Last day of school, I can't believe coach won't allow my team to leave for the holidays
just because of the so disgusting christmas cake and he's just doing this for fame even
though we lost the last 11 matches over the ...the ...the ... week. We are mostly called
the losing team but just when things couldn't get worst someone ate the cake ,it wasn't
a surprise to all of us since everyone didn't like it , but coach ... according to our class
coach gets angry , he gives us the look but in this hour couch gave us the look and his
eyes turned red and turned into flames but ;oh lucky me ,everyone ran like the speed of
lightning leaving me with coach .I felt like a roach in his presence but when things
couldn't get worst again he brought his staff with all strength left in me i could just faint
in a split second my friends Benji and Mike came to save me , so lets explain this in
details Benji is like a close friend to coach so he distract him leaving me and Mike to
run out of the room on time , and as for Benji he's the fastest runner in our class so he
can take care of himself. After all of the commotion I was hunted by coach and at the
same time we have to find out who stole or ate the cake.