The nameless goblins are only being sent here to be killed. I don't know why but I have a feeling that it must be true. That mage lady is not a fool and must have some basic idea as to what she is doing. That is why I find it hard to believe that such an impractical situation exists under her watch. She has a hand in all of this, though I don't know what exactly that she would get from this.
If I were told that this was supposed to be an army, I would laugh at whoever told them. There is no order, no discipline, or at the very least some form of training.
Most of the soldiers do fight each other but fighting is not just about single-hand combat. It is also about many different things, most of which these goblins seem to be very bad at.
Anyway, the reason that these guys even duel with each other is for their titles. Whoever has won the duel, holds the ability to take the title of the loser.
A better title means that they have better opportunities and more useful resources that might just save their lives.
Surprisingly, no such thing is present for any of the troops. (a troop versus troop fight will at least teach these guys group fighting. ) The troops are named based on some kind of system that soldier one tried to explain to me, but I understood very little of it, so I won't bother myself by trying to repeat it. Our troop is also known as troop number fifteen.
Anyway, there is no real systemic training system present In the place. These goblins might be able to work with members of their troops, but multiple troops have no real chance of working together. They will be the ones to crush each other first before the enemy can even make a move if the enemy were to make a move thankfully we are just dealing with dumb beasts here. For now, I would rather focus on my troop. After all, they are the ones that are supposed to help me. Well, based on their quality it will take me a lot of time to truly train them.
Even the strongest of the bunch, soldier three and soldier seven are not properly trained at all. Soldier three has already evolved once and has an evolution that increases the strength of the body and yet I can beat him quite easily.
He is quite similar to a mad bull in his style of attacking, easy to dodge with minimal movement. To teach him proper stances is going to be hard. I will need to start from be very basics.
Soldier seven will be a bit harder to train since I am not an archer myself and soldier seven is one of the rare archers in this place. I can't do much with him except to act as target practice for him and with my speed, I am not a useful target to deal with.
That is the major problem with the mastery skill. While it does provide the knowledge needed to use a weapon, you still need a lot of training and practice to use it properly.
The problem here is that I do not have enough time to properly train them. Already the troops are being sent to deal with the beasts that are popping up throughout the mountain and each troop is being sent alone to deal with the monsters.
It is not a very smart idea, I mean there are too many things that can go wrong in this situation. Not all the beasts of the grasslands are dumb, a simple attack at the right time will kill most of the nameless goblins, which will simply be a waste.
I have been a king before and I do understand just how worthless the value of slaves tends to be in the view of a king, but this is just a wastage of human resources ( or goblin resources in this case)
Well, my troop should be assigned a job soon enough. Once I see what exactly is going on, I will have a better idea as to what needs to be improved.
Up till now, seven of the troop leaders have been summoned to the named tents and have been given missions. Ours should be coming soon enough, anyway it is not something that I am allowed to go to anyway. Only the group leader is allowed to go and I have no interest in becoming the true troop leader. Soldier one is doing a good job with his soldiers. If anything I will be the variable in this situation.
Well, we will see what shall happen soon enough.
(A day later )
Finally, soldier one has been called to the named tents and he should be returning any time soon. Unlike the complete chaos of the last week, there is a rare seriousness in the camp. I am not even sure that I have ever seen the camp be so quiet.
Well, I have spent very little time here so I don't know too much here. Again, time to prepare for a fight.
With this clumsy body of mine, I will need to be a tank, but I don't know what damages my body can handle. Other than my right hand the remaining part of my body is quite fragile. Compared to normal bone, the armor I am wearing is weaker by a half. It almost as if these bones are ancient, but that is me considering the laws of the world that I have seen. This is a new world with new laws. I have seen many of my colleagues make the same mistake, especially the historic recorders. Those guys often tend to identify the wrong time on basis of their preconceptions. A sword that can be rusted of in a hundred years, might just last for a couple of days in another world.
Anyway, Maybe if I were to use bone king with more bones I can increase the strength of my own body, but there have not exactly been a lot of corpses for me to extract the bone from.
