Chereads / Seren / Chapter 14 - The Angel of Life

Chapter 14 - The Angel of Life

Yuzu and Takeru are standing in the kitchen. Yuzu holds up a finger.

"Repeat after me," Yuzu says as Takeru nods.

"One, don't go into my room for any reason," Yuzu said.

"Don't go into your room for any reason," Takeru said.

"Two, bath time is my time. Don't interrupt, even if you're dying," Yuzu said.

"Bath time is your time. Don't interrupt, even if I'm dying," Takeru said.

"Three, you're in charge of your meals and cleaning up after yourself. I'm not your maid."

"I'm in charge of my meals and cleaning up after myself. You're not my maid," Takeru said.

"If you follow those rules, then I guess you and your mom can stay here," Yuzu sighed.

"Thanks for letting us stay here, Yuzu-chan," Takeru bowed.

"It's not like I had a choice," Yuzu shrugged. "If it were up to me, I'd rather live alone."

Takeru blinked. "Huh? That's not what mommy said."

''Huh?'' Yuzu said confused.

''She said that you were so lonely that you cried yourself to sleep every day like a baby.''

''I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BITCH!!!'' Yuzu comically screamed, three angry tick marks popping out.


 Elder House

"You wanna what?!" Gerard and Yuzu screamed as the Elder raised his eyebrows. Yuzu, Gerard, the Elder, Luna, and her son Takeru were all conversing.

"You heard me," Luna said. "I want to live with Yuzu."

Yuzu and Gerard just gaped at her as the Elder cleared his throat.

"while that could be arranged, Is there any reason why it has to be Yuzu?"

''Yeah, why not me?!'' Gerard comically cried. Everyone sweatdropped.

"It's simple," Luna said. "With everything that happened with her parents, I'm sure she feels lonely. Also, I can't in good conscience leave a child on her own." She then narrowed her eyes at Gerard and the Elder. "I'm still appalled that you two let her live on her own in the first place." Gerard and the Elder flinched at her gaze.

''Now hold on,'' Gerard said. We tried to get her to live with one of us, but she was adamant about not leaving her house.

''Well, naturally,'' Luna said. ''Why would she want to leave the house she was raised in? I'm trying to make the point that you guys should have moved in with her.''

''Again, we tried that,'' Gerard replies. ''She said she could take of herself and didn't trust anyone.''

''Again, that's natural,'' Luna said. ''You guys treated her like she was some sorta monster. I mean, how could you think a 4-year-old girl would kill her parents?''

''That's easy for you to say, Luna-san. You weren't there when it happened. What we saw was Yuzu with a knife and her parents dead. Of course, we would come to that conclusion.'' 

''Did you ask Yuzu about it?" Luna said.

''Yes,'' Gerard replied ''she said something about a man-''

''Then it must have been that man-''

''But nobody came to the village that night, and no one saw the man there. Only Yuzu and her parents. How do you explain that?''

''Well,''- Luna said, sweating; she shook her head. ''the point is, you guys should have taken better care of Yuzu.''

"We tried our best! "

"You should try harder!"

''Get off our back already, woman!''

''Excuse me?!''

''HEY!'' Yuzu's voice rang out

Gerard and Luna stop their shouting match and turn towards Yuzu.

"Hi," Yuzu said. "If you're going to argue about someone in front of them, at least let them give their thoughts on the matter."

Everyone looked at Yuzu and nodded, giving Yuzu the floor. Yuzu took a deep breath.

"I must say that I'm still not over my parents' death and can't say that I forgive the villagers for how they treated me. But I kind of see where they're coming from. My memory of that night is kind of hazy. Maybe there was a man; maybe there was not. The fact remains that my parents are dead, and it was my fault," Yuzu said, tearing up. She turned toward Luna.

"Luna, was it?" Yuzu asks. Luna nods.

"Thanks for looking out for me, but Uncle Gerard and the old man were right. I didn't want or ask for any help, and I don't need it now. So, I'd appreciate it if you just left me alone."

"I refuse," Luna said firmly, surprising everyone present.

''What? ''Yuzu said.

''You might be able to fool everyone else, but you're not fooling me, ''Luna said. 

''What the hell are you talking about?'' Yuzu asked, confused. 

Luna ignored Yuzu and turned to the Elder. ''Elder-san, I want to live with Yuzu. Can you make that happen?'' 

The Elder blinks.'' well, yes, but Yuzu has to agree to it first.''

''And I want to live alone,'' Yuzu said.

''Can't we just bypass that?'' Luna said 

The Elder shakes his head. 'I'm afraid not everyone who owns a house in Kolt village is entitled to do what they please with the household. Even though she is a young girl with her parents gone, she is essentially the house owner, so it's up to her whether she wants to live with other people."

Luna turns toward Yuzu and puts on a big smile.

''Yuzu-san, may I please live with you?'' Luna asked

''No, you may not,'' Yuzu said, putting on a smile of her own.



''Pretty please?'' Luna said, still smiling in a strained tone and veins popping out.

''No means no,'' Yuzu said, smiling and veins popping out.

The two stare at each other and laugh. Everybody else sweatdropped.

''WHY NOT, YOU LITTLE BRAT?!'' Luna yelled.


"Who are you calling a blond bimbo?!" Luna said, pinching Yuzu's cheeks.

"You! You blond bimbo!" Yuzu pinched Luna's cheeks.

"That's enough!" the Elder yelled. The two turned to the Elder. 

"Listen, Miss Luna, it seems that Yuzu's not budging on this; it looks like you are just going to have to live with someone else."

"My door is always open," Gerard said. 

Luna shakes her head. ''thank you, Gerard-San, but no, it has to be Yuzu.''

''I see,'' the Elder says while Gerard cries comically. Luna turns to yuzu. 

''Yuzu, I understand if you don't want me there, but can you at least take Takeru in?"

"Mommy?" Takeru said.

"What about you?" the elder questioned.

''I'll be fine; while I want to live with my son, finding Takeru a safe place is my main priority," Luna said.

"So what, you're just going to abandon him?" Yuzu said.

"No, of course not," Luna said. "I'll come to visit from time to time."

''Miss Luna, there's no need for you to go that far,'' the Elder said. ''I'm sure we can find someone you can live with.''

Gerard coughed dramatically.

''That's not Gerard,'' the Elder deadpanned.

''Oh, come on!'' Gerard yelled," Is living with me really such a bad thing?!''

The Elder turns to Gerard. ''Gerard, I'm old, not stupid; I'm not going to have a lady living with a man who has clear motives for her.''

Gerard begins sweating. ''I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just trying to help a lady out like the gentleman I am.''

''Uh-huh,'' the Elder deadpanned again.

