Chereads / God on Earth. / Chapter 70 - Immeasurable Power.

Chapter 70 - Immeasurable Power.

"Not Even God Could Make It Happen."

The pink haired boy stared at Daemon. 'He thinks that not even God could solve equality? Daemon..' The pink haired boy chuckled while putting his head down. The small clip in the back of his head then went undone.

'What? He's reveling himself to me...?'

Daemon was in a state of confusion as to why an enemy would reavle himself to their enemy. 'I meant my words, but I guess they pierced his soul more than I expected them too...' Daemon could only smile slightly from his words changing a person's heart.

"Daemon, I... You,... Why do you think that not even God could solve equality?"

His features were more girlish than Lucifers. He had a small nose followed by small, glossy pink lips. Thin, sharp eyebrows with long eye lashes too. His ears stuck out from his pink hair as well.

"On day six, God created Man. Since then, Man has been told to survive without him in place. I believe that even Man could die out and God wouldn't do anything. I believe such a thing because God has seen our wicked nature. On one hand, we're his beloved sons and daughters. On the other, we're these sons and daughters of all things evil. That being said, God probably thinks that Humans should fend for themselves, considering they always do things for themselves. He believes that humans should solve their own problem, in this case, equality. Equality was never in the beginning with Adam and Eve. Those two never fought and always loved. It wasn't until Eve at such an apple agaisnt God's word that Human nature really started to bloom. O-Oops, it seems that I've strayed slight-"

The pink haired boy placed his lips on Daemon's mouth, surprising the hell out of him. 'Why the hell... This is too fast.. I don't even know your name yet..' Daemon couldn't move freely like he was able to before so he was forced to endure such a kiss.

"Thanks for meeting me, Daemon.."

He pulled away while licking his lips. His face was red, leading Daemon to believe that he couldn't believe he did what he did himself.

"I have to go now, but let's talk in the future again, okay? I was never able to express my feelings and here them back like this until now. That's two things that you took my first from..."

He placed the mask on while smiling and fell through a light blue portal, waving his hand slightly as he did.

'I never talked about a topic like equality as well. I know for a fact that it's still around, considering 4.4 billion people can't accept Yumi. That's natural thought process though. To not accept things that seems..Dangerous.'

Before, Daemon thought that equality wasn't as common as it used to be. Hes never seen a fat person being shamed like you would 100 years ago in this era. That's why he didn't really dive deep into equality on a regular basis. But when Daemon offeres up Yumi to be the gate between human and monster, and when he read some comments as well, he truly saw how unbalanced the world was.

'Such an interesting guy. I'd actually like to meet you again as well...'

Yoko and Gsbriel then fell to the ground as Daemon felt the pressure of Magic on him disappear. 'The Imprisonment is gone...' Daemon moved around and when he realized he could, he came over to the two.

They were unconscious which rendered Daemon with a plain look. 'If they heard our conversation, then they might claim that I worked with bandits. He must have put them to sleep with a little force to prevent such an accusation..'

Daemon picked the two up and carried them over to a tree. When he did, he felt the magic in the air drop slightly as the sky blackened. 'Is Luke-sensei...using his power...?' Daemon then saw a demonic figure in the sky that was laughing.

It had huge black horns on its forehead as well as a black crown. Its whole appearance was black actually and could barely be seen as it hid behind the darkness.

'This... Luke-sensei used this back in the day when he was pushed beyond limits. He must be...'

Daemon inferred that he must be pushing past his limits in this very moment. 'The Ruler Of Negation... A fitting title..' Daemon himself laid back against a tree as he thought the battle would be over from there.

'I'll...get my rest like these two.. Perfect since they probably think I've lost anyways and since I need to regenerate magic..'

Daemon closed his eyes in a slow manner, his ears blocking out the sound of a 'Twack!'.



The decaying man looked around to see if he saw a familiar face. When he saw that he wasn't here, he spoke freely.

"Hize.... Kill Immeasurable. The children are mine."

Upon hearing his words, Immeasurable bawled his fist while puffing his chest out slightly. 'It would be reaching to say that my time is barely 2 minutes now. My powers...there declining faster than I thought..'

He thought back to when he saved all those people this morning. 'Its like...I was being lead on purpose. To use my powers to barely have any in the fuel tank..'

"Let's do this so we can go home.."

The decaying man rushed forward. 'Even so..' Immeasurable got ready to fight as the decaying man got closer to the children. 'I have to stop them..' The 4 children the decaying man rushed to were Zach, Todo, Kaiyo and Midori.

"Looks like we're fighting guys!"

Todo perked up while Kaiyo did the same. It was Midori and Zach who seemed unsure of what to do in this situation.

'Because I am..'

Wind started to circulate around Immeasurable as his expression became deep.

"The Worlds Symbol Of Peace And Justice!"

Hearing him shout that outloud, the decaying man turned his head while his eyes poked out. Midori became surprised by such words as she knew that was his favorite line.

Immeasurable broke the ground and rushed out. X-M1 passed the decaying man at ground breaking speed as well and the two cocked their fist back. They both collided with fist that sent a huge wave of air out.

The students flew back from this while the decaying man flapped in the air once more.

"Hey Immeasurable! His power is absorption and regeneration! What will you do?!"

Hearing that, Immeasurable put on a huge smile.

