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Brain Dead Walking

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Brain Dead /-

:- (medicine) Having an irreversible loss of brain function and cessation of brain activity.

Story by Michkylle Soerynata & Fidel Mpofu.

Written by Fidel Mpofu.


AFRICA – 2010.

"Somewhere in the North, a match was lit. A call to arms. Its flames springing into a wildfire that would throw the Arab nations into a wild frenzy. Flames ignited with the intention of setting the freedom torch ablaze. Alas it was all for naught. This wild fire paved way for an era of bloodshed and anarchy.

In the midst of the anarchy they arose, they brought terror with them. Sinking their sharpened blades into flesh, spilling blood on the mother continent. They were the Al-Jihadi. An Islamist terror organisation content on riding the world of infidels.

The Al-Jihadi having overrun three quarters of Africa, all that remained was the SADC region. Having anticipated this, the nations of SADC had pre-emptively banded together four years prior to create a single entity, the Sovereign States of Africa.

With the Al-Jihadi encroaching on Sovereign borders. All out war was inevitable."

HARARE - 2019.

Just after sunrise, three SUVs in formation scream down an empty highway. They bear the insignia of the Sovereign States Army [SSA]. An iron age warrior with an Cow skin shield and an assegai. Racing in the opposite direction is a fleet of ambulances and fire trucks blaring their sirens and flashing strobe lights. Emergency services are overwhelmed after a Bio-weapon attack by the Al-Jihadi.

The city is in total upheaval. Rolling blackouts plaguing the population. An increase in violent riots and cases of looting as the Sleeping Sickness death toll climbs into the mid hundreds of thousands in just one week.


The three SUVs blast past the security boom gate speeding into compound. This triggers a breach alert as the entire facility goes into lockdown mode. The SUVs head for the Asylum ward and come to a screeching halt in front of the admissions block.

Armed estate security personnel descend on the convoy. They all have respirators on them. The psychiatric estate is divided into Three sections. The prison yard that houses the criminally insane. An asylum ward for some of the most disturbed minds in the Zimbabwean State district. And a general hospital for the general population. In regards to the estate's rather eccentric occupants, the facility is manned by heavily armed security personnel.

From the vehicles disembarks a detachment unit of 12 men and women. 11 of them dressed in tactical military gear and heavy duty respirators. The 12th, a SSA officer of Arab descent, Lieutenant Ismail Benghazi. He looks a bit nervous, he's fresh out of grad school. The SSA personnel stand at odds with the hospital security, both parties itching for a fight.

"Order your men to stand down soldier", a stern female voice calls in the background.

Lieutenant Benghazi looks up. It's a staunch white woman in her forties, standing atop the stairs, looking down the SSA unit. Wearing a face mask and latex gloves.

"My security personnel are well trained and they will not hesitate to shoot any intruders. Even if those intruders happen to be the military", she calmly continues.

Fairly confident in the capabilities of her security team. This is Yvette Collins, the Director of the St Imprye Psychiatric Estate. "On these grounds, only estate security personnel are permitted to carry fire arms", she adds.

"We are state security" Lieutenant Benghazi retorts.

"Estate security", she emphasises. "On these grounds I am god. What I say goes", she brags, asserting her dominance.

Lieutenant Benghazi gives the signal for his men to lower their weapons. The Director Collins beckons on the Lieutenant to come up. "Now how may I help you..." The Lieutenant hands her a folded piece of paper instead, marching past her heading for the decontamination station at the entrance. She opens the document, Its an executive order from the Sovereign States Joint Military Command. The Director is stunned as the SSA unit rushes past her. She catches up to the Lieutenant.

They all go through decontamination procedures individually.

"What's your interest in a demented ex combatant?"

"That information is classified state business" the Lieutenant responds, giving hand signals to his unit. "Which way is section 7C?" The Lieutenant asks.

A terrified estate medical staffer points. Director Collins throws an unimpressed glances at her. Two members of the SSA take point as the Lieutenant follows.

Room 12, the door is ajar. The bed is neatly set and everything is pristine yet the room is unoccupied. "Where is he?" the Lieutenant asks.

"MOTHER, locate patient AX1417, Mukunda Germaine" speaks Director Collins, tapping into her collar mounted comm link.

"Searching" replies a digital female voice on the comm link. "Mother?" asks the puzzled Lieutenant.

"Yes, MOTHER. Its our local systems management A.I. Designed by one of our former patients. She runs our surveillance and patient psychological monitoring", answers Director Collins. "We are a state of the art facility", she adds.

The Director's posture suddenly stiffens. She stares eyes wide at the Lieutenant, raising alarm. He takes notice.

