Bangchan's POV
I was sitting next to Felix's hospital bed while he was asleep. It's been about a week and a half since we came back to the hospital from leaving the first time after the accident. We had to come back because of Felix feeling bad pain in his waist and having a really bad seizure. And he's been out since we got here. Dongwook is still trying to figure out what caused the seizure but he said the pain was from the accident and because he was still healing. I was still deep in thought whenever I saw his hand move. I sat up a little bit. Felix started to wake up and once he did he panicked. I sat on the edge of the bed and gently grabbed him.
Bangchan: Hey! Hey it's okay.
Felix looked at me and moved back. I stood up and backed up to give him room.
Felix: Who are you? Where's Hyungwon?
I stopped for a second after he said that and tried not to look hurt.
Bangchan: Hey! Calm down. Hyungwon is in a different room. I can go ask his doctor if he can come. But I need you to calm down.
Felix: What room is he in? I need to see him now!
Felix started to take the iv's out of his arm and stood up.
Bangchan: Wait you need to get back in bed.
Felix: Why does my waist hurt?
Felix walked past me and headed for the door. But before he got to the door he grabbed onto the wall for a second and then passed out. I quickly caught him before he fell on the ground.
Bangchan: Help! Somebody help!
I started to panic and I didn't know what to do. Dongwook walked in and helped me get Felix back into the bed and got the iv back in his arm.
Dongwook: What happened?
Bangchan: He just woke up and asked who I was and where Hyungwon was and then I tried to tell him that Hyungwon was in a different room and that I would ask you if he could come here but then he got up and took the iv out and said that he needed to see him now and then he just passed out.
Dongwook looked at me.
Dongwook: He didn't remember you?
I shook my head no.
Dongwook: Okay. I need to do an MRI okay? You going to be okay with me doing that?
Bangchan: Yeah.
Dongwook: Okay. I will be right back.
I shook my head and then he went to leave but Felix woke up again. Dongwook looked at him. Felix panicked again and looked at me.
Felix: Who are you?
Bangchan: How do you not remember me!? We have been dating for 7 years!
Felix: I don't remember that.
Dongwook: Okay. Don't worry. Felix, what day is it?
Felix: March 24, 2018. I'm supposed to be debuting with my friends tomorrow.
Bangchan: Lix, that happened 6 years ago.
I was on the verge of tears. Felix looked at me dead in the eye. Everything was silent for a little while. Felix started to cry seeming like he was remembering everything. He held his arms out to me.
Felix: Channie!!
I went over and took him into my arms and silently cried while Felix started crying louder. I held him until he calmed down but he still clinged to me after he stopped crying. I heard Dongwook sigh behind us.
Dongwook: How are you feeling Felix?
Felix stayed quiet for a second before saying that he was okay quietly. I hugged him tighter. Dongwook smiled and then left. Felix looked at me. I looked at him and saw that he was about to cry again.
Bangchan: What's wrong baby?
Felix: I'm sorry that I forgot you. I don't know what happened.
Felix started crying again. I hugged him tighter and let him rest his head on my shoulder.
Bangchan: It's okay. Don't cry baby. Let's get you comfortable.
I helped Felix lay down on the bed and I laid next to him. Felix put his arms around my waist and held on tightly. I started soothing him until he calmed down.
Felix: What happened before we got here? I only remember bits of what happened before I blacked out.
Bangchan: Well we were just laying on our bed and I was sitting behind you and we were watching a movie but after about an hour or two you said that you were feeling really bad pain in your waist and before I was able to answer you started having a seizure and so I panicked and called Dongwook. And ever since we've gotten here you've been in a self-induced coma for a week and a half.
Felix looked at me.
Bangchan: I know. Dongwook is still trying to get results so we know what caused the seizure. But everything is okay.
Felix: It doesn't feel like it is.
I sighed and pulled him closer. Felix put his head on my chest and loosened his grip on my waist a little bit.
Bangchan: You're not alone Lix. I promise.
Felix: I know but it feels like nothing is going right at the moment.
Bangchan: We need a break don't we?
Felix: Yeah. That would be nice.
Bangchan: Australia?
Felix: Of course.
Felix looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Now we just need to wait.