*"Insight Brings Joy!".*
"The people went away to eat and drink at a festive meal, to share gifts of food, and to celebrate with great joy because they had heard God's words and understood them."
*• (Nehemiah 8:12).* NLT
The Jews had a life-changing experience after they returned from exile in Babylon. What happened? They focused on God's Word.
As they heard the Word being read to them, His words came alive for them as never before. As they listened, they were given greater insight. They were encouraged and their burdens were lifted. Filled with understanding, they were able to "celebrate with great joy!"
God's Word has this kind of impact. It can change us and transform our lives. Even when we face situations that seem hopeless, the Word gives us hope and even joy.
But it is not enough just to know about the Word or read it occasionally. The Word is like a hidden treasure with riches for those who dig, seek, demonstrate initiative, hunger and thirst for the Word, listen, and study.
When we truly understand the Word, our lives will be impacted in countless ways. Our attitudes will change. We will think with greater clarity and receive more of God's wisdom. We will have more discernment and be able to act more prudently.
Today, commit to seeking God's Word as never before. Read it. Study it. Ask God to give you new revelations and reveal greater depths of His truth, so you might impact others for His Kingdom. Ask Him to grant you deeper levels of understanding and an outpouring of joy.
Father, help me to have a greater understanding of Your Word. I hunger to know more of Your Word. Thank You for joy. In Jesus' name.