''And you know if something were to 'happen' all along the way, I wouldn't object-ow!'' Gerard stops as the elder hits him with his cane. 

''No, bad Gerard!'' The Elder scolded. 

''I'm just saying!'' Gerard nursing a comical bump on his head as Gerard and the Elder bicker, Yuzu turns to Luna and Takeru. 

''what are you playing at, lady?'' Yuzu said.

''What do you mean?'' Luna blinked innocently.

''Why do I have to take care of your brat?'' 

''Oh dear, no one said you had to take care of him. I just want him to live with you,'' Luna said.

''What makes you think I'll take him anyway?''

Luna just smiled at Yuzu ''Because I know you can't say no to children, miss 'I want to be a mom when I grow up.'

Yuzu blushed furiously.'' h-h-how the hell did you know that?!''

''It was in your diary.''


''Yup,'' Luna smirked evilly.'' I know all your dirty secrets. So if you don't allow Takeru to live with you, I'll spread them across the village.''

''Y-you evil bitch!'' Yuzu screamed.

''Language young lady,'' Luna giggled. ''And sorry, hon, I don't want to have to blackmail you, but you left me no choice.''

Yuzu shaked furiously 'damn that woman!'

''So what do you say?'' Luna asked.

Yuzu stares at the mother-son duo and then says, "Let me talk to the boy first," surprising Luna and Takeru.

"Why?" Luna asks.

"I want his opinion on the matter," Yuzu replied.

''Sure you don't just want to practice your mommy skills?'' Luna teased. 

Yuzu blushed furiously. ''s-shut up! Are you going to let me talk to him or what?!''

Luna thought for a moment ''That sounds fine, but let me talk to him first. He gets nervous around strangers.''

Yuzu rolled her eyes ''whatever. Have him meet me at my house when you're done.''

''Sure thing,'' Luna said as Yuzu left the house. Luna bends down to Takeru's eye level and pets his head.

''Ok, sweetie, you are going to have a one-on-one talk with Yuzu. Be polite and behave yourself.''

''I -I don't know, Mommy, she seems scary,'' Takeru quivers. 

''It's fine. She may look like a grumpy pants, but I know she is sweet inside and a little lonely.'' 

''Really?''Takeru said 

''Really. She is so lonely that she cries herself to sleep every night. So she can use a friend like you.''

"OK, I'll talk to her and be her friend," Takeru said. Luna smiled and kissed his forehead.

''That's my Takeru, now go on, you don't want to keep your new friend waiting,'' Luna said. 

Takeru nodded as he rushed out of the house. Luna stood there with a smile on her face as Gerard and the Elder approached her with raised eyebrows.

''What was that about'' Gerard said.

''You'll see'' Luna giggled. Gerard and the Elder looked confused.



 Yuzu house 

Yuzu paced back and forth in her kitchen. Just then, Takeru entered. "Yuzu-chan, I'm here," Takeru said.

"What is your mom's problem?!" Yuzu shouted.

Takeru blinked ''sorry?''

''Ever since you two got here, she has been on my ass, and I went to know why,'' Yuzu asked.

''You're asking me?'' Takeru asked.

''Whenever I ask her, she just deflects the question,'' Yuzu said. ''I assume she would tell you.''

Takeru shakes his head ''sorry, I don't know anything. I just follow Mommy.'' 

Yuzu tsked ''You're useless'' as she tried to walk out of the kitchen.

"Wait, Yuzu-chan," Takeru stopped her. "I'm sure Mommy just wants to help you."

"Well, I didn't ask or need her help," Yuzu said.

"I don't understand, Yuzu-chan. Why are you so against people helping you?"

"That's none of your business, brat," Yuzu said rudely.

"Why are you so mean? Everyone seems so nice," Takeru said softly. At that, Yuzu glared harshly. 


Takeru stares in shock, his eyes tearing up as he proceeds to sob loudly. Yuzu looks on with guilt in her eyes.

"Hey, stop crying!" Yuzu says, but Takeru ignores her and continues wailing. just then, Yuzu hugged Takeru and rubbed his head soothingly 

''ok, ok, I'm sorry! I won't yell at you anymore!'' Yuzu said. 

Takeru looked at Yuzu and wiped his tears ''promise?''

yuzu sighed ''I promise, just please stop crying...''

Takeru sniffed and smiled ''ok!'' 

Yuzu released Takeru and blushed, ''Geez, you're a boy. You shouldn't cry so easily over something like that.''

''I'm sorry'' Takeru said.

Yuzu sighed again, ''No, I'm sorry. I know I can be a little aggressive. I'll try to dial it back, at least for you.'' Takeru looked at Yuzu with surprise. 

''Wow, Mommy was right, you really are nice.'' Takeru smiled. Yuzu blushed madly.

''I am not!'' Yuzu shouted ''what does your mom know anyway?!''

 ''Mommy has always been a good judge of character, so when she says someone like this or that, she's usually right.'' 

Yuzu raised her eyebrows. ''you really like your mom, huh?''

Takeru smiled. ''sure do! Mommy's like my best friend in the whole world, and I'm sure if you give her a chance, you'll like her too.''

 Yuzu scoffed ''with that blond bimbo? I doubt it.'' 

''Please Yuzu-chan?'' Takeru pleaded ''she really wants to help you. she said that she absolutely needs to help you, especially you.''

''why me?'' Yuzu questioned. ''What is so special about me that she has to get involved no matter what?''

''Probably because your situation reminds her of herself,'' Takeru answered. Yuzu looked surprised.

''What do you mean?'' Yuzu said.

Takeru looks at Yuzu seriously. ''Mommy's parents were also killed when she was little. The people of her village thought she did it and mistreated her. She tried to explain that she didn't do it, but the villagers wouldn't believe her and called her names like demon, murderer, and witch."

''What did she do about it?'' Yuzu asked

''She got fed up with the treatment and started pulling pranks on the villagers 

The villagers got tired of her pranks and complained to the village elder. The elder tried to reason with Mommy, but Mommy wouldn't listen, so he had no choice but to ban Mommy from the village.

"What happened after that?'' Yuzu asked 

"I don't know'' Takeru said, "Mommy never mentioned what happened after that. She just said it was harsh and brutal until she met my dad."

Yuzu looked astonished. "So her life was just like mine…''

Takeru nodded. "Yes, that's why Mommy wants to help you so badly. She doesn't want you to end up like her."

Yuzu pondered this information for a while, then shook her head.

"Look, I feel for your mom, but that has nothing to do with me. Sure, our lives may have been similar, but that doesn't mean I'll end up like her."

"Are you sure about that?" Takeru said. Yuzu was taken aback.

''What do you mean?'' Yuzu said.