Over the last few days, I have been trying to get the feeling of using bone king. (kind of hard when you have no possibility of using your ability) even now I am not hundred percent sure as to what exactly did I do when I recreated my arm. The nearest analogy I can think of is a blind man suddenly being given sight. How will he understand what colors are?
It is a pretty mana-intensive process that much I am sure of. I wasted so much of my mana in a few moments. Well, it is the only way that I know to repair this body of mine and it certainly is pretty interesting. Even the system which normally gives me pretty detailed information has very little to say about that ability.
Anyway, enough about me and my rambling, soldier one should be coming here with a mission any time soon and we shall be sent into battle soon enough.
(After about a couple of hours)
Soldier one finally appeared in our camp, with a scroll in his hand. He quickly appears in front of me, presenting the scroll to me.
Me - so how was the trip this time, soldier one. Anything different from usual.
Soldier one - yes, troop master. This time everybody seems to be on the edge. I think that the wave this time is going to be a massive headache to deal with.
He begins to hand his scroll.
Me - I don't know your language. You explain it to me.
Soldier one - you speak our language very well, troop master.
Me - it is just something I am born with. I can speak almost all languages unless they are a language of power. Makes it easier to roam about.
Soldier one - anyway, troop master, this mission is going to be tough. We are supposed to be bodyguards for one of the mages of the mage army.
Me - okay, where are we going then.
Soldier one - the black water swamp, troop master. there is an amalgamation of multiple species of wolves that reside in blackwater swamps.
He says pointing to a point on the scroll, which turns out to be a map.
Me - okay.
Soldier one - the blackwater swamps is a swamp-like area, filled with dark mana. Even if the sun is at its peak, inside the swamp it is pitch black.
Me - so, what are we supposed to be doing.
Soldier one - the titled ones normally tend to send a group of named ones into the region to quickly destroy the threat of the region.
Me - what changed this time.
Soldier one - well, the great elder did enter the forest last year. I think most of the beasts there should have been destroyed, but it is hard to tell. The wave is going on, after all
Me - but, if they used to send named ones before, why are they sending only one now.
Soldier one - no idea, troop master, but we follow the orders that we are given.
Me - well, I can guess a reason, but that is not possible with the goblins. Leave for now soldier one and make sure nobody comes near my tent for now.
(A few minutes later )
Me - elder bone, where are you. None of the nameless ones is here to know your presence.
Elder bone - I am always here, armor. Now, why are you disturbing me?
Me - is there some kind of a civil war happening among your people. If it is then you will need to tell it to me right now.
Elder death - nope there is no chance of that. We are not like you humans, backstabbing each other at the first opportunity.
Me - is that why you have an armor with a soul from another world? And when ate you going to tell me, how exactly did you even summon me.
Elder death - that is a secret I am not allowed to leak and I summoned you for other reasons, there is no civil war happening in my people.
Me - okay then. What is the deal with goblin mage? I have never seen an army like this. There is no discipline, no order, and no teamwork. A bunch of mercenaries would do a better job here than this "army"
Elder death - she does tend to be very cruel, but it becomes necessary in these times. We do not have enough resources to train most of the named ones, what do you expect us to do with the nameless ones.
Me - basic training would do us very good and honestly how long should that take.
Elder death - well there is also the fact that she is one of the more traditional goblins. They do not like me including the nameless ones in our army. She believes it gives them too much power. She doesn't mind fighting only with named ones, but I force her to help out the nameless ones as much as possible.
Me - well, she doesn't seem to trust me too much, does she?
Elder death - that one trusts nobody, so don't worry about her.
Me - what do you know about blackwater swamps, that is the reason I had woken you up anyway. I want some intel about that location.
Elder death - well, I remember going to that area last year. I think I needed research materials or something. Well, you should be able to handle that area with your troops, just be careful of the night wolves. Those guys tend to be pretty sneaky.
Me - Any other being that I need to be worried about.
Elder death - well, we do have the water wolves. Those guys hold the ability to control water and expert hydromancers. Then again, there won't be too many of those wolves. They were the reason I even bothered to enter that desolate swamp. With your power level, it will nearly impossible to beat them.
Me - anything else. .....
And so our discussion continued.