"Its speaking to you isn't it? Your A.I, what's it saying? He asks, stepping in closer.

Director Collins evades the Lieutenant's gaze, making a half turn. "You lost him didn't you!" He asserts, raising his voice. " State of the art my ass!"

"Don't raise your voice at me soldier!", snaps the Director "Why is it that on the day you show up, my patient mysteriously drops off the grid?", she continues.

The SSA unit regroups and forms up on Lieutenant Benghazi.

"What's so special about him that military command had to send 12 armed men to get him?!" Director Collins asks.

Lieutenant Benghazi brushes her aside. "Get me command, inform them the target is lost. We need a wide area search", he orders. "Yes sir!" the communication specialist responds.

"I could save you time, and tell you where he went" says Director Collins. folding her arms behind her back, striding towards the Lieutenant. "That is, if you tell me what the SSJMC wants from him", she continues.

"Lady, that Executive Order in your hand compels you to hand him over!" Lieutenant Banghazi yells.

"Hand him over, yes. But he's not in my hands now is he" she claims, circling around the Lieutenant.

" The man had been a resident at this here facility for three years. MOTHER has been monitoring him. Analysis his thought process. She know how he thinks. She knows where he's most likely to be.

Lieutenant Benghazi snaps, grabbing Director Collins by the collar and yells into her comm link, "MOTHER! what is Colonel Germaine Mukunda's estimated location.

MOTHER'S voice booms over the P.A system, " Access to Information denied. User not recognised".

"MOTHER only responds to my commands. Told you I am god" ,smirks the Director.

The Lieutenant lets go of Director Collins. He paces around. Calculating his options. "Sir", butts in the communication specialist, Warrant Officer Sisulu. Female, small build.

Lieutenant Benghazi continues pacing.


"Quiet, I am thinking" says Lieutenant Benghazi, cutting her off.

"I know what you're thinking sir", Warrant Officer Sisulu continues. That's classified information, you will be court marshalled" she pleads.

"The more time you take, the more the variables change. Decreasing the efficacy of MOTHER'S projected possible locations" butts in the Director.

"Quiet, I know", the Lieutenant responds, pacing.

"Colonel Germaine Mukunda is the key. Three years ago, during the Fall of Egypt, he lost it. Went psycho about a rising tide of pestilence, sent fourth by some entity he called the Sleep King.

Obviously they discharged him and confined him in this place," the Lieutenant continues.

"Three years?" But the infection has only been present for a week, two at most", says Director Collins, confused.

"Evidence suggests the Sleeping Sickness might that rising tide of pestilence that Colonel Germaine Mukunda spoke off. If you know where he is, you have to tell us. The fate of the sovereign hangs in the balance", asserts Lieutenant Benghazi.

"MOTHER, What's Germaine's estimated location" Director Collins asks.

"Colonel. Colonel Germaine Mukunda. The man might have been dishonourably discharged and possibly nuts, but you will address him with due respect", emphasizes the Lieutenant.

"Location indeterminate. There are not enough data points to effectively make an estimate", responds MOTHER over the P.A.

"What?! Your state of the art toy is broken, it can't locate him", yells the Lieutenant.

"Broken? that's it. Broken! Germaine is broken! I know where he is", exclaims Director Collins. " Ridge Crown Cemetery, that's where you will find him. Section G, grave number 13. It's the first place he would go.

"Ridge Crown, why?" asks the Lieutenant.

"Why waste time standing around, asking silly questions when you could be driving to Ridge Crown. Go now before you lose him", Director Collins says.

Lieutenant Benghazi orders the SSA unit to move out post haste. The three SUVs sprint out of the facility headed to their next location.


The SSA detachment unit led by Lieutenant Ismail Benghazi stealthy walks into the grave yard, zeroing in on their target. Colonel Germaine Mukunda. A man in his late forties. Standing over a grave stone. He has a strong frame, athletic build, unkempt hair and a grey beard. Overally he looks rather fit for a man who has been confined in a psychiatric hospital for the last three years.

Lieutenant Benghazi approaches and stands next to the man. Colonel Germaine Mukunda?" he asks.

"Nobody has called me Colonel in years" Germaine remarks.

"Lieutenant Ismail Benghazi, Sovereign States Army sir!" The lieutenant salutes. General Muleya requests your presence post haste.

"Request? Is that why you brought guns to my son's grave", questions the Colonel.


The Lieutenant is shocked. The Colonel's file didn't indicate he had a son or was ever married. He takes a look at the grave stone and is puzzled by the name engraved name; Jamie Collins.