Chereads / Knight of Paris / Chapter 50 - 50. Up the Madongo Hill.

Chapter 50 - 50. Up the Madongo Hill.

The Land of Carmosa was the strongest and loftiest Kingdom that ever existed East of Paris.

Amongst the woods close to the land of Thickhill was a hill whose name one could not deduce or allude. The hill was great and looked beautiful to behold like some God or Fairy or Magician inhabited it.

Petrelli Knight caught a glimpse of this Hill when combing and strolling through the woods. Having the optimistic belief that the Hill was a treasurable hill to invade, on arrival home to his Caste, Petrelli Knight summoned ten brave knights who would accompany him on his mission, invasion and expedition up the strange hiltop.

There was a footpath that led up to the hill that Petrelli Knight discovered and emitting the entrance to the cave in the hill was some precious scent that was inviting telling that some rich Prince or Folk lived there. The scent that escaped from this tent was like that of some sweet smelling roses and incense bought at expensive price and difficult and scarce to come by in the Carmosa Market.

Petrelli Knight and his Cohorts were amazed and astounded by the sight of the inner cave. There in the Cave was some dry forage grass that was arranged to suit the owner of the cave. These forage grass looked like shelves and there were also some wooden bences and beds. Close to the forage shelves were some pool of clean colourless water some rose flower beds and some steak stand which the inhabitant used in roasting veal and venison.

Petrelli Knight and Cohorts combed through the length and breadth of the cave in search of the inhabitants that made the hill cave their abode.

While searching the cave, close to what seemed to be the back door of the tent was an apparently handsome fairy whose name he called-Madongo. Madongo was very fair, rich, just, wise and loving fairy and very friendly to rapport with too. As he hosted his visitors to some meal and drinks.

The whole Flora and fauna, aura and ambience of the Madongo Hill spoke for itself. This abode smelled sort of like the home of a Deity.

"What is your mission up this Hill?" Petrelli Knight asked Madongo." I am a Mediator to the gods, a person who communicates your prayers as Knights to the Lord Seign, a mission made feasible due to the fact that the Hill was high and close to the skies. Madongo reiterated the fact that ceremonies and feasts were celebrated in honour of the Deity of their land and as the cave of the Madongo Hill was made, Madongo utilized his clean cave to perform ceremonies for the intermediation with the gods.

Petrelli Knight was astonished. Little did he know or was he aware of the existence of a Mediator, let alone a Messenger to the gods. According to him, their God was worshipped and prayed to in the Temple and in their enclosed rooms and abodes.

The Madongo Hill was very beautiful and exquisite with beautiful spotted lights on different flowers. It seemed to have the comeliness of a beautiful shrine the best that ever existed in the land of Carmosa and Thickhill as there was much to behold on the Madongo Hill.

Once in a while, the Fairy Madongo used to go stealthily to the Carmosa Yards and Stalls to purchase his needs and equipment for his existence and survival as there was his fear of being caught as a Fairy, he visited Carmosa under some sort of disguise and using of a mask to simulate the Carmosa Knights thereby covering his physical features like under the form of a veil.