Chereads / Robo-Bot / Prologue


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Somewhere outside the milky way galaxy, an alien spaceship occupied by human researchers can be seen floating in space, devoid of human life. There are several capsules filled with broken-down robots. In a separate chamber, a bald-headed dwarf sits on the make-shift mattress and speaks into his high-tech, modified space watch.

"Day 673,

1300 hours, Greenwich Meridian Time.

We are still stuck in space in a surprisingly well-equipped alien spaceship filled with alien tech. It is believed that the spaceships be the abandoned technological experiments suspected to be owned by the Rokkas. The controversies between the two recently established groups among us, the researchers, are the reasons why this ship was sent outside our known galaxy and if the tech is salvageable." He paused to take a deep breath and sip on a liquid that they had discovered was beneficial to their health.

"On one side is a group led by Dr Gbade who believes that the ship and everything in it should be abandoned while, in his own words, there is still time! He made quite a good number of points, including the fact that the Rokkas will never abandon a single spaceship outside their galaxy if it was not believed to be life-threatening on a planet-wide scale. He also mentioned the fact that we do not have the slightest idea about their language not to mention that their tech was several light-years ahead of us. If they were willing to abandon this tech so far away, then it must be incredibly dangerous. And so, it would be in our best interest if we also abandoned the ship and tried to find our way home. As much as I was compelled to join his cause, I could not help but notice that everyone on his side are scaredy-cats, homesick or have been slowly losing their minds in space and wish to go home before it gets worse. On the other side is a group led by Nobelist Chen who has incessantly argued that this abandoned tech is exactly what mankind needs to catch up to the Rokkas tech-wise and help level the battlefield. He also argued that perhaps what was dangerous to them was what we discovered was immensely beneficial to our health. I have to admit, that was a very good point. He also said that he was slowly beginning to understand their language via their tech. This is definitely not far-fetched, considering the amount of time he has spent in the control room and how he has continued to discover new parts f the ship. One can't really blame him for not wanting to give the ship up. After all, he was the one who had discovered this alien spaceship while ours was failing, he had been the one to discover all the liquids we have been taking. And he also discovered the capsules filled with extremely advanced Rokka technology. I was almost compelled to join his group but Dr Chen is obviously too egoistic and he has been fighting for leadership ever since we stepped foot into this spaceship. It is also very apparent that he is willing to do anything to win the Nobel prize again. And so, I have remained in the middle and subsequently become the deciding factor of whether we should return home or stay and research this ship and possibly help to improve mankind. And so, with this......."

He was unable to finish his closing sentence due to a blaring, ear-piercing sound that might or might not be an alarm. He rushed out of his sleeping chambers and saw everyone already gathered at the meeting room.

"What the hell is that goddamned sound?"

"We have no idea!"

"Something is coming at the spaceship.....and it is coming fast!" Dr Chen shouted as he ran to meet the other researchers in the meeting room. He came from the direction of the control room. Everyone kept quiet to listen to him, including his biggest rival, Dr Gbade. So he took that as a cue to continue.

"The radar's reading has gone off charts. Something immensely big and powerful is coming. Actually, more like passing by and....."

"And we happen to be in its way!" Dr Gbade said. Dr Chen shot him a furious look.

"What do we do now?" Another researcher asked.

"I could try to move this ship out f it's trajectory but I will need help....lots of it and I am making no promises that what I am about to attempt will work!" Dr Chen said. But his archnemesis wasn't having any of it and he spoke up.

"Or we could enter our own human ships right now and get the hell out of here!"

"FYI, they are not even half-charged!" A researcher countered and Dr Gbade scowled very deeply.

"Let's do it! I'd prefer to try out an alien ship and die than escape from the trajectory only to die a slow, more painful death caused by hunger." The dwarf said and began walking towards the control room. He called out to Dr Chen.

"What do we do sir?"

Dr Chen smiled and raised voice, spouting out orders to every researcher as he walked briskly towards the control room. He gave his orders and everyone moved to their respective locations. Under Dr Chen's orders, the spaceship started up, giving the skeptical ones more faith in his leadership. The ship slowly moved from its stationary position towards its left. On the radar, the orb-shaped element of destruction sped towards the spaceship faster than the speed of sound and the ship didn't look like it would escape in time.

"Dr Gbade!" Dr Chen called in his Chinese accent. There was no response.

"Pull the lever on my count! Dr Prabhat, press the bright red button to your right on my count as well!"

Dr Chen slowly counted down from five to himself, then he shouted


Dr Prabhat pressed the button but Dr Gbade was completely lost in thought. The lever was supposed to change the trajectory of the spaceship and the button would activate the thrusters. Dr Prabhat activated the thrusters but Dr Gbade did not change the trajectory. The spaceship therefore ran into the orb and was obliterated, but a capsule had found its way out of the spaceship and contrary to the laws of space slowly fell

and increased in speed in the direction of the milky galaxy.

*Galaxy identified.*

*Thrusters activated.*

*Habitable Planet spotted.*

*Habitable Planet identified.*

*Trajectory recalculated towards Habitable Planet.*

*Several Potential hosts spotted.*

*Calculating compatibility of potential hosts with Mech001.*

*Most compatible host identified with 99.8% compatibility.*

*Downloading most commonly used language of host's immediate surroundings.*

*Download complete.*

*Impactful landing in 10 seconds.*

*Goddammit, motherfucker!*