Chapter 2 - Disaster

One day when Alex and I were leaving for the village market, I bumped into someone.

Me : "Ouch! Look at your path, idiot!

??? : "Excuse me?"

When I turned back, I was shocked.

Me : " Oh, daughter of the King. How does it feel to be a spoiled brat?"

Clarice : " How does it feel to be a peasant?"

Me : "At least I'm not using my dad's money to buy stupid things."

Clarice : "You-!"

Alex : " Hey, Gloria. Let's just go."

Me: "Ugh, fine" // "See you later, slut"

Clarice : "Grr"

As we walked past the princess, I wondered why Alex would want us to leave. He usually supports me instead of telling me to leave.

2 days later, someone knocked on my house door..

Me : "Give me a second!" // "Oh..! What's the matter, sir?"

Guard 1 : "Are you Gloria?"

Me : "Yes?"

Guard 1 : "I'm sorry but you need to come with us."

Me : "What? Why? Hey!"

Guard 2 : "Tie her hands!"

Me : "What did I do?!"

Guard 1 : "I'm so sorry.."

Me : "Ughh.."

The Guards take me to the castle, and to the throne room. On there, I see Clarice with her "smirk".

Me : "Oh, You."

Clarice : "Haha, miss me?"

Me : "Not even in your dreams"

Guard 2 : "Don't talk with that attitude to the Princess!"

Me : "Ughh Fine" // "What do you want"

Clarice : "Oh no no, I don't want to make you suffer.. Not Yet"

Me : "So why did you want me here? This place is more disgusting than the last time I heard about it"

Clarice : "Guard! Bring up the boy"

Guard 3 : "Yes, Your Highness"

Me : "Boy? What boy-" // "What did you do to Alex?!"

Clarice : "Nothing much. Just give him some lesson to respect his Princess"

Me : "Leave him!"

Clarice : "I will Leave him.. To the basement! Don't worry though, because you'll be with him! for the rest of your life!"

Me : "What?! No! Let go of me!"

Clarice : "Have fun!"