On top of a barren hill decorated haphardly with lakes of old blood, reeking of a foul and putrid smell, layed countless dead bodies clasping the Earth, signalling the end of a very bloody, and gruesome battle.
There stood a man amidst the undecomposed bodies, gazing towards the sky, the sun was high with it's sunlight barely penetrating the obscure sky. It was dark, differentiating between a shadow and a physical object would be unfeasible. The scene appeared grim like something right off of a horror story, empowering the extreme intensity of the situation.
The man's body appearance was one of a trained warrior; he wore a metal helmet that was spoiled red with blood and his steel armor plates were in no better condition, having gone through extensive damage, and a spear sticked out of his right collar. The man stood in a trance, intensely staring at the sky while tightly grasping his half broken warrior sword. He gazed towards the unclear sky, still shrouded with darkness and a foul stench reeking of blood accomponied the mystery element in the still air.
The man had an expressionless face, his eyes stared coldy to whatever he was looking towards. During his fierce glare, the man let out a tear, although his body stood still, showing no sign of sadness.
The man broke free from his gaze launching it back to the horrid scene in front of him.
"Why.... Why did we have to go through this. What were we hoping to accomplish... Freedom? Revenge for our fallen comrades? Filling our ache for adventure?" The man let out another tear, but this time he bothered not to stop it from flowing down his black-stained cheeks.
Within less than a minute, his face was covered with a layer of liquid forming from tear drops. The man scannes his sorroundings once again, laying his eyes on his fallen dead comrades, "WHY! GODS! WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS HELL!" he shouted as loud as he could.
The man looked down to his left collar, the spear left a deep scar, leading to a loss of great blood. His screaming didn't help either.
He didn't have much time left. His breathing only became more rampant with time, and his consciousness started to fade.
"Is this what death feels like?... I'm sorry my friends, it seems like I'll be joining you soon," the man whispered.