The story begins with a flashback of the relationship between humans and the present it begins with a group of superhuman trying to steal some chemical gas this superhumans are four and the first has the ability of thermo hands the second has lasers the third one has invisibility and the last one has supervision.this theft is stopped by marv and the super police force which they use a gas which lowers the superhumans abilities .This makes it easy to capture them but unfortunately the superhumans blow up the explosions and this causes marv to be injured.Marv and the injured people are taken to hospital .marv daughter is called emma and she is in school and her head starts to ache she begins to see visions of destruction and death of many people.this emotions pushes her to remove a strong energy blast which destroy parts of the school .Marv sees this in the news back in hospital and it is ordered that emma should be put to jail.this angers Marv and he escapes hospital and steals one of the doctors car and he chases the police who have his daughter marv finally being able to make the police car skid and crash he leaves and saves her daughter from the wreck and leaves the police to die in the crash.this acts makes marv a wanted man and he escapes to a super human called agatha who is a fortune teller when agatha touches emma she receives the vision of destruction this makes her fall on the ground and marv comes to pick her up and. She tells marv that her daughter is the key to bring total chaos to humans .Agatha immediately gives marv some pills to suppress emma powers .