Chereads / Sleeping Princess / Chapter 203 - Ch. 46 - What is Family? (4/5)

Chapter 203 - Ch. 46 - What is Family? (4/5)

After we picked up everything, we all exited the store. Nagumi-chan carried more than her share of bags, and I pointed that out to Sora-chan.

"Nagumi-chan, how about I take…"

Snappishly, the little soldier shook her head and straightened her back. Visibly, she was working hard, and it was delightful to see, but that wasn't the lesson I wanted to teach her.

"Nagumi-chan, why don't you let your friend help you?"

I suggested.

Everyone watched as she looked at her two friends empty-handed. The little girl glanced at her older sister with her four bags. With a shrug, Okabe-san looked away, allowing Nagumi-chan to make her own choices.

Okabe-san was a good older sister in that way.

The little Nagumi-chan had to make a big choice, though. It seemed she felt terrible, hogging all the shopping bags for herself.


She groaned in embarrassment. She approached her two new friends and held out two shopping bags, one for each of them.

"Thank you."

Hana-chan said with a smile, causing the little girl to blush and look away. Together, they all shared the last two bags. Hana held one side of one of the bags, and Nagumi-chan held the other. Sora-chan and Nagumi-chan did this with the other bag on the other side. They all were… holding hands without holding hands, all three of them. Mae-chan and I squealed and held hands.

"You siscons!"

Okabe-san bullied me.

"You can't say they aren't cute, though… I'm not a siscon."

I pouted.

I didn't like being labeled something that was seen as unfavorable. So, I loved watching my Hana do adorable things. And… I wanted to hold her close and swing her around from time to time. I slapped my face, trying to fight against all the urges.

While we chatted, we all made our way to the food court for dinner with our bags in hand.

"I am hungry!"

Saki-chan said as she looked back at our group.

Once we got to the food court, it was a wide-open space with plenty of tables and chairs still open. This was the same spot that Okabe-san and I ate at together a while ago. It was only Hana-chan and me back then, for the most part.

To sit together, we had to pull two tables in our spot to ensure that we could all sit down and eat. Mae-chan did it like she owned the place, but it looked like the employees didn't mind that we did this.

"While we wait for Eleanor to come and pick up the stuff, let's relax and have a good meal, girls."

So-chan said, then looked at Saya-san.

"Saitou-san has nice taste when it comes to design. I was surprised by what she picked out. Oh, and Okabe-san picked some nice things out too."

The shark complimented.


Okabe-san shrugged it off like her words were poisonous. But Saya-san nodded happily.

"Oh, thank you, Conway-san. I used to be in the Fine Arts in middle school too. When I first got to Jinda High, I joined the club again. It was full of third years, and once they graduated, I took over."

Saya-san explained as we all sat with our meals. For the most part, we all got generic burgers with fries. The oil from the heavy, greasy food was causing the plate to sag sorrowfully.

Yuko-chan looked my way.

"Is everything alright, Madoka-chan? You're… staring at your food like it's going to kill you..."

The ghost commented.

If anything was going to kill me, it was all the junk food I'd been eating as of late. Even the meals at Mary-san's home were far more calorie dense than the meals at home. I assumed that was because she was from overseas. America… From what I heard, Americans ate a lot...

"It's fine, Yuko-chan! I'm okay!"

I pumped my fist, even though my plate sagged heavily with fried goods.

With all the junk food and sitting around recently, I felt like I was gaining weight steadily. I've been stagnant since I woke up from my coma, and I knew that I would have to start being more active again eventually.


"Yes, Hana~"

A bundle of fries soared through the air, attacking my mouth suddenly. Hana jammed the food into my mouth, causing me to lunge back and nearly fall out of my chair. I wasn't prepared, and my little flower did what she did best.

"There you go, Madoka~"

My adorable sister smiled as she violently shoved more fried goods in my mouth. It's been a while since we shared a meal, and I wasn't ready! I chewed and finished the fries. Before she could push more in my mouth, I stopped her.

"H-Hana, give me a heads up. Geez!"

