She turned back, bringing eyes upon Derek, who couldn't believe what he saw.
Suddenly, from my front, I was pulled like a magnet back to my own body. I was landed into control over myself again.
"You're welcome," I heard a fading voice, sure that it was her inside my head. "I just saved your ass from embarrassment."
"But I never embarrassed myself- wait- how do you even know such vocabulary?" I spoke in my thoughts.
"I may or may not have rummaged some your thoughts- but hey- you didn't tick this time, you were hesitant. You would have embarrassed yourself."
"Does that matter?" I was getting tired at this point. She looked at my past. It felt like a parasite that I couldn't get rid of.
"I guess not- important thing is- you almost disobeyed your father. I did it for you, be grateful."