Chereads / Born Into Divinity / Chapter 2 - A Whole New World

Chapter 2 - A Whole New World

My father looked at my mother, whom he called Corina. She had a weak smile on her face, but it didn't seem to be faked. 

I took a closer look at the scars on my father's body, and one of them in particular stood out to me. 

It was a deep, jagged scar going down his left arm. It had small scars extended out of it as if he had been targeted in that spot.

What kind of hell had this man gone through?

Fast forward about a year, and life with my family went quite well. Our surname was Abiodun, which sounded similar to a surname back in my original world. 

My father's name was Michi, and he and my mother had a pretty healthy relationship from the looks of it. 

We were either rich or nobility, although I placed my bets on the latter. 

Our home was modest, surprisingly so, but it had emblems resembling that of a dragon all over the walls. 

We had this maid, although she acted more like family. She refused to be called anything other than Ms. Peaches. 

Ms. Peaches was a lighter skin tone than my parents and always had her hair wrapped up in a puff. She usually took care of me when Corina and Michi were out and she was actually quite kind, reading to me at night. 

My nursery was simply an extension of my parents room, and it didn't have much in it other than my crib.

What I was truly interested in was the library. I wondered what kind of world I was in and what the political climate was like.

One night I made up my mind to sneak out of my crib and into the nursery. 

I waited till the dead of night, when I knew Ms. Peaches, Michi, and Corina would all be asleep.

Once I had confirmed they were all asleep, I waited an extra hour just to make sure they wouldn't wake up too easily once I started my plan.

After the hour ended, I started to rock my crib side to side. Each rock added more momentum.

It finally fell over after a good 5 minutes of straight rocking, and it made so much noise I thought Corina or Peaches would wake up. 

Alphonse wasn't really a problem. The man slept like he was dead.

I crawled out of the fallen crib and made my way to the library. By sheer luck the door was not locked. 

"Ms. Peaches must've forgotten to lock it", I thought to myself.

I saw something resembling a lamp, and turned it on to give myself some light to read in.

The light was dim, but usable nonetheless. 

I did pick up the lamp and moved it to a table with a stool on it that I could climb on though.

I was in awe of the sheer number of books that were in the shelves lining the walls of the library. 

Most of them were untitled, but I saw a massive one with the mysterious dragon emblem on its spine on the floor in a shelf next to me. I picked it up (despite my tiny body screaming at me to drop the heavy thing) and brought it to the table. 

I wiped off the dust and opened it, finding some sort of map. 

The map had 3 gargantuan landmasses on it, all of them being very close in proximity to each other. Two landmasses in each region were circled and labeled.

The one in the East was circled Yosheora, with the words "Human Kingdom" being written in parentheses. 

Yosheora looked to be the largest of the three continents. 

Close to it, connected by a peninsula was the second largest continent. 

It was almost perfectly in the center of the madness, and was circled Aprea, with "Elf Kingdom" being written in parentheses.

The smallest one was circled Zoshea and it was separated from Yosheora and Aprea via a long, wide, winding river on the western border of Aprea. It was labelled the Dwarven Kingdom.

These continents looked far larger than any continents in my previous world, and they were surrounded by a massive ocean. In the ocean, little dots that seemed to signify islands were scattered everywhere. 

Even on these two finite book pages, they numbered far more than I could count. 

Before I continued to read, another book caught my eye on a higher shelf. It wasn't dusty like the others, and it had a purple sheen to it. This book had been used recently.

It was higher than where I was, probably about 7-8 feet high, but my curiosity took over.

I began to climb the shelves, being careful as to not misplace a hand or foot. I was almost to the purple book, but as I placed my hand on the book below it to pull myself up, the book fell, and so did I. 

I tried to grab onto a shelf, but my stubby arms were not long nor strong enough to stop myself mid descent. 

Some sort of domino effect started, as the book that fell hit other books on the shelves and they began to fall too. 

Once I hit the ground, this book avalanche was hitting me, with dozens of books hitting my little body, causing a massive commotion. 

I got a small gash on my forehead right above my eye from one of the books sideswiping me, and was bleeding pretty moderately. 

I was definitely getting caught now.

Footsteps quickly began to approach, and I saw Corina and Ms. Peaches looking around frantically. 

Once Corina, or should I just call her Mom now, saw me, she breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over to me to pick me up.

"Ms. Peaches, pick up the books please and make sure Alphonse doesn't wake up for something this trivial please?", she said softly. 

Ms. Peaches wordlessly nodded and went to pick up the books that were scattered around me. 

"Poor Yuuki, that's a bad cut you have on your forehead baby. Lemme fix that right up."

I expected her to get some gauze or something, but she did something that completely went against my current understanding.

Cori- I mean Mom, lifted up her hand and held it above my forehead. A green light began emitting from her hand and I felt the wound quickly closing. 

In an act of surprise, I moved my hand quickly to where the wound was.

Gone. No pain, no more bleeding, the only proof I had even been hurt was the blood that had been dripping down from my eyebrow.

Corina smiled and patted my head. 

"Well, I guess this is the first time I have had to heal you huh?".

My mind began to quickly work, dozens of things going through it at once.

I came to a single, all-encompassing conclusion.

This world was like mine.