"Yuzu Chan," Takeru said. "You're doing the same things Mommy did, and look at what happened. You would have gotten banned if it wasn't for Mommy. Think about it: you would have been alone in this huge world without friends and family. You can at least show some appreciation."

Yuzu stiffened ''I didn't ask for her help!''

"But you got it, and not just Mommy but Elder-san and Gerard-san too; they just want to help you, but you keep turning it down. why?''

Yuzu scoffed ''you wouldn't get it.'' 

''Try me'' Takeru said.

''Why should I?! How would you know what it's like to be alone for a year? How would you know what it's like to lose your parents on your birthday and be blamed for it?!''

''I wouldn't, but mommy would,'' Takeru said 

Yuzu rolled her eyes ''Let me guess, she lost her parents on her 4th birthday to a stranger with a knife?''

Takeru blinked ''actually yes'' 

Yuzu stared blankly at Takeru ''you're shitting me.''

''It's true, according to her,'' Takeru confirmed. Yuzu sighed.

''I… don't have the energy for this,'' Yuzu sighed exasperatedly. ''Listen, if I let you and your mom live here, would that get her off my ass?''

''I don't know if it would, but I do know she is not going to stop until she does. She has always been stubborn that way.''

Yuzu was contemplating. She doesn't want that nosy woman and her brat here, but it sounds like she won't leave her alone until she gives in. Not to mention, she knows about her secrets, and she doesn't want them out. Also, if Yuzu and Luna went through the same things, maybe she might understand. With those thoughts in her head, Yuzu came to a decision. Yuzu put a finger up. 

 ''Repeat after me.''



Yuzu waits angrily in the kitchen as Takeru leaves to get Luna. After a minute or two, Takeru comes back with Luna in tow.

"Hello, Yuzu-chan."- ''Luna began saying before ducking as a bowl whizzed past her. 

''Don't 'hello Yuzu-chan' me, bitch!'' Yuzu yells angrily.

''Language young lady'' Luna said ''what are you mad about now?''

Yuzu pointed at Luna accusingly. ''you told Takeru that I cry myself to sleep every night!''

''Did I?'' Luna put a finger to her chin.

''Yes!'' Yuzu replied. 

Luna made a silly gesture ''whoops, my bad tee-hee.''


"Calm down," Luna said. ''I told you I had to prepare Takeru to talk to you. He would have thought you were scary if I hadn't told him that."

''Whatever' 'Yuzu scoffed. ''I'll let you guys live here, but you have to follow my rules.'' 

''Sure thing, dear'' Luna smiled. 

Yuzu raised her eyebrows. ''What's that look for?''

''Takeru told me what you did for him. I knew behind your rough exterior that you were a sweet and kind girl inside.''

Yuzu blushed, flustered ''I didn't do it for him! I just didn't want him to mess up my floor with his stupid crying.''

''Uh-huh,'' Luna smirked. 

 ''I was, you, gah!'' Yuzu runs past Luna and Takeru out of the kitchen, completely embarrassed. Luna turns to Takeru.

''Well, sweetie, what do you think of Yuzu?'' Luna said. 

''Honestly, she seemed mean and scary,'' Takeru said. Then he remembered the hug and kind words she said during their conversation. Takeru smiled.

''But she can be kind and sweet when she wants to be.'' Takeru finished.

''That's good to hear,'' Luna said. Now that it's getting late let's hurry on to bed.''

''Ok,'' Takeru said as he ran out of the kitchen. Luna looks back at the kitchen with an unreadable expression before turning off the lights.


 Next day 

The sun shines brightly as Yuzu wakes up.

"Another morning..." Yuzu sighs, getting up and heading to the bathroom. She brushes her teeth, takes a shower, and gets dressed.

"Not that it matters," Yuzu thinks as she heads toward the kitchen. 'It's just going to be the same old day with the villagers getting mad at me, fighting with them, while the old man and Uncle Gerard try to defuse it. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother waking up. Maybe I'm better off...' Before she can finish, she smells a delicious scent coming from the kitchen.

 ''What the hell?'' Yuzu says as she enters the kitchen to find an interesting sight. A large quantity of food on the table consisted of eggs, bacon, bagels, waffles, and pancakes. Yuzu's jaw drops at the scene.

''Wha?'' Yuzu said.

"Oh, good morning, Yuzu-chan," a voice said. Yuzu turned to the voice to find Luna in a cooking apron.

''What is this'' Yuzu asked. 

Luna smiled. ''What does it look like, silly? I made breakfast!'' she said as Takeru could be seen scoffing pancakes.

''But why so much for just you, too?'' Yuzu asked.

Luna giggled. ''it's not just for us. It's for you, too.''

''For me? Why?'' Yuzu questioned.

''Think of it as thanks for letting us live here, and I'll be doing it from now on,'' Luna said.

''Hmph! I don't need your thanks, and I don't need your food! I can get food on my own-''Yuzu began saying before her stomach grumbled.

''Sounds like someone hungry~'' Luna teased gleefully. Yuzu blushed furiously.

"S-shut up!" Yuzu screamed. She shook her head. "Fine, I'll have a little."

Luna smiled as Yuzu went to the table. She grabbed a plate and filled it with eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Yuzu took a bite of her eggs. Yuzu froze as if she was in a trance. Then, she quickly ate all her eggs, finished her bacon, and devoured her pancakes in seconds.

''So delicious!'' Yuzu said, eyes sparkly. ''The fluffiness of the eggs, the crispness of the bacon, the softness of the pancakes, they were all perfect!'' Luna and Takeru sweatdropped.

''Glad you liked it, dear.'' 

''I want seconds!'' 

''Of course, hun, there's plenty left,'' Luna said. Yuzu wasted no time getting a second plate. 

"Goodness, Yuzu-chan. I didn't know you were this hungry," Luna said, surprised. "Who had been feeding you this whole time?"

''Unfle geverd and the old fan-'' 

''Don't talk with your mouth full, dear,'' Luna reprimanded.

Yuzu swallowed and said ''Uncle Gerard and the old man. They give me food from time to time. But what they make doesn't come close to this."

Luna giggled. "I'm glad you like it. I could teach you how to cook if you like."

Yuzu's eyes sparkled. "Really?" She shook her head. "I mean, no thanks."

'Oh Yuzu, still so stubborn…' Luna thought.

Luna finished her meal, removed her apron, and said, "I'm going to go say hello to the rest of the villagers. Come with me, Yuzu."

"Huh? Why? Hey!" Yuzu asked.

Luna didn't respond but instead took Yuzu by the wrist and turned to Takeru.

"Takeru, sweetie, we're going now. Make sure to clean up after you're done," Luna instructed.