I waved my hands in front of my face. But the sweet, innocent Hana-chan saw this as a challenge. She waited for the right time and shot another bundle of fries at me.


The fries got through my shield and nearly choked me to death. If I didn't know any better, I would say that she was trying to kill me. Could it be… that Hana-chan was actually upset with me and that this was her cute way to get rid of me?

"Is it good?"

Sweetly, she asked, tilting her small head of hers. I couldn't scold her with that face. Hana-chan would make me fat at this rate... and I would let her for that amazing smile of hers.

"It's good. Now eat your own food, Hana-chan. I don't want you to be hungry. Your mom would be upset if you don't eat."

In a pout, she nibbled on her meal… like she always did. Hana-chan was never a big eater, and I'm sure she used me as an excuse to finish her meal. I didn't mind… but I wanted to ensure that she was well-fed too.


Nagumi-chan mimicked her new friend and tried to prompt Hana-chan to open her mouth.

"Oh, no thank you, Nagumi-chan-"

But Nagumi-chan forced the fries on Hana-chan this time.


Hana-chan cried.

My little sister's eyes closed, and I could swear they turned to Xs. Defeated, she fell back, but I caught her from falling. Everyone erupted with giggles. Karma was on my side today, and even Okabe-san gave us a chuckle before cutting in.

"Nagumi, eat all your food. Koda-san has her own meal."

Okabe-san berated, albeit a bit more light-hearted than usual.

As we all calmed down and ate our meal, the mood leveled out, and everything was pleasant.

"Alright, girls, tomorrow at 6 PM is the start time. My Onee-san knows, and she's excited to see everyone!"

Saya explained.

With that, we all established the party for tomorrow. Something to forget about the hard times that came onto us this year. Especially for the sisters that still felt out of their element with us. As we continued eating, Hana-chan's phone rang. The ringtone sounded like it came from an anime. Most likely it was a series she was in love with, but I couldn't put my finger on it.


I assumed it was even my mom or hers. I strained my ears to try to hear, but there was no way I could hear if it was my mom on the other end.

"Okay, see you soon."

With her tiny fingers, Hana-chan hung up the phone.

"Oh, mom is outside, Madoka-chan. Can you please walk with me out to the car?"

Hana-san asked as she pointed at her phone. The message displayed was from "Mom." It made me wonder if Hana-chan had both our moms under mom, and if so… how does she differentiate them?

"Alright, I'll take you to the car."

Hana-chan hopped off her seat and scampered behind me.

"I'll be back, everyone. I have to take Hana-chan to her mom."

I explained.

"Bye-bye, Hana-chan!"

Sora exclaimed, waving her arms wildly. Nagumi-chan poked her head up and… also waved.

"Bye Ha…Hana."

Nagumi-chan struggled to say but got it out.

The girls all waved as we walked away. The mall's crowd thinned, making it easier for us to get through. When we got outside, the cold wind hit our noses.

"Hey, you."

Dressed in a warm coat and dress skirt, Mari-san smoothly glided over to us, waving her hands our way. This looked a little strange… but everything Mari-san did always looked a little off-kilter. Like a fashion model with her own little flair, it was part of her charm.


Hana-chan let go of my hand and ran to her mother. After a brief hug, Mari-san turned to me.

"So… how is Mary-san treating you, Madoka-san?"

Concerned, Mari-san asked.

"Mary-san is really hospitable. I was upset at first, but she's treated me like family, Mari-san."

I admitted.

"I don't know her too well, but I heard she's a great person from your mother. I'll do my best to open up to her more too."

We kept our distance, and it felt like the winter's cold made an ice wall that neither of us could cross. I could only gaze at her without even considering… touching her. But deep down, I knew I wanted to hug her like Hana-chan just did a moment ago.

It was strange… as if I was a tad jealous that things were simple between them and complicated between us.

The mother held her daughter's hand tight before letting go and approaching me. I wasn't sure what she was doing, so I froze up like a snow angel in the ice cold. As the invisible wall between us thawed, my chest grew warmer with every step from her.


Mari-san curled her crow black hair as she sighed and lifted her head. The confidence in her eyes took me by surprise.

