Highschool, Oh highschool the most exciting time of anyone's life ofcourse if you are not being bullied and me with only a bunch of friends that can be counted on my finger tips. Yes, you've guessed right and am a loner.
For as long as I have remembered, time alone can not be matched with anything else. I like watching tv, and mostly playing games.
Oh sorry, I almost forgot introducing myself, am James by the way. My closest friend is Jake and is always pushing me to interact and almost creating situations that are hard to escape.
Life as I wanted it to be changed when someone said "excuse me." We have six years of highschool and things where going well, I mean four years without drama or anything I can't control.
It was a history seminar early in the morning with excitement and anticipation all around the place ofcourse for those who didn't hate school. Being one of the bright students I had to take one of the front seats as I couldn't disappoint the teachers.
Being a back-bencher was always interpreted as a sign of unseriousness and of course most of the funny comments would come from there. Many students who wanted to avoid questions would always hide in the back.