"Ok, Mommy!" Takeru replied.

''Hey, let go of me, you bitch!'' Yuzu yelled. Luna smiles as she drags Yuzu out of the kitchen. 



Yuzu and Luna strolled through the village, and Luna warmly greeted the villagers while Yuzu glared and pouted. The villagers happily greeted Luna but remained somewhat wary of Yuzu, though they still greeted her anyway.

"Why do I have to do this?" Yuzu deadpanned.

"Oh dear, and here I thought you made amends with the villagers," Luna said.

"That doesn't mean I forgave them for how they treated me," Yuzu pouted, and Luna giggled. The two continued to stroll through the village.


 A voice rang out, and the two turned to find Gerard approaching them.

''Good morning, Gerard-san'' Luna bowed.

"Good morning, Luna-san," Gerard blushed. He then looked to Luna's side and said, "Oh, Yuzu…"

"Wow, don't sound disappointed or anything," Yuzu sneered.

"Now, now," Luna reprimanded. "How may I help you, Gerard-san?"

Gerard coughed. "Yes, I just want to welcome you to our humble village, and I brought you a gift." Gerard reached into his pocket, pulled out a blue pendant, and handed it to Luna. Luna looked at it and teared up a little.

"Oh Gerard, it's beautiful," Luna said.

"I'm glad you like it," Gerard said, blushing. "a-and I was wondering if you're not busy later; maybe we can have dinner together. What do you say?"

"Well," Luna said.

''Ugh, '' Yuzu groaned loudly. ''Can't you two take your love fest somewhere else? You're grossing me out.'' Luna and Gerard looked at Yuzu with surprise. 

''N-no, it's not like that! '' Luna blushed. 

''Y-yea,'' Gerard said, blushing as well. ''I'm just welcoming her to our village, that's all!''

''Sure you are'' Yuzu smirking.

''I am,'' Gerard said, ''and I don't see how it's any business of yours.'' 

''It's not,'' Yuzu replied, ''but if you are going to have sex, do it at your house, not mine.''

''WHAT?!'' Gerard and Luna exclaimed.

''What?'' Yuzu cocked her head, grinning. ''Isn't that what this is leading to? You are so plain and boring I thought you would never get some, but you could do better than this blond bimbo.''

Gerard had a tick mark on his forehead ''I had up to here with your attitude, young lady! Maybe a spanking or two would right you up!''

Yuzu had a tick mark on her forehead ''try touching my ass, you perverted virgin, and watch how fast your ass hits the floor!

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Luna shouted. She turned to Yuzu and glared. "Yuzu, you need to apologize right this instant."

Yuzu turned her head and huffed. "Why should I? He's the one who—" Yuzu was saying before she yelped as Luna grabbed her by the ear and pulled hard.

"You went too far. Apologize now," Luna said, maintaining a firm grip on Yuzu's ear.

"B-but…" Yuzu whined.

"Now, young lady," Luna said sternly.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Gerard!" Yuzu cried out. Luna released Yuzu's ear as Yuzu rubbed her sore ear. Gerard smirked.

"Well, look at that. The demon child can be reeled in by ear pulling. If we knew that, we would have done it a long time ago," Gerard laughed before stopping as Luna glared at him.

''Don't start, Gerard-san. You are just as guilty as she is,'' Luna said.

Gerard was taken aback. ''Huh?''

''Don't 'huh' me, mister,'' Luna said, taking a scolding stance. ''You're a grown man arguing with a child. You should know better.''

''But she-'' Gerard said, pointing, before stopping when Luna gave him a look.

''Yes, ma'am,'' Gerard replied.

 "That's better'' Luna said ''Now I'm going to go greet the rest of the village. Yuzu, you go home and behave yourself. And Gerard, thank you for the gift, but I'm going to have to decline your dinner invite."

Luna walked away, waving goodbye. Gerard waved back, albeit sadly, with comical tears flowing after being shot down, and walked away. Yuzu decided to head home, not because Luna told her to or anything.

 Yuzu kitchen 

Yuzu stood there, still angry about the situation. She rubbed her ear again and snarled. That blond bimbo, who does she think she is, telling Yuzu to want to do and acting like her mom? Yuzu thinks how similar Luna is to her real mom, who used to cook for her and scold her for her bad behavior. Yuzu couldn't help but smile before shaking her head. No, Luna is not her mom. Yuzu's not sure what Luna is. She's just some blond bimbo who came into Yuzu's life for no reason.

Hmm, Yuzu thinks to herself. She recalled Takeru's words about how she and Luna's lives were eerily similar. With that thought, she wonders what Luna would have done in her situation, about Luna herself, and what makes her tick. With a sense of curiosity at its apex, she heads out to see what Luna is up to.



Yuzu hides behind a house and watches Luna talk to three housewives in the village.

…'' and that's how you make a perfect omelet.'' Luna said. The three housewives applauded.

''Wow, that's amazing, Luna-san'' housewife one said 

''Yeah, I didn't know you could use ingredients like that,'' housewife two said

''Or that you can clean like that'' the third housewife said ''our houses are practically spotless!''

Luna giggled. ''thank you, ladies, now, if you'll excuse me.''


The housewives waved goodbye as Luna walked away while Yuzu still watched from the side of the house.

'So she can cook and clean? Big deal. Yuzu thought, rolling her eyes as she secretly followed Luna.


Yuzu hides behind a house as she watches Luna giving a massage to an old man.

''How is this?'' Luna said to the old man as she massaged his old body.

''Oh my, that feels good,'' the old man replied. Luna finished her massage and helped the old man up.

''How do you feel?'' Luna asked the old man. 

"Like a million bucks," the old man replied as he started jumping up and down. Ah, I feel so young. Thank you, dear."

Luna giggled ''You're welcome."

Luna parted ways with the old man, and Yuzu watched.

'So she can massage too?' Yuzu thought, 'That's not half bad.' Yuzu followed Luna again

Yuzu hides once again to find an interesting sight. It is Luna yelling at Gerard while Gerard is sweating and putting his hands up defensively. Yuzu raises her eyebrows, wondering what happened. Just then, Luna grabs Gerard by the ear and drags him to the forest Area.

''I can't believe you, Gerard!'' Luna huffed. ''I thought you were better than that!''

''Ow, ow, wait, Luna, it's not what you think!'' Gerard said.

''Not what I think?! You were peeking into that woman's house!''

''No, you misunderstand! I wasn't peeking; I was-'' Luna tugged Gerard's ear harder.

''I'll teach you how I deal with perverts...'' Luna said darkly. 

Luna and Gerard disappear through the forest. Gerard whines along the way. Yuzu sweatdropped. 