"Is That Suppose To Mean Anything?"

Immeasurable screamed out and punched again, only for it to be parried by X-M1's punch. He tried again, only for the same thing to happen once more. Immeasurable then started going back and forth with the beast, each punch sending out wind that made the people from over 600 feet away blow back once again.

"He-He's gonna fight that thing by himself?!"

Midori said as Kaiyo slide fo her side while grunting.

"T-Their speed... It's too fast for me to even see..."

Zach covered his face while being pushed back. Even Todo couldn't keep up with the scene in front of him. Nevertheless, he still showed a huge smile on his face.

"Damn it! I can't go near them!"

Hize blew back next to the standing decaying man. He was watching with a huge smile under his mask.

Immesurable planted his foot down while continuing to go back and forth with X-M1.

"Your Power Is Absorption and Regeneration, Right? But It Seems That Your Absorbtion Is Only For Shock, Snd Not Nullification Like I Thought!"

Immeasurable slightly started pushing X-M1 back.

"That Means You Have A Limit, Right?!"

The beast managed to get a hit on the left side of Immeasurables stomach which caused him to groan. Only for a split second however as he composed himself and increased the speed at which he was attacking at.

This made X-M1's head cock back at times as the fist of Immeasurable would connected with his face. X-M1 seemed to get angry at this as its eyes completely turned serious. It then grabbed a punch from Immeasurable and kicked him in the stomach, causing Immeasurable to fly back into the forest where debris soon went up.

'Immeasurable... Is he going all out..'

Midori had a gut feeling that Immeasurables attacks were packed with force that could topple mountains. 'I-I don't know why I thought that. I don't know why, and yet... I can feel it. Its almost as if...I'm the one using his power in this moment..'

Immeasurable cocked his fist back and punched X-M1 in the face, making it fly back in the forest as well. Saving no time, Immeasurable jumped out at it as it landed on the ground, breaking it and screeching out like a angry dinosaur.

X-M1 jumped at Immeasurable with its fist out, aiming it at his face. Seeing that, Immeasurable twisted his body around and got behind the beast. He grab the extended fist and held it under his armpit.

Seeing that Immeasurable was spinning around in the sky with his masters creation in such a position, the decaying man grunted.

"A Symbol Of Peace,... Will Always Find A Way To Keep Everyone Out Of Harms Way...!"

Immeasurable yelled out as he released X-M1 at the ground. It flew for a bit and when it hit the ground, craters upon craters came up. Zach, Todo, Kaiyo, Midori, all the students watching were amazed by such power.

Seeing this power, Midori sat up against the wind with a smile.

Immesurable landed on the ground as X-M1 was levitating from bouncing off the ground with such power.

"Now For A Lesson. You May Have Wondered Why They Call Me Immeasurable.."

Immeasurable slowly cocked his fist out while a small whistle sounded out, wind collected at his right fist.

"That's Because,..."

The whistling got louder and louder as his fist came closer to the beast.

"Its Vast, Infinite, And Can Never Be Stopped. Just Like Peace...!"

His fist connected with X-M1 which made a dent appear in its back. Its body then started twitching and like a rocket, it shot out of his fist, the ground breaking underneath him, and towards the top of the dome.

Everyone could only stare in amazement as it easily broke through the barrier and into the sky. It went through countless clouds until outer space and eventually to the planet, saturn, as it exploded upon flying through the ring of meteors.

"Holy shit. H-He beat something with two types of magic. And that strength... It was something you'll never see again.."

Immeasurable never used his powers like this on the streets. It would be over kill. To see this sort of power, you would have to go back to his prime days where he fought off a horde of S ranks monsters from roaming the streets.

"Imagine having that sort of power.."

Kaiyo said with a squished face. Even she wanted to be strong like him, but seeing it in person made her realize how far behind she was.

"That guy said he had regeneration magic too, but Immeasurable must have been punching so fast that it couldn't get a chance to regenerate.."

Todo stared out with a forced smile. 'He really is worthy of such power and title..' Todo knew that he would need serious training to be on that level.

\'He really is the best...'/

The all thought out. Midori stared at the smoke screen that had Immeasurables figure in it. 'He really did it..' The smoke started to clear up to reveal Immeasurable holding his ripped and bloodied shirt.

"Man, I've gotten weaker. Twenty years back and he would've been finished with half a punch.."

He then bawled his fist and turned to the students to smile.

"But today, it took over three thousand.."

Midori seemed to be the only person to hear that, making a smile come to her face anyways. That was her. If she trained well and took things serious, she could be as strong or even stronger.

'With Dae-, Wait, wheres Daemon!'

She looked around and finnaly noticed he wasn't here. Right now, Immeasurable stood in one place while steam started coming off his skin.

' couldn't have happened at a worse time. My time...its almost up..' Part of that was to blame himself for going around and forcing himself to stay in this form.

'I scare them away...'

Immeasurable turned toward the decaying man and his comrade, the light blue ghost with black eyes. The decaying man was shrugging his shoulders in anger at the sight of seeing his masters creation, lose.

'How.... How can this be?! Hes able to absorb shock and regenerate at high speeds! Immeasurables power... It's too crazy...!'

"You've lost, bandits. So how about you surrender so we can get home.."

The decaying man put his hands up while his eye moved around through the singe hole.



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