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The Green Glow

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On the far wall of the dingy room, Camila could make out a faint green glow. Treading gingerly through the gloom, she made her way from the safety of the doorway and crossed the room. The sour, fetid air would normally have been enough to persuade her against going any further, but her curiosity was aroused. The glow dulled and shimmered slightly as she moved closer, and then suddenly disappeared altogether. There was no sound. She was there by herself, completely isolated with the forest surrounding her, in the old rundown house she was in, her only company being the cold absence of the glow. She stood up and turned to leave, then stopped. She stared unbelievably across the room, eyes wide open. There was the glow again. This time it was on the other side of the room, where she had been seconds before. Mouth set determinedly, she strode towards it. Not thinking of any consequences that may come with it. Camilla is what you would think the average 17-year-old girl would be like, but boy were you wrong. Watch as Camilla uncovers the truth about herself and the adventures that come with it. .. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1- What’s Going On?

Chapter 1

On the far wall of the dingy room, Camila could make out a faint green glow. Treading gingerly through the gloom, she made her way from the safety of the doorway and crossed the room. The sour, fetid air would normally have been enough to persuade her against going any further, but her curiosity was aroused.

The glow dulled and shimmered slightly as she moved closer, and then suddenly disappeared altogether. There was no sound.

"Strange", she muttered to herself, as she crouched in front of the spot where she thought the glow had been. There didn't appear to be anything unusual, other than the apparent abnormal glow that had past been there, now nowhere to be seen. She was there by herself, completely isolated with the forest surrounding her, in the old rundown house she was in, her only company being the cold absence of the glow.

"Nothing to see, nothing to feel", she subconsciously whispered to herself as she ran her hands over the wall feeling every crevice and bump.

"This gets stranger and stranger. I'm sure there was something there. I know it" she let out an exasperated sigh.

She stood up and turned to leave, then stopped. She stared unbelievably across the room, eyes wide open. There was the glow again. This time it was on the other side of the room, where she had been seconds before. Mouth set determinedly, she strode towards it. Not thinking of any consequences that may come with it.

Once getting a closer look, she almost stopped in her tracks to admire the pure beauty of the glow, it was something so unmistakably beautiful yet unexplainable. The glow looked full of life, green mist falling gracefully surrounding the ethereal glow. Yet, something seemed so unwelcoming about it, from the pure mystery of it down to the eerily quiet buzz it made shortly drifting up and down.

As she got closer she had felt something fizzing in her head, like as if there was a large obnoxious bee in her head. Yet she ignored it, she saw the glow get closer and closer and she walked towards it with little to no caution. But all of a sudden.

She felt like her eyeballs were burning. The pain was utterly unbearable, it was genuinely excruciating, It had felt like a million knives had stabbed her on every inch of her body, she couldn't take it, the pain was bewildering, but then suddenly all the pain stopped sending her body in a state of fatigue and confusion. "What the hell" she muttered barely catching breath.

She had pools of sweat running down her face and she felt gross and sticky all over. The fatigue was getting to her so she had mustered up her last drop of energy to sit down.

Almost instantly, she then heard the all too recognisable blaring sound of a siren. Yet it didn't stop there, it got louder, and louder, and louder, the deafening sound was so loud she had thought her ears were going to blow. Suddenly it stopped. "My god-" she deadpanned

"Why is this happening? Where did that come from?" she gasped letting out her frustrations. Barely functioning, due to the lack of energy in her body.

*Camila's POV *

My vision was unclear and everything gradually had started to blur. My head felt like an over-pumped balloon that was ready to blow and everything started to slowly disappear. My brain was on overload and my atypical headache was not helping. I closed my eyes for a second to

reconcile with my brain but that was all it took for my body to forcefully shut down. Leaving me spread across the floor, fainted.

I was woken by the unfamiliar voice of a stranger "hello there." a raspy deep voice called.

"huh?" I replied not so cautiously being half asleep.

"where am I? " I said still in a doze, not realising how concerning the situation I'm in may be.

