Chereads / -APOCALYPSE- / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 -the beginning-


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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 -the beginning-

Chapter 1 -Year 2035-
Elyse, who was about to lose her life after losing the fight, suddenly saw the blue light coming towards her and without realizing it, she caught it.

"Put that away!" the monster who we'll be calling scarlet said

"if this light can help me... no matter what I beg you to save us" Elyse said to the blue light before scarlet could even get close to them, and suddenly it shone brighter which also stopped scarlet to attack and causes her to cover up her eyes ....

-year 2025-

Elyse got up from her bed immediately in thought of having a very long bad dream, then wondered why she woke up in her old room.

She stared at her alarm clock that's ringing and stopped it

"they said when you're dead ,you'll remember your past ,I guess I'm really dead then?" Elyse said to herself

"Elyse wake up already you're gonna be late for your school" she heard her mother call her from there kitchen and she couldn't help but have tears fall in her eyes ,because she thought her mother already died protecting her in one of the scenarios of the apocalypse, she slowly stood up and walked to the door of her bedroom, she then opened her bedroom door slowly.

She immediately saw her mother dancing while she was cooking her breakfast

"o good finally your awake now young lady, come here already and eat im almost done cooking , eat now cause I'm gonna wash the dishes first before going to the market" her mother said,Elyse's heart hurt even more and she immediately run towards her mother crying like a child , her mother was shocked by her actions but just hugged her back while she was crying

"Did something bad happed? Are you being bullied at school? "Her mother asked worriedly while Elyse was crying

" if this isn't a dream I wish that this wouldn't be over "Elyse said in her mind while still hugging her mother she thought she wasn't gonna see her mother after A very long time. -

Elyse's Moms death year 2025-

The mother and daughter continued to run away from the mutant monsters and a cerberus to the safe zone of their place when Elyse suddenly slipped and her foot got caught in a falling pole

"mom go away !!!" she shouted at her mother when she saw that she couldn't stand up because her foot was stuck in the pole and was also swollen.

Her mother stopped running and she quickly tried to remove the pole even though she no longer had the strength Elyse called her mother who was trying to lift the pole to get away from the the monsters who was near them

"shh shh it's okay sweetie don't worry we can escape together ok?, help me with this and I'll carry you" her mother smiled at her with tears in her face while still trying to save Elyse, Elyse was successfully saved but cerberus was already one step away from them

Elyse tried to push her mother away but her mother pushed her first when she saw That it was just a step away from them she save her daughter from the monster but she got stepped on and half of her body was already crashed by cerberus, she can see her mothers body swimming in her own blood clearly while she's sitting next to the foot that stepped on her mother's half body, cerberus is a dog with three heads and a large body. Its feet were the size of a human body, its eyes were red and it was salivating, it had a tail that was also able to destroy a large building, he didn't notice Elyse who was looking at him and her dead mother. when the monster started chasing the other people who's running away from there

"m-mom? "Elyse tried to call her mom and reaching out to her with shaking hands trying to approach her

"mom!" and she couldn't stop crying to the point of blaming herself for what happened.

-back to the present-

"are you ok?" Elyse's mother asked her while she was drinking water

"yes I'm ok It was just a nightmare I thought you were really gone that's why I couldn't help myself from crying" Elyse said while smiling to her mother

"I thought you were being bullied at school ,don't worry its only a dream, me ?gone? Dead? It's not going to happen" her mother jokingly laugh and continued what she was doing

"is this just a dream. It's just a dream. ? If not .... "she started doubting if this was really just a dream or if she was really given a real second chance She asked herself
" wait what Date is it now? "she asked her mother

"August 20 2022 why?" and she froze eating because it was the day the apocalypse started

"no-nothing" she replied to her mother and immediately remembered where the virus would first appear and where the first safe zone would appear near them

"ah mom I remembered we don't have any class today so uhmm can I go to the market with you? " she immediately asked her mother who was getting dressed

"are you sure Elyse that you are not getting bullied at school? " she asked Elyse while her eyebrows were raised

"No im not who would dare to? We really just don't have any class today" she smiled and immediately took her cell phone and looked at the time

"6:58 am- only an hour left" she said to herself and immediately got dressed

"slowly Elyse you might slip, i can wait for you don't worry and I haven't even agree that you can go" her mother said ..

It starter with a virus that suddenly appeared and affected some living creatures in the World..
animals, insects,sea creatures and many more, as long that it breathes and a creation of god you're bound to get affected,
the virus is not a simple virus it will not kill you that's for sure, but it will transform you into a creature that eats humans but it will not get transferred by any contact, it is also possible for you to become a mutant.
In some places around the World there are seven locations where they cannot enter , this is the so-called safe zones , this is where people would revive the dead civilization but only a few are allowed to enter.

While they are walking Elyse is holding her mother's arm and the worry on her face is still not over, overthinking every possible scenario that could happen at any moment wondering how she'll be able to use the gift that she received from the future

She's hoping that the power she currently have would be enough to save her mother without any worry , and that her body would be able to handle it

The time did come and they started to hear loud screams and people started running for their lives, Elyse then immediately holds her mother's hand and started to run as fast as they can towards tha safe zone a few miles away from their current location

Elyse looked back and she saw people running away from some people that started to transform into monsters , even the cat that she saw earlier transformed into a big ogre and started to hunt humans

After Elyse and her mom took a turn there they saw the big dome where people are headed , walls were starting to appear as time passes by and a gate was slowly forming, she then grabbed her mother tightly and run faster than ever

"We're almost there mom please hang on" Elyse said to her mother that was starting to get tired, her mother was starting to doubt everything but decided to put it all aside because of what was currently happening

Then suddenly out of nowhere an ogre appeared in front of them , Elyse stand firm while facing the ogre was in front of her and her mom was still hesitant while hiding in Elyse's back

The ogre growled at them which made her mom tremble but Elyse immediately run with her mother in the opposite way and made sure first her mother was safe before getting a a small rodpole on the road

The monster was running towards her and that's where Elyse tried to release an aura , creating a sword shaped light surrounded the rodpole

"Elyse what is that?" Her mother ask

"I'll explain later mom, don't worry I won't let anything happen to you now" Elyse said then run towards the ogre

She jump higher than the ogre head then landed a hit on its eyes , the ogre was yelling in pain, Elyse took out her weapon and sliced its head , the ogre then died and Elyse immediately run back to her mother

"Mom let's go" Elyse said

"Are you really my daughter?, no , who are you?" Her mom asked

"I know mom it's hard to believe but I'm really your daughter , I'm gonna explain everything later , please trust me just this once, we have to go to the safe zone first" then she offered her hand , but when she looked up she saw a crazy ogre running towards them

"Mom!" She yelled

To be continued ..