* Central City. *
It was known to all the inhabitants that the order of the world was in the hands of the creator angels, it is because of them that the world was kept in balance and harmony ...
For this reason, when the sky turned red, all the inhabitants were scared. They had never seen the sky of this color, what followed was a very loud alarm and at the same time the portals were closed ...
Surely you wonder ... which portals do not? ... the portals are the doors to the world of video games or the series to which each inhabitant belongs. Crossing them they can visit the world and play for a while, in the case of video games.
That is why the closing of the portals caused so much anguish, it meant that they could not leave or go to the worlds ... something must have happened to the creator angels ... something very serious ...
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Ethel was trying to stay calm, her cousins were giving her a huge headache with their complaints. Their dad just looked at them and every now and then smiled.
Dad: They remind me of our old fights ... -his dad looked at his friends-although some things don't change.
Ethel: Do you think the portals will open again dad? ...- ethel saw his dad change his expression to a small grimace-something is wrong? ... do you feel bad ?.
Dad: There is something wrong… -the blue-haired man just smiled -but it's not a bad thing, I just don't dare tell your father.
Ethel was confused, but after looking into her dad's restored eyes she understood the look. Concern for the coming, and for who will come.
Ethel: Dad ... perhaps ... -when his dad turned to see him ethel continued-will I have a brother ?.
Before her father's small smile, the answer came alone to Ethel. The sound of the alarm put everyone on alert, but what happened next, no one expected.
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A figure was flying through the skies of the cities… everyone quickly hid as they identified the creature… an ancient pure-blooded demon.
Only the highest ranking ancient demons were purebloods, the way to recognize them is by their black hair and dark red horns.
Said demon flew and from time to time it stopped in a building, it did not hurt anyone or destroy anything, but the fact of not being attacked did not remove the feeling of fear in the inhabitants.
Nathiel was worried excessively like his parents, casniel was not nor did he return with the institute. He only said goodbye to nathiel claiming that he had something important to do.
His phone rang taking Nathiel out of his thoughts, seeing who it was almost gave him a heart attack.
Nathiel: For the love of Angielo Casniel! ...- Nathiel was upset-where are you?! ... what are you where? ... like what ... what what!?.
Nathiel's father took the phone from him and started talking.
Father: Where are you, Casniel? ... you have us with our souls in the air ... -the redhead softened his expression- you're with them eh ... well, at least you're safe ... -the redhead made a face-I see ...
Nathiel and his dad looked at the redhead waiting for him to say something ... the redhead just nodded and continued talking to Casniel.
Father: Okay ... -the redhead sighed-stay there, I'll go for you ... I don't take no for an answer ...
The redhead, without letting Casniel answer the call, went to a coat rack, took his jacket and left her husband a kiss, saying not to worry, left the house.
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Casniel: Surely you don't want to tell your parents where you are? ...- Casniel looked at Banzel.
Banzel: They always know where I am… -banzel let out a laugh-sometimes before I know where I'm going.
Dalina laughed next to Casniel, Savry was sitting on the sofa in the living room while his parents found out what was happening.
Savry: This is very strange ... -savry sighed-first the demon that was after her-savry about to dalina-and now the portals are closed and the sky is red ...
Banzel: I really don't like this ... -banzel looked out the window-hey casniel, they came for you.
Casniel looked out the window and I could see his father on his motorcycle. Saying goodbye to savry and banzel, casniel took dalina's hand and they both went to the red-haired man.
Casniel helped Dalina onto the bike and then he sat behind her. When they were both sure the red-haired man pulled away and drove home.
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Crinzy: Get on! -Crincy was hitting some black clouds with her sword-father! Your friends are here!.
His father snapped his fingers and the clouds disappeared, crincy put his sword away.
Father: You look like your dad with that ... -the young black-haired adult smiled and stroked the crincy hair.
Crincy: I know, dad made the drawing for me-crincy stroked the handle of the sword.
Father: I know what he will say ... -the black-haired man sighed-but at your age he was already conquering planets.
Crincy: And dad would stop you… and it was something constant between you-crincy giggled.
Father: What I want to get to ... -the black-haired man stroked the crincy hair-is that you are not someone weak and fragile ... if a war is provoked, you will be ready to win it.
Crincy: Thank you father ... -crincy sigh-I hope we don't go to those extremes ... -crincy's phone rang-it must be dill, maybe he knows something.
Crincy took her phone and checked Dill's message… her face turned into a scared grin and she quickly sent the message to her contacts.
His father was concerned when he saw this grimace, when crincy handed him the phone he read the message.
"º Message from Dill º
The demon that flew over the cities was the Dalio king, the last of the ancient demons known to be alive.
It was believed that he had died after the accident of previous years, in which the life of his best friend was taken.
Nothing was known about dalio, to date, he believed himself a ghost ... a shadow, like the rest of the ancient demons.
It is said that the shadow that accompanies us is a symbol that differentiates us. The ancient demons do not have a shadow since they are their own shadow, I do not know if it is understood.
It is not clear why he decided to appear now, or why he faked his death. If you are seeking revenge, for the death of your friend, may angelic protect us ... because an angry ancient demon ... is the last thing you will see before your sight turns black.
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* Corona Apartments. Floor 2 *
A boy with dark brown hair with streaks was finishing a small personal invention, when he heard footsteps he looked up to find his father looking at him.
¿?: Is something wrong father? ...- the boy left his invention on the table in the living room.
Father: We have to talk ... -his father sat next to him-eugan ... there is something you should know.
