It was Monday and I was ready to go to school after my long weekend and my soon graduation and i felt like it couldn't come fast enough. I went to school and I was extremely hot because I was wearing a long hoodie to cover my bruises and all the fresh blood. I knew I couldn't take it off or else everyone would see everything and I would be in a lot of trouble if dad went to jail. Of course I told Jacob and Taylor about it in the library and they helped me wrap it all and helped me walk because I was still a little weird in walking. That day went by slow and I was hurting everywhere at this point and I just wanted to sleep and heal already, but I don't ever heal fast enough for him because he always abuses me, I can't ever catch a break but I know one day I'm going to be able to leave his house and just go somewhere and be away from him. I knew it was a long shot to actually get somewhere but I knew anywhere was better than here. I've had a lot of training on my body getting hurt and my body is pretty immune to getting hurt unless I went through so much pain in one setting that I black out, bug other than that, I'm really strong in my wolf form and it's really really hard to catch my wolf off guard because of all the abuse I went through.
There's only 8 weeks until graduation now. I'm pretty healed up now and that's because my dad knows people have to measure me for my gown so I'll have to be in short sleeves so hat they can get the correct measurement so he won't be able to touch me for awhile unless he wants to get caught and go to jail. I told Jacob and Taylor all about how he can't hit me until after graduation and I'm planning to leave that night really later after he's asleep and for them to meet me there around 2 am so that I can say goodbye properly. I know that it will suck when I'll have to leave them but I have to leave this place or my wolf is gonna kill my dad or something and we don't need that.