''Rest in peace. Uncle Gerard,'' Yuzu said, putting her hands together in prayer. 


 Yuzu house 

 Later that night 

Yuzu was in the kitchen, compiling what she knew about Luna while watching her. From what she gathered, Luna seemed to be a caring and motherly figure, albeit stubborn and nosy. But everything about her remained a mystery. Yuzu shook her head.

'Argh, all this thinking is driving me nuts. Screw it, I'll ask her directly,' Yuzu thought. Just then, Luna arrived.

''I'm home'' Luna said.

''Welcome Home, Mommy!'' Takeru said, running down the stairs and embracing his mother. 

''How was your day'' Takeru asked.

''It was great! I made new friends, and everybody was so nice, although Mommy did run into an issue...''

''On no, did mommy make an oopsie?'' Takeru asked, concerned.

''Kinda....'' Luna said, scratching her cheek. "How was I supposed to know Gerard-san was the village patrolman?! He never told me!'' She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "And what kinda patrolman is allowed to peek into other people's houses, especially women?! And another thing…"

''Blond bimbo. Kitchen. now.'' Yuzu called out from the kitchen. 

''Mommy, what did you do this time?!'' Takeru said surprised 

''I don't know, sweetie, but she sounds serious. I'll go see what she wants. And what do you mean 'this time,' you cheeky brat?" Luna smirked, pinching Takeru's cheek playfully. Takeru giggled.

''Today woman'' Yuzu said.

''Geez, I'm coming, miss impatient,'' Luna pouted. ''Takeru, you go wait upstairs in our room; I'll tuck you in later.

''Ok, mommy'' Takeru replied. Luna kissed Takeru's head. As Takeru went upstairs, Luna headed toward the kitchen.

''I'm here, Yuzu-chan'' Luna said. 

Yuzu stared hard at Luna; Luna cocked her head, confused.

"Something wrong, dear?'' Luna asked. Yuzu stared for a long time and then finally asked.

"Who are you?"

"Eh?" Luna replied, confused.

''I said who are you?'' Yuzu repeated. 

'I'm Luna, silly,'' Luna giggled.

''Don't screw with me!!'' Yuzu screamed, banging her tiny fists on the table.

''Y-yuzu?!'' Luna said, startled. 

Yuzu pointed at Luna, tears welling up in her eyes. "You come out of nowhere, wanting to take care of me, and no matter how many times I push you away, you keep coming back! Why do you care so much about me?!" Yuzu stared at Luna with hope and sadness. "Are you... are you my mother?"

''Oh, Yuzu...'' Luna embraced Yuzu. They stayed like that for a while. Luna let go of Yuzu and gave her a sad smile.

''No, Yuzu, I'm not your mother; I'm just an ordinary woman.''

''But that can't be true; you act just like her,'' Yuzu said.

''Sorry, sweetie, but that is just my personality that I copied from my mom.''

''That reminds me,'' Yuzu said. ''Takeru told me that your parents were also killed on your 4th birthday.'' 

''That's correct,'' Luna nodded sadly ''They were killed by an assassin that was after me''

''Just like me...''Yuzu gasped; Luna couldn't help but giggle. 

''Yes,'' Luna said, ''my parents tried to protect me, but it was in vain. After killing my parents, the assassin just vanished, and I was blamed for my parent's murder.''

''What did you do?'' Yuzu asked 

"I told them I didn't do it, but the people of my village didn't believe me. In response, I acted out, pulled mean pranks, and tormented the villagers. Eventually, they grew tired of my antics and banished me."

Yuzu couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was the same situation that she was in. 

''What did you do after you got banished?'' Yuzu asked.

"I wandered around, feeling lost and hopeless, until I met someone significant who changed my life. For the longest time, I thought I was a monster and a witch who caused nothing but death and misery. However, this person didn't see me that way. They saw me as a friend, saying that a real witch wouldn't be as kind and caring as I was and that I was the angel of life who brought cheer and joy to the people around me."

''What was this person like?'' Yuzu asked.

Luna smiled, ''They were amazing, strong, kind, and a bit naive. They got into trouble a lot, but as we spent years together and went on numerous adventures, we grew closer until they became a very important part of my life.''

''I see,'' Yuzu said in awe before asking, ''What happened to this person?'

Luna smiled sadly, ''They… had to go away for a while, but I never forgot them. Eventually, I moved on and had Takeru; the rest is history.''

''I see'' Yuzu said.

Luna smiled. ''so, does that satisfy your curiosity?''

''Maybe,'' Yuzu said, ''there is one thing I don't get.''

''Oh, what's that?'' Luna said 

''Why come to this particular village?''

''After bandits attacked my homeland and I had nowhere to go, I decided to move to a peaceful village where I could raise Takeru in a calm environment. This place seemed like a nice option for that.

Yuzu narrowed her eyes. "Really? This your first time here?"

Luna sweated. "Uh, yes?"

"That's funny because when you first came to my house, you knew where everything was before I had a chance to show you around. You were aware of the picture and the plant my parents gave me, and you mentioned that you came to this village to see me."

Luna began sweating profusely. ''did I? That's odd.'' Luna started slowly backing away to the Kitchen doorway as Yuzu began approaching.

"What aren't you telling me?" Yuzu said. Then Luna tried to dash out of the kitchen, but Yuzu was quicker and jumped at Luna, initiating a dust cloud fight. The two rolled around the kitchen, bumping into the table and the counters and knocking over appliances. This continued for a minute until they stopped in the middle of the kitchen, with Yuzu pinning Luna to the floor.

''No more secrets, you blond bimbo; tell me everything now! ''Yuzu yelled, holding Luna's arm in an arm lock.

''Ow, ow, ow, ok! Ok! I will! just let go!'' Luna said, crying comical tears. Yuzu lets go as they both get up and sit at the table. 

''I'm waiting,'' Yuzu said, folding her arms and crossing her legs. Luna rubbed her sore arm and sighed.

"The truth is, I knew your parents before you were born. Well, I knew your mom, to be exact. She and I were close, almost like sisters. We grew up in the same village. When my parents got killed, she tried to comfort me and steer me on the right path, but I didn't listen, which resulted in my getting banned. Years after that, we met again. She told me she got married and had a daughter. She told me to visit her sometime, so I did."

Yuzu raised an eyebrow. ''mom never mentioned you.''

Luna giggled. ''that's because I told her not to.''


''Because I wanted it to be a surprise when I finally met you. I just wish it was under better circumstances.''

''What do you mean?''

''When you told me a man killed your parents, I knew it had to have been the same assassin that killed my parents. I came here to stop that man and get revenge, but I was too late.''

''Wait, are you telling me you knew about the assassination attempt?'' Yuzu said, surprised.