Eugan: About what? ...- eugan saw his dad come out of the kitchen and join them-I already know about my powers, thanks for the ring by the way.
Father: It is not about your powers ... -his father sighed-well ... not so much, it is rather the origin of them.
Eugan looked at his parents, they were both nervous and worried. Eugan put his goggles on the table and looked at both adults, waiting for them to continue.
Father: You see ... there is a reason for you to have them ... -his father took his father's hand-your father and I possess that magic, your father possesses the magic that equals the power of the moon.
Eugan: The power of the moon? ...- eugan thought for a moment-like the power of the mother of laya ?.
Father: Much more than that ... -his father took out something that he had under his shirt, a necklace-this was from my mother, the queen of the kingdom of darkness. An ancient kingdom, which is in the domain of the ancient demons.
When his father gave him the necklace, Eugan took it and looked closely, it was a purple crystal with pink reflections.
Dad: Your father was the crown prince of the throne ... -his father took the floor- we met in one of my trips with your aunt, and unexpectedly, the treasure of the kingdom was thrown at me-his father showed his own ring, gift from his father on his wedding day - your father was able to inlaid it in this ring, look at the stone.
Eugan looked at the stone, it seemed to be a piece of bluish glass of various shades.
Father: It is the treasure of the kingdom, what my father guarded from greedy and evil selfish ... -his father took his father's hand where the ring was -the moon drop, turned into a moonstone.
Eugan saw his father show him his ring, it was the same as his father's only the stone in the center was bright yellow almost as if it were the sun itself.
Dad: I wanted to give your father something similar ... -his father smiled-your aunt helped me with this, do you see the stone in the ring? ... It is a sun stone, the product of a drop of the same sun.
Eugan was shocked at this fact.
Father: They both give you great powers ... -his father smiled -the moonstone gives you destructive powers, including the handling of rocks formed by the same moon.
Dad: The sun stone gives you healing powers ... -his dad smiled too-and you can even control the rocks just like the moonstone.
Father: That's why we gave you the ring ... -His father pointed to the ring of sun and moon- it has a small fragment of both stones, apart from the coating of an emerald so that both magics do not come together if you do not want to.
Dad: With the appearance of the king of the ancient demons ... -his dad sighed-we don't know what will happen ... but you and your father will be safe, they are family as they say.
Father: You will also be safe ... -his father hugged his father-you are from my family ... -the brown haired hugged eugan too-nobody will hurt them.
Eugan: My friends… -eugan broke away from the hug-they are in danger… I must warn them.
Eugan got up from the sofa and went quickly to his room, took his backpack along with several notebooks with notes and some bottles and chemical solutions.
When he returned to the living room, his father handed him a rolled parchment along with an old book.
Dad: Both things belonged to an old friend… -His dad had a small smile.
When Eugan put both things away, his father gave him a map and another book, much thinner.
Father: The book belonged to my father… -his father stroked his hair-is the only thing known about the moonstone; Of course there are some pages where we wrote about the sun stone, what we found out we wrote down there.
Father: This map ... -his father handed him the map with a serious expression-will guide you to the kingdom of the Dalio king ...
Eugan: How do you have a map to his kingdom? ...- Eugan kept the map.
Father: My father had it ... -his father sighed-we told you that we are something like family, not blood but ... it is like saying, affection. My father sometimes brought him stones or jewels, hence the map.
Dad: Do not think about going alone, young man ... -your father was serious-look for those who want to accompany you and can support you, the Dalio king is not someone of an aggressive nature but it is better not to go with people ... of an explosive character, if you really understand ?
Eugan: I understand dad ... -eugan thought for a moment-I know where to go first ... -eugan hugged his parents and separated with a smile-don't worry, when he returns we will have answers.
Eugan went quickly to the door and giving his parents a wave of his hand, saying goodbye, he left the apartment towards the first companion.
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Along the way Eugan picked up his phone and texted his friend, Dill.
"º Messages, Dill and Eugan º
Eugan: Hey dorito !.
Dill: Dorito your ancestors alchemy boy! ... hey are you okay ?.
Eugan: More or less… I just found out something about my family.
Dill: First the Dalio king was in the city and now you discover something ... what is it?
Eugan: The Dalio king was in town !?
Dill: I was, I already said it. He left a long time ago.
Eugan: Would you like to go to his kingdom?
Dill: Eugan, tell me already what you're up to.
Eugan: My parents have a kind of family / political relationship with the Dalian king… and I have a map to his kingdom XD.
Dill: By all the… wait, a map you say ?.
Eugan: Yes, my father said that the Dalian king is neither angry nor destructive. Sure if they don't provoke it, and that's why I'm seriously thinking about whether to take you or not.
Dill: You're a ... of course I'm going with you moron !.
Eugan: Great !. See you at your house then.
Dill: Actually… we'll need more people… I know who to look for.
Eugan: Please tell me that they are trustworthy.
Dill: Your mistrust hurts my friend ... but don't worry, are they as they say? ... yes! Like bread from heaven.
Eugan: Well… I'll trust you dill, don't make me regret it.
Dill: Bullshit! ... wait a second.
Eugan stopped at the train stop while he waited, when the train arrived he got inside and looked for an empty place. As soon as I take a seat, his phone vibrates and I check it.
º Dill has created a new group º
º Dill has added to............... º
Eugan stopped looking at his phone for a moment to see how long it would take to get to dill's house, when he checked his phone again he was surprised to see that dill added many numbers that he did not know.
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