Chapter 2 - Golden period

Today Kanchan turns 13, although she had learned a lot at such a young age. Perhaps there was a lot of responsibility, who learned so much at such a young age .

They say "responsibility"

She teaches so much at such a young age. makes a small child so big .

After the death of Babuji at the age of 13, 6 brothers and sisters.

The responsibility fell on me! Perhaps it was the responsibility that had to work at such a young age by carrying the burden of responsibility at the age of studies.

"How easy would life be if a man learned to be happy with what he got"

Sister got married at a young age. People had to listen to people's taunts.

Some used to pretend to be their own

Learned so much at such a young age.

"Age is impeccably small, the spirits are strong, there is a hope of flying far in these many dreams"