Luna nodded. Then, in the blink of an eye. Yuzu jumped over the table, grabbed Luna by the throat, and started strangling her.


''I tried, but I ran into trouble! I'm sorry, Yuzu!'' Luna said, gasping for air. Yuzu, let's go, as Luna tried to breathe again. 

''I'm so sorry, Yuzu'' Luna bowed and apologized.

Yuzu just sat on the table and cried.

''Are you ok, Yuzu?'' Luna asked, worried.

''Yeah,'' Yuzu wiped her tears. ''I know it's been a year, but I guess I'm now coming to terms that my parents are gone and are never coming back.''

Luna hugged Yuzu. "Oh sweetie, your mother always had a saying that it's never goodbye; it's love you later."

''My mom said that before she died, but I don't get what that means,'' Yuzu said. 

''It means that even though you are separated now, you will always reunite, even if it's just temporary; you'll see each other again.'' 

''I see'' Yuzu said.

''Listen, Yuzu, I'm sorry about what happened to your parents, but I promised your mom that I would take care of you if something happened if you'll allow me.''

''I guess I don't have a choice. I'll need somebody to take care of me, even if it is a nosy blond bimbo.''

''Hey!'' Luna mocked, gasped. ''How do you think I feel, having to take care of a violent, obnoxious brat?''

''Who are you calling obnoxious, bimbo?''

''Who you calling a bimbo, brat?''

The two shared a laugh that echoed throughout the house.

''Well, it's been a long night, so why don't you get some sleep?'' Luna said.

"Good idea," Yuzu yawned as she left the kitchen. She turned to Luna and flashed a genuine smile.

''Thank you, Luna,'' Yuzu said as she headed to her room.

Luna was taken aback a little bit before smiling.

''You're welcome, Yuzu.''


6 years later 

ring ring

Luna awoke to her alarm and got out of bed. She took a shower, dressed, and went to the kitchen. There, she was taken in by a delicious aroma. She entered the kitchen to find Yuzu standing on a stool before the stove, humming a tune. 

''Oh, good morning, Luna!'' Yuzu chirped.

Luna yawn ''Yuzu… I told you that is supposed to be my job.'' Luna sat at the table as Yuzu served her her meal and some coffee.

''And I told you that I'll handle it. You just relax and get ready for work,'' Yuzu said. Luna sighed, sipping her coffee.

Yuzu scanned the room ''hey, where's Takeru.''

''Still sleeping…''Luna said. Yuzu put her hands on her hips and pouted. 

''Geez, I told that boy breakfast was eight o clock sharp. I'll wake him up.'' Yuzu said, taking off her apron and heading out of the kitchen. 

Luna was deep in thought. A lot has changed in the last 6 years with the rise of the empire. The villages have grown considerably due to the empire's resources, although some villagers don't condone their methods. Luna was promoted as the patrolwoman and assistant of the village, taking care of the domestic side, while Gerard took care of the political side. The elder is still the head of the village, but his old age has left him bedridden for some time, and he has left most of the village decisions to Gerard and Luna.

Luna looks around the clean kitchen and at the food in front of her. She then glanced at the doorway where Yuzu was and smiled.

But the biggest change of all was Yuzu. After they talked, Yuzu asked Luna to teach her how to cook and clean. Luna even taught her how to fight using a ladle. Yuzu was not sure why she needed to learn how to fight, but Luna reassured her that she might need it just in case. As Luna was reminiscing, she heard shouting coming from the kitchen doorway. She saw Yuzu and Takeru arguing, Yuzu having a firm grip on Takeru's ear.

''Ow! Yuzu! That hurts! I'm up, I'm up! let go already!'' Takeru whined. Yuzu dragged Takeru through the kitchen and let go. Takeru rubs his sore ear, and Yuzu scolds him.

''When I say get up, you get up, got it, Mister?'' Yuzu said.

''Whatever," Takeru said, rolling his eyes.

The trio was having a lovely conversation while eating their breakfast. After a while, Takeru got up.

''Thanks for breakfast,'' Takeru said. ''I'm heading out to play with Ricky and Dave. As he was leaving, Luna stopped him. 

"Hey, wait!" Luna gasped. "Aren't you going to give your mommy a goodbye hug and kiss?"

Takeru scoffs ''uh no, Mom, I'm not a kid anymore."

Luna had a comical shocked expression, slumped over to Yuzu, and cried comical tears.

''My baby doesn't want love from his mommy anymore!!'' Luna wailed, hugging Yuzu.

''There there,'' Yuzu said softly, patting Luna's head. Takeru sweatdropped

''Anyway I'm off''Takeru said. 

''Ok, sweetie, Make sure to be careful out there,'' Luna said.

''And don't play too hard that you get a boo-boo,'' Yuzu said.

''And don't talk to strangers,'' Luna said. 

''And come home before it gets dark,'' Yuzu said. 


''I GOT IT!'' Takeru yelled and then sighed and walked out of the house. 

''Geez,'' Yuzu pouted. "We are just looking out for him; he doesn't need to be so grumpy about it."

Luna giggled. ''he's at that age where he wants to act tough and doesn't want his mommies cuddling him.''

 ''I guess so.'' Yuzu crosses her arms in a thinking motion. ''to think he used to be such a crybaby back then. He sure changed a lot.''

Luna smiled. 'He's not the only one that changed.'

Yuzu looked up to Luna and cocked her head ''what'' she said. 

''Oh, nothing, well I should be off. I have to do my village duties,'' Luna said.

''Make sure you don't work too hard and be back here by dinner.''

Luna rolled her eyes and smiled ''yes, Mom," Luna said as she walked out of the house.



Luna stood in front of the elder's house as the villagers surrounded her, each villager yelling a complaint or concern.

''My garden has wilted. What do I do?!'' a male villager said 

''I tried to make the omelet like you did but couldn't get it exactly right. what did I do wrong?!'' A female housewife said.

Luna sighed. ''calm down. I'll take care of it. Just go about your day.''

The villagers went on their way as Luna sat in the elder chair and sighed again; just then, a cold beverage pressed against her cheek. 

 Luna, startled, looked up to find Gerard smiling down at her, holding two canned beverages. 

''Hey there'' Gerard said.

''Gerard…'' Luna said 

Gerard handed Luna the can, leaned back against the elder house, and took a sip from his can. 

''Everything going ok?'' Gerard said.

''Yeah,'' Luna said before deadpanning, ''I just wish the villagers wouldn't come to me for every little thing.'' Gerard chuckled. 

''That's to be expected when your baby them, Luna,'' Gerard said.

"Hey, I wasn't trying to baby them!'' Luna said, puffing her cheeks. ''I just wanted to help them a little, but now they expect me to do everything!'' Luna opened her can and sipped." So how is it going on your end?''

