*🍞 Our Daily Bread 🍞* _09-04-2022_
*Chatty Bus*
By: *Lisa M. Samra*
_In 2019, the Oxford Bus Company launched the instantly popular "Chatty Bus," a bus with designated people on board willing to talk with interested passengers. The route was initiated in response to government research which found that 30 percent of Britons go at least one day each week without a meaningful conversation._
_Many of us have likely experienced the loneliness that comes from not having someone to talk to in a time of need. As I reflect on the value of important conversations in my life, I'm especially reminded of discussions that were full of grace. Those times brought me joy and encouragement, and they helped to cultivate deeper relationships._
_At the end of his letter to the Colossian church, Paul encouraged his readers with principles of authentic living for believers in Jesus, including ways our conversations can exhibit love 💓 to everyone we encounter. The apostle wrote, "Let your conversation be always full of grace" (4:6), reminding his readers that it is not simply the presence of words but the quality of those words—"full of grace"—that would allow them to be a true encouragement to others._
_The next time you have the opportunity to connect deeply in conversation—with a friend, co-worker, or even a stranger seated next to you on a bus or in a waiting room—look for ways your time together might bring blessing into both of your lives._
```Reflect & Pray```
_When have you experienced the blessing of grace-filled words? How might you extend encouragement to someone today through what you say?_
*Heavenly Father, help me to be a blessing to everyone I speak with today, filling these conversations with Your grace.*
*_Our Daily Bread_*