Eeee, eee, eee, eee! Sento cried as she walked in front of her father, striking the dew- laden to the was about harvest time.sento and her father had leave the village before Dawn to scare the birds away from the drying rice.this was the season when birds and rudiments went wild to get their own share of the harvest .this season that bought back plenty of rice to the people , following the season when the people mostly depend on gari,cassava,foofoo,and yam.the harvest season was a season of real war between man, animals,and birds for the control of the farm .ten years old sento was the last of the three children and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs alie kanu.her elder brothers amadu and karimu,were grownups and they now lived their individual lives with their wives and children
This situation made sento become the only assistant in the home of her parents.she was now doing most of the work that used to be done by her elder brothers while they were under parental care . though her father love her very much,he could not avoid using her for some tedious domestic activites,being the only child left in the home.He knew sento was not mature enough,but he had no choice.On her part,yabome kanu,sento's mother, believed that if children of sento's age group could do domestic work for their parents,sento should be able to do the same for her.