.

"Yes, your brother got kinapped by something or someone. We are on the trail to it. Once we find it, we would find your brother too. It's win win. " I replied.

The sun goes down. The wood got darker and deeper. Finally we made it to the camp. I mean at least what's left of it. Broken laptops, phones, messed up fire place were all there including some spots of blood. "Finally," frank said. "Place smell like meat?" I asked Frank. "Yes, beef"

"Beef in the wood? They all really trying their luck.

"Why what's with the beef in the wood" the young boy asked.

I glanced at Frank who's kneeling down and investigating on the blood and camp. I looked back to the boy and his sister. "Meats atteact carnivores. Most of the time, it is just wolves or may be bear. But sometimes there are, well, creature like wendigos, werewolves, werehyena", I replied.

The boy looked scared, her sister too. They look at most 18years old. I feel like I regret accepting their terms to come along.

"Look the trail is almost gone but good news is there is this scent last. I'm betting it is wendigo. If it is wendigo, Your brother might survive."said Frank standing up.

"What's wendigo?"

"Well, Wendigo is a kind of being that feed on animal. Good new is he work alone. Not very intelligent. But very fast very strong. The lore is that when a human betray its path of human and start cannibalism, they become this ugly looking giant names wendigos" I explained.

"Bad news is he is hard to kill. Either we burn them or we cut of his head , we left our mx65 oni flamethrower in the trunk", Frank cuts in

"Guess we will use the old fashion way" I said while taking out the swords from our travel luggage. I throw one at Frank, he caught it. The boy gasped, "wow so cool, what it is called" pointing at my sword. I smiled, "This is family heritage, blazing fang"

"Nice, it got wolf logo on the scabbard."

"Right , so the hunt is begin we gonna follow the trail. I want you all to get close behind us and no matter what you heard don't run away until I said so, flashy thing about wendigo is they could mimick the human voice since they were once human. They lure the prey using that.

Boy and girl looked shiver and close behind on me. I followed the Frank until he stopped. "Listen" he whispered. The sound coming from the infront of us we can't see what it is because the trees and bushes but pretty sure there's light coming from there. "Another campers" I asked. Well, I didn't know how wrong I was. Until I saw 8 foot tall figure stand up. I could see his red glowing eye along with 2 fangs that cover half of its mouth and red bulky figure with only loincloth. "Shit, it's a blood orc" . My seneses hightened. "Danger' alert on my head. I have to get the siblings out of here right now.

You see, Wendigo are big and strong but its skin isn't tough we could just snapped it's head. Beside, it fights like wild animals. But orcs are different breed. They are born fighters. 8feet tall is a mature one. Their toughen skin and combat sense makes them favor in close combat and bullets dont even penetrate their skin. That's normal orc. Blood orcs are more bloodthirsty. They are usually outcast of their orcs tribe because of their bloodlust and hunger.

I turned my head around and whispered to them. "Turn back and move away from us quickly but quietly . Go as far as you cab from us" I spoke to the siblings. They nodded and started slowly crawl away. Before I turned my head back, "Dodge" my instincts told me. I jumped on the the siblings and shield them with my body. Frank was already moved out of the way. I felt like being hit by a giant stick. I am right because it was the trunk thrown by the orc that hit me. Thankfully my enhanced skin help me out so I am left with only cut and bruises.

The orc however started running toward us. Frank jump from the side and onto the orc. Orc side step and hit Frank with his giantic palm. Frank blown away but regain his composure. I however turn my back from the kids run, shouting "Hey, you ugly red son of the bitch, get some" throw stone toward the orcs. The distraction worked, the orcs red eyes were on me he pull out something from the back , a giant sword. He pointed his sword at me. Then, I realized he is chellenging me to a duel.

I unsheathed the blazing fang. The orc started running toward me, I sidestep and cut his foot. The orc scream a cry. I looked at Frank, he knew what to do. He pick up the brother and sister and run to the fire place and hide them. There was a fire place where the orc is grilling his human thigh meat. I can see only 4 fo the people hanging upside down near the fire place hopefully they are alive. Others thing i saw are just bones and meats of human. Frank started untying the victims. I turned back to the orc. He seem to grow lagrer with those anger. He looked at to me and pick up the trunk, throw to me. I dodged and said "Hey, thats cheating." The orcs was fast. He already in front of me when I turned back. He kick me in my chest. I raised up in air by a feet. "Ouch" That really hurt, I thought. It tried to slice me up. I dodge roll in the air, pulling my sword to the ground. I landed. I made an uppercut with sword. It worked. It give a nasty bloody scar on the belly. He stomped on the ground. Dragged his giantic blade to the down. I parryed the the blade. If I was a just human, I would have blown away. But being a knight has its leverage. I shooked to the side. Hit his body with end handle of the sword. Kick his side. He made loud roar. He fell back. I jumped on him. I stick my sword to his chest, which is the lethal point to the orc. Like that the orc was dead.

"Nice" Frank shouted. I got off the dead orc body. "4 survivors including their brother" said Frank glancing at the family uniting again. "So, Klaus the blood orc slayer, we would get a lot of pay raise after this."

"Yes, it's rare to see something like that. Pretty far away from their territory too. But even so, the blood orcs materials would make lots of money in the market"

"Yeah, baby" Frank shouted.

We got out of the woods with survivors, contact the police. Soon after, the ambulance and police cars came took care of the survivors. The girl and the boy gave us thankful smile. We got into the old junk and drove back to the department.