"Wait.. who are you!?" I flinch, how could I be so stupid to not question this strange presence? I could only see somewhat of a silhouette of his presence considering how blurry my vision is currently, but I could make out a few features, he was an abnormally tall man with dark brown hair falling onto his face and piercing green eyes, all his facial features were still blurred but I could clearly see his long black leather trench coat. Which is quite abnormal to be wearing considering it's summer. Wait, is it summer? I don't remember anything. Who even am I? My thoughts were pushed away when the blurry figure didn't answer back, in fact, he just walked away.

I slowly got up unsteadily a few minutes after he left the room and decided that following him would be a good idea to find answers. Clearly, I didn't put much thought into that, as if I would have even given it a second thought I would have concluded with it being a not so good idea. As i followed i realised we reached an open car park in the middle of a forest with no civilisation to be seen other than the two vehicles one being a red Ferrari F8 Tributo and the other being a plain black van, other than that there was a petrol station that you could barely see out in the distance on one of the mountains. As I caught up with him, he seemed to be suspicious as he slowed his walk and his foot patterns seemed to be irregular, one step being quicker or slower than the other. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this. "does he know?" I whisper to myself, mentally facepalming myself for saying that out loud.

Then I saw him approaching another stranger, he seemed equally as tall with the sun rays hitting his platinum blonde hair, my vision was starting to clear up. I instinctively hid behind the nearest tree on the edge of the car park as I spied on the stranger. I couldn't make out any of the facial expressions as I was too far away and my vision was still far from perfect. But the second voice coming from the blonde man caught my attention, his voice seemed strangely familiar and his tone indicated he was angry, but before I could finish depicting the sight he stormed off into the distance and into the red Ferrari, leaving the man I met before and the van in the car park by themselves.

Well, that was a waste of time. I took this moment to take everything in. I don't remember anything, the only thing I remember is being in some old rundown home with that green glow and the sirens... Why was I there? What was I doing? What business did I have there? Why was I by myself? I don't even remember my name for god sake. I should be finding out how to go home, or if I even had one? Not spying on some man that I saw staring at me when I woke up. He was probably some creep that I was giving too much credit. My mind was dozing off to the craziest conclusions, thinking he was some evil mastermind out of a superhero movie.

At this point, I don't even realise I'm in plain sight as I moved away from the tree long ago after I saw the blonde man barge off until I step on an ever so loud branch, sending me back to reality. I swear it practically echoed throughout the forest. Mentally cursing myself out, my breath hitches.

I feel a hot breath fanning on the back of my neck and leaves crunch behind me. I launched myself around so quickly my vision had started to stir once again leaving me dizzy and panic-stricken. I finally focused on the situation at hand. The still ever so blurry figure was towering over me. His piercing green eyes standing out over the blurry silhouette feeling like it's piercing through my soul with no mercy. His ice-cold presence sent shivers down my spine.

He didn't say anything, he just stood there with what I imagine a stern poker face, staring at me. I need to run, I need to move, do something... anything. What am I doing? I couldn't bear to even move a single muscle as the panic took over me. My fight or flight response went on overload, leaving me standing like a statue. Unable to do anything, I stood there, utterly terrified, horrified even at what was going to happen to me. Not helping anything in this situation, I thought about how scary he looked, even though the majority of him was blurred out, he could look intimidating next to literally anyone, even a group of bodybuilders.

So me compared to him was like an ant and a giant. The height difference was so abnormal, considering I was a puny petite girl with no muscle whatsoever and he looked like a whole bull, ready to charge at any given moment. Suddenly striking me into reality and giving me a near heart attack, he grabbed my wrist roughly, his hands felt like sandpaper, calloused all over. Dragging me across the car park and towards the black van I spotted earlier. I can walk, you know! He practically launched the doors of the van open and threw me into the back of the car. Leaving me in pain, I landed on a hard object sending strikes of pain throughout my body, tears starting to well in my eyes, but nothing could be more painful than not knowing what was going to happen to you, not knowing if you would even have a near future.

what was going to happen to me?



What do you think?

This is the first published chapter of this story and id like to know what you guys think. Any constructive criticism is welcomed here honestly. I've worked on this book for a few years now going in for a month writing something and forgetting it for a while. Now after a long while, I have fully committed to this book and decided I will be fully publishing it eventually. I will no longer be taking month after month-long breaks. I truly hope you have enjoyed this book so far.

Thank you to anyone who had read this first chapter or any future ones.
