Chapter 298 - Part 297

Canary saw Ryan leave and knew that Lisa was now alone.

Lisa's focus went back to the city view and she was like this when Canary came from his hiding.

His hands with in both his pockets and he first looked at her back view coldly.

' Does she hate me like this that she doesn't even want to hear my name ?'

He asked himself as he went to her.

When Lisa heard the foot steps she thought Ryan was back and said.

" Are you done with the call that first ?"

" Are you anxiously waiting for him ?" Canary asked:

Lisa knew the familiar voice and turned to face him. He was really the one.

" Canary, What brings you here ?" She asked.

Canary chuckled and stood besides her;

" I had come to watch the city , But it seems I am not wanted here." He said.

" What do you mean ?" Lisa asked looking at him.

He turned and faced her.

" I heard you saying it yourself. The way you don't want to hear my name but I am just annoying and I ruin your moments." He said it almost the way she heard just stated to Ryan.

" Did you really tap my conversation with Ryan ?" She asked.

" Yeah, Now I know how much you hate me." He said.

Lisa knew there was no way to defend herself so she kept silent.

" Canary only annoys me. At least say something that will cheer me up." Canary mimicked her own words.

" sorry that you heard it that way. But don't misunderstand. It was a jazz." Lisa tried to find words.

" Really ?" He asked.

" Of course. Why would I hate you ?" Lisa asked putting a fake smile.

" I am annoying right ?" He asked.

" I said don't mind the words I said."

" Why shouldn't I mind them ?" He asked becoming serious.

" You were previously acting weird, You asked me to stop being nice to you, and tried to distance yourself from me. But because I didn't know the reason, I tried to keep our friendship." He spoke sadly and I then faced the city again.

" I used to ask myself why ? What did I do to you ? Now I have the answer. You just hate me right ?" He looked at her again.

" It's not that.." Lisa said;