Chereads / A Problem of Coffins (by Pauly Hart) / Chapter 4 - Segment - Continued explanation of the coffin

Chapter 4 - Segment - Continued explanation of the coffin

In doing some quick research, I have inappropriately related to you my dealings in Indonesia. Evidently, they've changed names of places again. Djakarta has now lost its silent D and Irian Jaya has lost its ever so lovely and unique name and gone to the most boring name of West Papua. How droll their government systems must be… How insipid. But I would not stay there except to tell you of the purposes of my beautiful casket...

And I have failed in that regard, for few Vampires write. Wait. Is that the first time I've used that word? No, I used it before when I talked about Christopher Lee. That is fine, because that is what we are. I am the night king who dines on the lives of men who walk the earth.

This generation and the use of the word: "men." It was a month ago that I ran into this argument with my friend, another vampire, named Herbert. His name is odd, but in 1929 when he was made, it was quite a popular name, so I must forgive him that. I am off track again.

Writing! Bah!

At any rate, Herbert and I were having coffee and two youths got into an argument about the word. We placed their minds into a fog, lured them out into the night, raped them with rebar, and drank them like coconuts, but alas, we were hungrier afterwards than before we dined. The empty souls of man are not a meal. "Man" or "men" means "mankind." That the male of the species has this as the name as well is the way it just came to be. In the English tongue, fe-male or wo-man is not diminutive, but derivative. This seems to infuriate some, rather than educate and illuminate. There are a thousand things that people think of us that are completely false, and I wish I had the power to change their views on these images… But again, I have only come to realize that people are sheep to be drunk.

So… Where was I? Ah yes, my coffin. It is a lovely device, devoid of any trappings of comfort, for that would delegitimize its purpose. It was plain and bare and smelled of the old world. Some vampires, having not undergone the full transformation into their true selves are stuck within the coffins drifting off into a listless slumber where they are somehow able to achieve human sleep. These half -blood Satanists drift away into their dream world and let the opportunities of the day escape them fully. For the fully actualized Master, like myself and so many of the other masters, spend this time in a loose spirit travel, something akin to the yogi masters of Hinduism. We are of the same family - Hindus and Vampires... At least we serve the same gods.