Chapter 20 - Yuuki Kagurazaka

We spent a few days on Dwargon before coming back to Tempest. I had called for Kaval's team to take me to Blummund so I could get my adventurers card to enter Englisia and the summon demon skill. And I might as well gain trading relations with Blummund.

Even if I was away I could teleport myself back here regularly along the trip so the goodbyes didn't take so long. I gave a few orders and left with them a tiny Rimuru slime clone they could use to communicate with me more easily. Once all preparations were done I got ready to leave tempest for a bit. It was a bit exciting to explore more of the world so I had even commissioned my own "adventurer's outfit". And since I was heading toward Blummund and Englisia I changed to my human form, horns kind of got in the way of Shizu's mask.

(Image here)

"Now, remember to inform me if anything bad happens. We know that Falmuth might be planning something so keep me in contact with all the information you gather. I should be back fairly often using my teleportation so I can keep on naming the ones I have left but also to visit. Also-"

"We know" Shuna interrupted with a smile. "Sometimes you worry too much, we are pretty strong so we can take care of ourselves."

"Shuna is right, if anything comes our way we will just destroy it until there is nothing left!" Shion added.

"Alright, I trust you. In that case, we shall be heading off."

Once our final goodbyes were done Kaval's team and I mounted some tempest wolves and prepared to leave. We had built a wagon but I wanted to experience going at a fast speed so I had even enhanced the wolves by making all of us practically weightless using gravity magic.

"Everyone ready? Let's go!"

With those words, we disappeared.

It surprisingly didn't take so long to travel from Tempest to Blummund. With the help of our tempest wolves and the good amount of road that had been built, we had made it there in just two days. Blummund looked like your average fantasy city. It hadn't gotten as advanced as Englisia yet. Once we got there we stopped for food and headed directly towards Fuze's office.

In there I was able to get a B rank adventurer card and a meeting with the king. I had also requested a private meeting with Jiggis, the person who had summoned the demon.

In the end, I made a trading alliance with Blummund. They would help spread the word about our kingdom and the kind of products we could offer. I also offered to build the road that would connect from Blummund to Tempest. We offered the protection of those who traveled in it and they would give us payment for the protection we offered on the road. Due to the great location of Tempest, the future roads that would be built that would connect a lot of kingdoms, and a little bit of help from my Charm skill I was able to get quite a good deal.

I had also proposed the construction of a Guild Building in Tempest so adventurers could join, receive quests, or return completed quests and materials. However, it appeared I would need Yuuki's approval for that.

They had tried to rope me into a mutual protection agreement but I respectfully declined. I did mention that if our friendly relationships continued in the future we could talk about the protection offered by Tempest again. I also showcased some of the High potions that we could provide and kept the full potions we had managed to create a secret. I knew how much trouble Tempest could get in if the information that we were able to create full potions got out. We needed to make sure we could deal with the fallout it would bring before we revealed it

With the talks with the king done I went to met with Jiggis. We had set up a private room where we could talk. Thanks to the personal request that Fuze had given I was showcased his different summoning spells.

[Report. Summoning magic Summon Demon has been successfully analyzed.]

I left a teleportation circle on Fuze's office for easier travel in the future and now that all I needed to do in Blummund was done we departed towards Englisia.

Once we entered Englisia I said my goodbyes to Kaval's group and the tempest wolves that were with them returned to Tempest. I went to the Free Guild office and requested a meeting with Yuuki Kagurazaka. Giving a letter that Fuze had written I was taken to an office to wait for his arrival.

I had planned the conversation with Great Sage in order to get him to call Hinata on me. I needed to talk to her and I needed to use Analyze on her Usurper.

I had taken off my mask, and due to my more masculine appearance, I only looked like I was related to Shizu.

'Time to win an oscar.'

At that moment a young man walked into the room. He had brown hair and light-brown eyes. He looked to be around high school age.

"Welcome," he smiled "I am grand master Yuuki Kagurazaka. Feel free to just call me Yuuki though. It is nice to meet you, Rimuru."

"It is nice to meet you too Mister Yuuki. I am Rimuru Tempest, leader of the newly build city Tempest in the Forest of Jura. Feel free to just call me Rimuru too."

"In the letter Fuze stated that you were a monster, however, if I am being honest you do not look like one."

"Oh, that is thanks to the skill I got when I came to this world. It is called Shapeshift. Sadly, it just allows me to change my form and use the natural skills of the species like spit venom if I copy a snake, after talking to Miss Shizu I feel like my skill isn't of much use compared to other otherworlders. In truth in my base form, I am a slime. I modeled my human form after her since it was too hard to create my own body from just memory alone" I said as I turned into a slime and back.

"Wait, you said you are an otherworlder? And you have met Miss Shizu? I could tell the familiarities in your face yet I thought it might just be a coincidence."

"Oh yes, I am not from this world just like you. I met Shizu not too long after I came to this world. She helped me figure out my situation but sadly she passed away not too long after. It appears that she was getting close to losing control of her powers so she gave up her life in order not to lose control. Since she helped me out so much I agreed to come here to take of the children in the school and try my best to rescue them if I can. That is why I wanted to meet you, to request you to allow me to teach in the school."

"... Well, I do not see why not. But why don't we get to know each other a little bit better first? Why don't you tell me how you became the leader of the forest?"

"Oh yes, forgive me if I am not that great at talking and don't explain properly, you know, the life of slime is a bit rough. You should have seen me when I came to this world. No limbs, no eyes, I felt like I was in a coma. Learning how to move in a gelatinous body was not so easy. If it wasn't because my slime body is pretty good at controlling magicules I probably would have been eaten by some random monster before I learned how to see, monster perks and all of that. Anyways, I got a bit off track, it all started like this…" after that I began to tell a modified version of events to Yuuki, not giving too much important information away. "...And after the fight, I used my dissolve skill I have as a slime and ate the scary orc lord. That made me a bit stronger."

With that, our friendly conversations followed. If I didn't know the true him I might have honestly fallen for his act. We agreed to become "friends" and I requested for permission to build a guild in my country which he agreed. These talks continued for a while until we parted ways. I did mention a bit more how "horrible" the time I spent before I got a humanoid form was and how stressed out that had left me. Telling him how good of a listener he was and thanking him for allowing me to unload my troubles.

I was led to the school by an assistant and showed my room in the school. My only hope is that I was able to convince him of some of what I had said and not created too many suspicions against me. I didn't even bother to attempt to use charm or commander's aura to make me appear more trustworthy as I knew he would be immune to them.

Tomorrow would be my first day as a teacher.

Chapter 106, Universal Labyrinth. **