In Hazbin Hotel with the ice ice fruit

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Chapter 1 - Reborn

"Huh, not what I imagined the afterlife to look like" Kent says looking around at what looks like a to be a night club with people drinking and exotic dancers on the stages littered around the area. He walked around trying to talk or at least interact with any of the people parting but it was like he was a ghost. As Kent was looking around he noticed that the bartender was waving him over. Looking at the bartender, Kent noticed that as soon as he turned in another direction he would forget every detail about the bartender but even so he made his way over.

"Yes?" Kent asked sitting down at the stool the bartender motioned him to sit.

"haven't seen you're face around here. you new or something?"

"Yeah i guess you could say that" Kent says still disbelieving that this is where he will spend his eternity

"Hmm, you don't have the same feeling our other patrons have.What did you do to be sent here?" The bartender questioned.

"I killed assholes who ruined family's" Kent proudly says

"Kekeke, well look at you Mr Saint" The bartender sarcastically states

"Well who are you? What did you do to be stuck here?" asks Kent

When Kent asked that question the club that was previously bustling with activity and laughter suddenly stopped to pin drop silence and the club that felt so real to Ken began to shift and distort until the scene completely changed to that of brimstone walls and wide and tall corridors. Ken remembering his conversation turns only to find the bartender sitting on a throne made of what looked like black glass.

"My name is Lucifer the current and forever king of hell" States Lucifer with a wide grin.

"Now that we got all the introductions and revelations we got business to talk about. Truth be told Ken i have been watching you since your second kill."

'Creepy' Kent thought, " Why were you watching me of all people?"

Lucifer slightly twitched hearing the creepy comment but proceeded to give his reply" i watch all serial killers that leave trails and stream them to my TV with my daughter. Usually there either crazy or dedicate their murders to me but you it was different you placed a folder of there previous crimes. I wanted to ask why?".

"I wanted the message that we should let these people to roam the streets and eventually commit the same crimes" Kent

" I want to offer you a job Kent and its non negotiable and if you refuse ill have you personally tortured for the rest of your eternity so think carefully about your "decision" ".

seeing no hope in avoiding this and also having his curiosity peaked Kent decided to ask "whats the job."

"Heaven and Hell have an accord that to be able keep hell from being over populated angles will come down and cleanse imps,demons and mortal souls for 12 hours some if not most angles hate all denizens of hell so they usually go for a couple of more hours, so your job is to stop them from going to far by killing them."

Hearing this Kent was at a loss he had trained in mix martial arts to be able to subdue his victims in close quarters he needed to but he couldn't fathom how he would be able to match angle warriors

"How do you want me to do that?" Kent questioned

"Im glad you asked, usually when a mortal soul is brought to hell there appearance is altered and there abilities come with the new appearance, these abilities are pretty standard like flight or growing new appendages but on the rare occasion a mortal soul can obtain power higher than intended" Explains Lucifer

" Demons who do jobs for me are given the title royalty and demons who rule over territory and businesses are overlords"

"So where do I fit into the hell hierarchy since im going to do a job for you?" Kent asked

"You're job is currently filled in with a royal I personally appointed so you are going to be born his son and successor and will have a high standard of life" Lucifer explains but then his toned shifted to a more serious one" Don't forget that you work for me and all im giving you can be taken away".

"Alright, ill keep that in mind" sighed Kent

"Don't feel down ill even give you some powers from those Japanese cartoons you watched so much" Joked Lucifer."Alright im sending you in and also im giving you 100 years to be ready for the job so train well and before you ask questions hell time is different form mortal time also don't judge by appearances." As Lucifer waved Kent was sent spiraling until he was still but then a new problem. He couldn't breath and tried desperately to get out of his prison. As his prison eventually gave way to hi thrashing he heard a voice.

"Look Stella, our egg is hatching" As Kent looked in the direction of the voice he saw a pair of really tall owls and both are looking at him with affection

"Hello my owlet, what should we call you?" Asked the owl with a masculine voice

'owlet?' Kent thought, he was confused but then it all clicked these were the royals that were his to be parents and he looked down and saw that his old human limbs were gone replaced by big poofy feathers with little hands at the end.

"How about Talos" The feminine owl answered happily.