''Pretty well,'' Gerard said. I managed to secure the protection of the empire. As long as we pay their taxes, they will provide us with the necessary things we need to ... what?'' Gerard stopped noticing Luna's deadpan stare.

''Oh, nothing, ''Luna said. ''It's just you get the exciting job while I'm stuck here taking care of an entire village!'' Luna gets up and shakes Gerard, comically crying ''trade places with me!!'' 

''L-luna, c-calm down,'' Gerard said, pushing Luna off him. ''The elder gave us these roles because they best suit both of our skills. I'm a good negotiator, and you're good at housekeeping and caring for others.'' Gerard chuckled. And besides Luna, you're complaining now, but I know you wouldn't give this up for the world.'

Luna turned her head and pouted, which turned into a smile. 

''Yes, you're right.''

Luna and Gerard continued their drinks while surveying the village; meanwhile, Takeru was out playing with his friends.

''So, what do you guys want to play?'' Takeru asked.

''Let's play catch!'' A boy said excited.

''We played that yesterday Dave'' another boy said rolling his eyes ''let's play something new.''

''Like what Ricky?'' Dave said. 

''How about Monster Mash?'' Ricky said. 

''What that?'' Dave said, confused. 

''It's where we find a monster and mash it!''

''That sounds stupid'' Takeru scoffed. Ricky glared at Takeru. 

''Then what do you think we should play?''

''I think we should play- ''


The three turn to find Yuzu standing there.

''Yuzu?! What are you doing here?'' Takeru said, surprised. 

''You forgot your lunch, silly!'' Yuzu said, handing him a boxed lunch. Takeru takes the lunch with an embarrassed look as his friends laugh at him.

''T-thanks Yuzu, you can go now...'' Takeru said, pushing Yuzu away.

''Hold on, Mister,'' Yuzu said, stopping Takeru. She gets a good look at Takeru and notices something. 

''You're all dirty!'' Yuzu pulled out a handkerchief and said, "Here, let me clean you up." She proceeded to wash Takeru's face, much to his chagrin.

''S-stop it, Yuzu, you're embarrassing me,'' Takeru said as his friends laughed harder.

''Hey, Takeru, having fun with your "mommy"? Ricky chuckled. Takeru glared.

''Shut up-''Takeru began saying before Yuzu stepped in front of him.

''Hey, don't make fun of my Takeru! ''Yuzu scolded. 

''Your Takeru? Don't tell me you think you're his mom or something,'' Ricky said amusedly.

''Of course not. Takeru is his own man. I just take care of all his needs, feed him, wake him up, and bathe him—that's all,'' Yuzu said. Takeru blushed. The boys laughed.

''What, do you change his diaper too?'' Ricky chuckled.

Yuzu put her hands on her hips ''Hey, I'll have you now. I haven't changed Takeru's underwear since he was eight.'' Yuzu said. The boys laughed harder. At this point, Takeru was as red as a tomato.

"Wow, Takeru, I didn't know you were such a momma boy," Ricky said.

''I am not-''Takeru said

''Hey!'' Yuzu interrupted, ''I told you to leave my Takeru alone!'' 

Ricky raised his eyebrows ''Takeru, don't tell me you're going to let this flat-chested girl fight your battles for you?'' 

''F-flat chested?'' Yuzu says, twitching. 

Ricky laughed ''Yeah, you look more like a boy to me.''

''Me too'' Dave added 

''WHY YOU… ''Yuzu said with a fiery aura and an angry tick mark. 

''WHY I OUTTA!!" Yuzu pulls out her ladle and charges at the two boys.

''YUZU NO!!''Takeru says, trying to stop Yuzu from hurting his friends, but it's too late as Yuzu jumps on the boys, staring at a dust cloud fight between them. Meanwhile, Gerard and Luna watch from the Elder's house.

''Uh, shouldn't you stop that?'' Gerard asked.

Luna just nonchalantly drinks her can ''Are you crazy? I'm not getting in the middle of that,''

''But solving disputes in the village is your job!'' 

''I'm on break right now.'' 


''Luna's not here right now; leave a message after the beep.''

''Your impossible...'' Gerard said, exasperated.

Luna finishes her drink and throws it in the trash ''Anyway, let's report to the elder.''

''Yeah, good idea,'' Gerard said as the two entered the elder house. 


 The elder house

Luna and Gerard stood at the elder's bedside as he lay in bed. He looked up at the two and smiled weakly. 

''Hello Luna and Gerard, ''the Elder said.

''Hey old timer'' Gerard said ''how do you feel?'' 

''I've been better,'' the Elder sighed. "How is the village?"

''It's doing well. I managed to secure the village's protection. The empire should provide the supplies we need from now on.''

''Very good''' the Elder replied'' and the villagers?"

''They are well-'' Gerard said

''They are a big pain in my butt, is what there are!''Luna interrupted a tick mark on her forehead. Gerard sweatdropped. The Elder chuckled.

''I see they keep you busy,'' the Elder laughed before coughing and hacking.

''Elder!'' Luna and Gerard said worriedly. 

''I'm fine,'' the Elder reassured. I just wish I were in better shape to help.''

''It ok Elder'' Gerard said ''we can handle the village''

''But,'' the Elder protested.

''Hey, it's fine,'' Luna said in a motherly tone. "You just rest up and leave the rest to us.''

"Thank you, you two. I'm counting on you both," the elder said sincerely. Luna and Gerard nodded and smiled. After chatting for a while, the alarm went off. Hearing this, Luna got up.

"Well, it's time for your lunch, Elder. I'll start preparing it now. "As Luna was heading towards the kitchen, Gerard stopped her.

''Hey Luna?'' Gerard said.

''Yes? ''Luna responded.

''After you finish, can you meet me in the forest area? I need to talk to you.''

Luna was confused. She then smiled.

''Sure thing, Gerard.'' 

Gerard smiled, ''OK, then I'll check the village. I'll leave you two to it.'' Luna waved goodbye as Gerard left the house.

''Gerard is such a good guy, don't you think?'' the Elder asked Luna. At that, Luna turned to the elder with a serious expression.

''Elder, we need to talk,'' Luna said.

The elder was taken aback by her sudden change in demeanor. ''Is something the matter, Luna?''

''What I'm about to tell you might sound crazy, but it's all true,'' Luna said.

The elder nodded slowly ''ok, I'm listening."

Luna took a deep breath. "The truth is-"


Gerard stood in the forest area waiting for Luna.

'What's taking so long?' Gerard thought, tapping his foot impatiently and fidgeting with his pockets. After a minute or two, Luna arrived. 

