Chereads / our daily bread / Chapter 164 - TODAY'S BIBLE READING*





*"In Him…, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise" (Ephesians 1:13)*

*The Lord has sealed you with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord is joined with your spirit, and reveals that you belong to Him. Since you have the seal of God on you, there is no need for you to be terrified on the day of redemption.*

*In the days of Old Testament, God instructed about circumcision and gave it as a seal to Abraham. Accordingly, all the male children were separated for the Lord and circumcised. All those who were circumcised, were separated from the Gentiles, and established themselves as those belonging to God. And thus became the inheritors of the blessings and promises of God.*

*Abraham became the forefather of all those who fulfilled the covenant of circumcision. And all the Israelites were set apart for the Lord and became God's chosen ones, in Abraham, by the seal of circumcision. They remained as the redeemed of the Lord and Holy people, on earth.*

*This seal of circumcision was effective till such time Christ was crucified on the Cross. The Lord instructed about circumcision of heart or the spiritual circumcision of the inner man, and not bodily circumcision. He is able to make someone righteous through his faith, even without a bodily circumcision.*

*In the New Testament, the seal of circumcision is not mandated. About this, Apostle Paul writes: "Circumcision is nothing and Uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what matters" (1 Corinthians 7:19).*

*However, God has given a new seal in the New Testament, which is the seal of the Holy Spirit. When someone is stamped with that seal, he cannot be hurt or harmed by the angel of death or the angel of hades.*

*We also read of another seal in the Scripture, which is the seal of antichrist, given by Satan during the period of tribulation (Revelation 13: 17,18). In his number is 666, the first six represents serpent, the second six represents beast and the third six represents false prophet.And all these three together bring about the rule of antichrist in this world.*

*Dear children of God, commit yourselves to a holy living, in order to escape from the seal of the antichrist. And be filled with the Holy Spirit, as the day of the Lord is at hand.*

*Verse for further meditation: "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption" (Ephesians 4:30).*