"I miss you, Madoka-san. I just wanted you to know that. I know I'm taking a while to fix things, but I'm working on it."

Her words weren't for mom but from her honest feelings. They were from her to me. Seeing Mari-san be this honest took me off guard, especially around Hana-chan. It reminded me of that fateful night under the stars together. The night when she was Mari, and I was Madoka.

Hana-chan must have had an idea of what her mother wanted to say to me in person. My little sister put her arms behind her back and spoke up.

"Mom does miss you, Madoka-san. She told me how you two first met, Onee-san, and I'm still waiting for the rest of her story too."

I swung my head towards the little flower so hard that I could have given myself whiplash by accident.

"Mari-san did what?"

Surprised, I asked.

"Yeah, I've decided to be honest with Hana. It's been a struggle to speak with your mother… but I at least want Hana to understand how I feel about you."

Mari-san was so vulnerable that I felt she'd freeze in the cold and shatter before my eyes. But that vulnerability was becoming her strength.

"I want to tell you how we met, too, Madoka. I… I'm almost ready to finally tell you everything about, you know… what happened between us."

Mari-san confessed as she gazed at me tenderly.

"I'm selfish, but you know that Madoka-san. Hana knows that too… Even Ayumi realized that I'm… just a horribly selfish person."

Suddenly, Mari-san stepped closer to me. I wasn't expecting this, but she cut through that invisible wall between us and… embraced me with a hug.


Hot air pushed from my chest as her warm arms wrapped around me. Mari-san pulled me in, connecting us for the first time in… a while. On an ice-cold night, her warmth was almost too much for my lukewarm body. I wanted to push away from her because my chest twisted harshly.


I delicately whispered her name. That wrench in my heart calmed down as her warmth soothed my feelings. But my body moved on its own, and I was wrapping my arms around her too before I knew it. I felt safe when I was around Mari-san.


Mari-san smiled, and for just a brief moment, it felt like everything was right with my world. That pain subsided and became something I could only equate to peaceful bliss.

"I'm sorry for causing all this, but I'll fix it. So, enjoy your party and be a high school girl, Madoka-san."

Mari-san was calming me down and reassuring me that things would be okay. She squeezed me tighter, causing me to fall into her blissful comfort as I closed my eyes. She was my knight yet again.

"So, have fun. I have already stopped your application to the private school, just like I promised. So… have faith in an idiot like me."

My dark knight Mari-san held me tighter.

"If you need anything from me, I'll run to you. So, relax, and I'll solve all these problems."

She eased her grip, dropped her hands on my shoulder, and gazed into my eyes. Mari-san… always had those incredible deep green eyes.

"Let me figure this out, and don't worry about it. It's… it's about time I change for our family sake, Madoka-san."

With a tilt of her head, she smiled… honestly and sweetly. My Mari-san was becoming true to herself… And she looked best when she was honest, just like that night at the inn and onsen.

"Alright, Hana will be at Mary-san's place later tomorrow. I'll drop her off for you, Madoka-san. Have fun… and tell Saitou-san that your mom is watching over you..."

Mari-san whispered that last part, causing me to blush.

"I mean, what is family for, right?"

Mari-san teased and let go, causing the ice-cold wind to cut between us yet again. It was as if our two worlds came together just for a moment, but reality separated us again. I wanted to reach out and grab her again, just for a moment if anything. But I couldn't… without it being inappropriate, and we both must have realized that…

"Hana, let's get you to bed."

Her mother said.

"Bye, Onee-san!"

The Kodas got into the car. The engine roared as it started up. Both of them waved as Mari-san drove off. I wasn't sure when the next time I would see her, but for this brief moment… I was happy.

Was it a bad thing… that I was delighted to see Mari-san still?


I whispered her name in the cold wind. She was going against the way she was raised, and that was admirable in a way. How I wished my mom had the will to face adversity like Mari-san faced.

("I… can't think about that right now. Mari-san's right. I need to focus on being a high schooler for a while. Let the adults figure things out…")

With hope left in my heart, I went back into the warm mall to meet with my friends.