"I'm sorry'' Luna bowed ''I hope you weren't waiting long.''

''Not at all,'' Gerard said, chuckling nervously. 

The two stood in awkward silence.

''So what do you what talk about?'' Luna said.

Gerard nervously looked down and said, "Luna, I just want to say that you are an amazing person. You're sweet, caring, kind, and beautiful. I've never met someone quite like you. I've always liked you since the day we met, and I believe this is destiny.' so I have to ask,'' Gerard reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black box. Gerard gets down on one knee and opens the box, revealing a ring. ''Luna Noche, will you marry me?" Luna looks at Gerard with an unreadable expression. Gerard looked on nervously. 

''Luna?'' Gerard said. Luna continued to stare. She then smiled.

''I like you too, Gerard.''

Gerard beamed ''so then!- 

''Not just you but the elder, the villagers, and Yuzu. I like you all.''

''That's great, Luna, but...''Gerard said, confused. 

''When I first came to this village, I didn't know what to expect. I thought the villagers would reject me, but they welcomed me with open arms. The elder has been so kind to me, and the villagers, although a pain in the neck, are very nice people.''

''Uh…''Gerard said. 

''But the most unexpected development was Yuzu.'' 

Gerard was silent. Luna continued turning around and crossing her arms behind her back. 

''When you guys first told me about her, I was surprised to find a little girl in a similar situation when I was younger." Luna thought back to the fights and arguments they had gotten into. " Although she was stubborn and violent, I couldn't ignore her. I wanted to help her move past her parents' death and live a good life and not end up like me. And now look at her. I know her parents are looking down, proud of their little girl."

Luna turned to Gerard and smiled brightly. 

"I love her so much."

Gerard looks down and shakes his fists." Why?"

''Hm? Luna replied.

''WHY!!!'' Gerard yelled angrily. Luna was taken aback.

''Gerard?'' Luna said, surprised.

Gerard gets up, throws the box on the ground, and snatches Luna roughly by the arm, fury in his eyes.

''It's always 'Yuzu this' Yuzu that' first her now you?! What about me?! I've busted my ass trying to help this village, and all I ask is for love and affection. But everywhere I turn, I hear, 'Isn't Yuzu wonderful? isn't she amazing?' Yuzu Yuzu Yuzu' I'm tired of hearing it!!''

''Gerard, you're hurting me," Luna said, trying to escape Gerard's grip. "It's about time that I get what I want for a change," Gerard said as he pinned Luna down to the ground.

''Gerard, please don't,'' Luna begged. Gerard ignored her as he proceeded to lift her dress and began caressing her.

''I said stop!" Luna shouted, kneeing Gerard in the groin. Gerard crumpled in a heap as Luna fixed her dress, got up, and ran away. Gerard snapped out of it and shook his head.

''Luna, wait!" Gerard said, but it was too late as Luna was already gone.


 Yuzu house 

Luna returns home, shaken by what happened between her and Gerard. Just then, she hears shouting from the kitchen. She enters the kitchen and finds Yuzu and Takeru arguing at the table.

"What's wrong with you?!" Takeru shouts.

"I'm sorry, Takeru," Yuzu apologizes, "but they were making fun of us! They had it coming!"

"That doesn't mean you can do that!"

Yuzu turned her head sideways. "I don't think what I did was that bad."

"Wasn't that bad?!" Takeru exclaims. "You spanked them! You can't just spank my friends, Yuzu!"

Despite the situation, Luna couldn't help but giggle at that remark.

"I said I was sorry! I was just looking out for you!" Yuzu said.

"I don't need you looking out for me! You're not my mom, Yuzu! I already have my mom annoying me as it is!"

"Hey, she's just trying to care for you, even if she is annoying," Yuzu said. Luna deadpanned, an angry tick mark on her forehead.

"Just stay out of my business, you crazy girl!"

"What did you say?!"

"That's enough!"

The two stopped arguing and turned to Luna.

''I had a long day today. The last thing I need is you two bickering," Luna sighed. "Yuzu, I appreciate you looking out for my son, but you can't take matters into your own hands like that. Now I have to talk to their parents."

Yuzu looked down. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Luna said. She turned to Takeru. "Takeru, Yuzu just had your best interest at heart."

Takeru scoffed. "Yeah, right, she just wants to run my life."

"That's not true!" Yuzu yelled. "I just wanted—"

"Wanted to what? Help?! You embarrassed me in front of my friends, and you beat them up. Now, because of your 'help,' my friends hate me and want nothing to do with me because of you!"

"That's enough out of you, young man. Go to your room."

"But, mom—"

"Room, now," Luna said sternly.

Takeru grumbled and walked towards the kitchen doorway; he stopped at the doorway and looked back at Yuzu.

"Next time you want to help, just don't," Takeru said as he walked out of the kitchen. Yuzu looked down, dejected. Luna patted her head.

"Hey, it's okay. He was just upset; he didn't mean it," Luna said.

"He's right, though," Yuzu said, tearing up. "I shouldn't have gotten involved. Now Takeru hates me."

"Oh, sweetie, he doesn't hate you. You two just disagreed, that's all. I'm sure you two will be friends again by tomorrow."


Luna bowed down to Yuzu's level and pressed her forehead against hers.

"Listen to me, Yuzu. You are a kind and caring individual who only wants the best for others."

''Luna?'' Yuzu said. 

''At first, I didn't know what to make of you; you were a rude and foulmouthed little brat-''

''Hey!'' Yuzu interrupted. Luna continued.

"But over time, you have grown into an exceptional girl. Sure, you can be stubborn and overbearing, but that kind and gentle nature is what makes you you. You are not a witch of death but an angel of life, and I love you."

Yuzu stood there, unsure of what Luna meant. Luna smiled and kissed Yuzu on the forehead.

''Now go on and get to bed. If it's not too much to ask, I would like to tuck you in like I used to.''

'' Luna, you don't need to.'' 

 ''Yes I do please'' Luna begged. 

"Uh, sure," Yuzu said, taken aback.

''Thank you," Luna said as Yuzu made her way out of the kitchen. Luna was thinking. 

'Kentaro, Mami, I know you're looking down at your daughter and seeing how much she has grown. I know you're very proud of her,' She nervously glanced around the kitchen.

'Still, even though everything is going as it should be, I can't help but worry if I'm doing the right thing. Did I make a mistake somewhere?'

Luna reached into her dress and pulled out a picture. She looked at the picture somberly.

'Tell me, do you think I'm doing the right thing? What would you have done if you were in my position?'

Luna stared at the picture for an eternity, then sighed.

"You're right."

Luna returns the picture in her dress and walks towards the kitchen doorway. She glances back at the kitchen.

"Only time will tell."