we're and the vip lounge EATING FOOD CALLED ICE CREAM when I heard
BEEP BEEP BEEP then BOOM BOOM BOOM the room went shaking instantly
I run outside to see what causes explosion but instead of seeing fire all I is a whole group mob of black shadows
all running to we're the explosion came from a group in all black and white with the words on it Police sign on splits up and some come over here I started talking with someone in all black clothes with the name security on it group in back turns around in a leader I think he says I'm security listen to me please were both going to be here to take care of your safety please follow his rules and he's going to take care of you and put you in a safe place woman says hi police I'm going to take you guys to a safe place I'll need you to listen I'm getting a line and get in the bus ,woman and children first and then second you men you can take your time but not too slow people are on the line with the police ladies help it done in 15 minutes security guy gets in the front seat and I think starts driving it the door shuts closed a vehicle starts moving I was curious about how it moves but like the situation was very dangerous question back in my mind the back of my mind and we're going fast and by no time I saw other vehicles just like us when can you down the road and then we see a man walking with colorful light sticks and also saw colors flashing blue and red lights passed by him and after that we saw a big red truck followed by a white red streak car and in that car was followed by a big black green car I think that's called the police car, fire truck, hospital truck. I think I saw the buses move aside for the vehicles after they all passed through which was a lot we keep on going down the tunnel with other buses. you make it to other side of a lot of buses and people walking out of it I saw people from the great five village and I saw people in green suits carrying black metal suits and black sticks or so I thought when he shot fire out at someone for not listening then he takes everyone to a big long train he said to get on and it's going to get to somewhere safe. I asked how long it's going to be he 2min that it I we must moving he this and he point up so we look up to see a battlefield's with died bodies and people fighting over there body's and the truck's for early helping and looking for people who didn't exist in time then realized it wasn't really safe.