He started right where he left off last night. The driveway didn't look like a driveway that he had ever seen, it was just two rough grooves in the lawn. He walked down it. The red glow was still out there and it was still night. As he grew closer, he started hearing sounds. That was super freaky because he hadn't heard any sounds at all from anywhere in this whole dream. And he'd had this dream every night for the last several months.
A low whining, like babies crying, like a whole bunch of babies crying. But it wasn't like real sound. It was like with every footstep I took closer towards the red glow, someone was turning the volume up. Sound wasn't working right, it was going up way too fast.
It was a fire, and there were people around it, doing some kind of dance or something. It looked like a weird ceremony from a lost tribe in the middle of nowhere or something. he imagined the tribe people of some ancient forest, it was so weird. They were all dancing around the fire and a huge totem pole. A Totem pole of a snake with arms.
He stopped and watched them. This was really too weird. The men all had on dog coats or something, with the dog heads still on them, like those old Roman soldiers, with wolves heads as hats. Creepy as fuck. Sorry. Not supposed to say fuck. Mom gets really angry when I cuss like she does.
They were going in a circle, really slowly, arms down to the ground, and then they spun left, then raised their arms up and spun again.
He made myself stop walking because he realized that he was still getting closer without realizing it. He told his feet: "stop moving" but they didn't. He was walking towards the fire without wanting to.
The totem pole slowly turned and looked at me. It was massive with long gangly arms and blank eyes. It reached out its hand to me…